The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0316, the fallen Monkey King

"Welcome the king to Xitian Palace, I am the head of the shrine, Kufazuka Mikihiko." The ordinary-looking young man greeted him, holding a small sword in his arms.The scabbard and hilt are both white wood, which looks like a treasure with a long history.

"If the king wants to meet the Lord Shenjun, Miss Guang must carry this. This knife is like the Shenjun, a treasure sword that guards the Western Heaven Palace." Jiufazuka Mikihiko explained the situation enthusiastically.

So Nie Kong and the others were taken to the depths of the Xitian Temple, where there was an ancient ancestral hall, like the kind of very unpretentious ancestral halls often seen on the roadside in the countryside.

There are low trees growing around, peach trees with exorcism effect.Around the ancestral hall and Taomu, there are ropes spreading in all directions, releasing a strong curse. This rope is probably a barrier.

"This is the ancestral hall of the monkey god. Then" the young man at Jiufazhong stepped back, and only the Zhulian rope was in front of him.

Nie Kong's spiritual consciousness secretly looked at the ancestral hall, but could not see anything.Although only the tattered lattice windows are blocking it, the interior is completely dark, as if there is a gap blocking it.

"There must be a maiden in the ancestral hall to weaken Bi Mawen's seal before it can be opened." Under Nie Kong's gaze, Guang placed his hand on the Zhulian rope.The thick rope made of grass fell to the ground, and the curse power scattered around disappeared. It was the evil power that the light used the other day.But this is the barrier that seals the gods, the current light can't be completely eliminated without the strength, and it will naturally recover after the time limit.

"Then Wang will be ready, I will open it..." Guang opened the lattice door of the ancestral hall to reveal the scene inside.

"I'll go in first, please follow me, Wang, please follow me... Mr. Jiufazhong, I'm so sorry that I have made so many headstrong requests to you." Gan Yan next to Xin Chao thanked him.

"You're welcome, if I can help the king, I'm very proud of you, please go slowly." Jiufazuka Mikihiko replied in a voice that did not undulate, and said nothing.There was no movement of the body, and it felt like a dead clock.Nie Kong suddenly felt that the youth's appearance was very strange, his expression covering the surrounding kilometers with a solemn expression.

When he saw the strange surroundings, Nie Kong's mouth was filled with a faint smile, and his red eyes cast into the distance as if he could penetrate the space.

"Wang...Wang, why are you staying outside? Hurry up and we won't wait for you." Huina, who had already entered the shrine, waved her pretty little hand at Nie Kong.

"I'll come here." When the seal was not closed, Nie Kong caught up with the women.

At the same time, the god ancestor outside Xitian Palace Shrine sweated a lot, and his pale face looked bloodless.

"The new God Killer has discovered that Jiufazuka Mikihiko is under my control. It's really amazing."

"Did he actually discover your magic? Is the plan to stop?" To prepare for Master's trip to Japan, this was Lu Yinghua's mission.For this, I traveled from Hong Kong to Japan and traveled to and from Xitian Temple several times.He rushed into the house of Jiufazhong, which was guarding the Xitian Palace, and used the witch's technique to win over the chief’s son, and asked him to reveal the seal of Bi Mawen. If there is any need, she was brought to the Xitian Palace and prepared for the release of the seal. .

Regarding this matter today, the busiest and hardest person is actually Lu Yinghua.My master has already followed up. Will the master return without success like a hundred years ago?Especially now that there is such a powerful godslayer in it, will the master be the opponent?

"No... it's okay, he didn't break through us but walked into the shrine as usual." Recalling Nie Kong's red pupils before leaving still made Angela feel palpitations.

"Since he didn't stop the action according to the plan, Wang's idea is beyond our conjecture." Lu Yinghua said so, and immediately began to prepare for the release of Bi Mawen's seal.

The inside of the shrine is completely dark.And Athena quite liked the dark atmosphere here, and seemed very active.

"Wang, let's hold hands, and my concubine walks you in the dark." Without Nie Kong's promise, Athena's five jade-like slender fingers wrapped around Nie Kong's right hand.The girl’s unique touch is so gentle.

Nie Kong, who has a vision, can see his surroundings clearly, but the girls don't have this ability.He stretched his left hand back, holding Athena's fingers while holding Jinghua's fingers with his right hand.

"We hold each other's hands and move forward, don't fall behind." After walking for a few minutes, Nie Kong felt that he had entered the secluded space.

"Wang... have you found it? We are now in Youshi, the world we have entered before... The road in the ancestral hall of the Xitian Temple is probably the corridor between the present and the Youshi!" That is to say, the shrine that sealed the Monkey King. Is it in a space crack?

"The enchantment of the sealed gods...this is also possible if you think about it. But we don't seem to have any problems, do you feel discomfort in your body?" Erica asked. Normal humans should not be able to adapt to the secluded world. Environment?

"Because this is a cage where the gods are closed, it is isolated from other places in Youshi." The few women have already analyzed the surrounding situation clearly through their powerful spiritual awareness skills.

While several people were talking, they finally saw the exit, which was more than ten meters away.

Going through the quadrangular cave, there is a dilapidated hut where no one lives, and the house is roughly in the shape of a stable.

"Ah...Look, Wang, there is a monkey there." The light of the treasure knife in his arms, pointing to the corner of the stable.

There is a monkey lying on the hay. Its coat is very bright, similar to golden body hair.It is about 80 cm in length.Seeing the figure of the monkey, Nie Kong was convinced that the second dimension had destroyed Lao Sun so thoroughly.How could such a desolate monkey be Monkey King Monkey King, kill him, leaving him in the world will only destroy the image of old grandson in my heart.

All the women were in a state of alert, especially Athena's white fingers were firmly holding Nie Kong's palm.

"Welcome to my palace, I haven't had any guests for a long time, and there are still godslayers!" The monkey who replied with a bright voice, his actions were very similar to humans, just like a child jumping from a bed .

But he was not afraid of Nie Kong, but looked at Nie Kong and Athena with interest.The zombie actually likes the godslayer, am I right?

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