The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body text 0321, kill

Jinghua has no combat experience, so she stays behind to watch the battle.With her hands clasped tightly, she could only pray that Nie Kong and the others were safe.Six sacred apes created by Monkey King, two rides were divided into two, Wanligu sisters and Xin three maidens with relatively low strength scores one, Athena easily dealt with one, and Hui Na, who was carrying the sky cluster cloud sword, got one. only.The last one was intercepted by Luo Hao's apprentice Lu Yinghua.

The spacious Xitian Palace has long been turned into ruins, and they are fighting in the ruins.After all, the girls have gone through several years of double cultivation, so they can easily cope with Monkey King's apes transformed by the fairy method.

"Wait a minute, I will use all my magical powers one after another. I will defeat the great sage of the Trinity...Nie Kong, take a good look at the heroic struggle of the predecessors, as your future learning goals." Even if you are injured, you still want to stand up and win. , This is Luo Cuilian's pride.

"Luo Cuilian..." Nie Kong called out her real name again, which was a familiar name in China.

"If you want me to say a few times, don't call out my name directly!" Luo Cuilian said with blushing cheeks and nodding with the familiar name.

"It doesn't matter what this kind of thing is now. You can't defeat the monkey at all. Don't say that you have to fight alone. The monkey is left to me to deal with it, and the responsibility of his two juniors is left to you." Nie Kong looked into the girl's eyes and said his thoughts.The fighting power of the monkey is much weaker than that of the devil in the world of daddy. It should be solved quickly.

If the demon king of the world of daddy has 400 combat effectiveness, then the monkey has a cap of two hundred and five.

"You are really wayward, okay. It is the obligation of the senior to promise the willful request of the younger generation, and I will not object to it. As your senior, I will approve you to join our army lineup in this competition. Luo Hao will fight side by side." Monkey King Luo Hao couldn't win, let alone the addition of his two juniors.And there was blood remaining in her little mouth, and it was obvious that the damage that King Kong Warrior had just received had affected herself.

"Let's go, juniors." Following Monkey King's order, Zhu Gang has grown from two meters to about fifteen meters, and has three sides and six arms like Ashura.

In short, add a pig face on the left and right sides of the face, and add a pair of arms from the left and right shoulders.All six arms were holding various weapons, and his body was still dark armor.

Pig Gang took a step with a strange body.Boom, the earth shook.

"Use the long-lost navy commander's ability...General Juan Lianzhi flexibly commanded the navy army and expelled all the evil spirits and demons-Zhaolongyu!"

As soon as the deep sand god finished singing, the water column rushed from the tens of meters deep into the sky, and the water flow became a dragon under his control.The dragon with its head bent is awe-inspiring, almost like a statue of water.

Next is the Monkey King, the Monkey King who led the two gods. He stepped on the golden cloud again and often rose up and rushed towards the sky.The 2 vs. 3 battle is finally about to begin.

"Peerless beauty, a godslayer like Chang'e! Being the opponent of my Canopy Marshal, Grandpa Zhu Gang, couldn't be better!" Perceiving Zhu Bajie's sight of evil hope, Luo Cuilian frowned.As if the anger was ignited, arrogance erupted from her shoulders, and the golden wrestler who had just been exploded by Monkey King appeared.

But Li Shi looked very weak, and it seemed that he had not fully recovered from Monkey King's blow, but his strength was still very strong.

"Oh...what kind of weird power is this?" Zhu Ganglu was thrown out by the King Kong Warrior, and the lecherous giant was violently thrown into the distance.

With the sound of the earth moving, Luo Hao took his subordinate King Kong Warriors and ran to the fallen giant.Zhu Ganglu stood up at a speed that did not match his huge body, and summoned a six-armed weapon.

"Dragon, annihilate those people--" The water dragon suddenly erupted, and the part of the water dragon stepped on by the Shensha God decomposed the body and splashed on Luo Hao.Luo Hao jumped back to avoid this attack, and the water formed a strong current to tear the plains of the battlefield!

The pig head god in black and black armor + the deep sand god who controls the water VS Luo Cuilian, the three began to fight.

"If that's the case, let's start too. Are you ready? A kid named Nie Kong!" Faced with the Great Sage Qitian who jumped from the golden cloud, Nie Kong acted calmly.From the previous battles of Monkey King, Nie Kong knew that he had the ability to speed up, the ability to grow larger at will, the immortal method, and five characteristics of the hero of steel.

"Don't talk nonsense, let me solve you with one trick."

A few drops of blood came out from the outstretched right hand, and the golden blood gleaming towards the Monkey King in front.With a scream, the terrifying energy contained in the golden blood drop made Monkey King suddenly change color.

Monkey Wukong, who possesses superb speed and power, barely escaped the counterattack of the blood drop, but the blood drop unexpectedly changed direction and stabbed him behind him.The clanging sound, the golden blood ball hit him back as if hitting an iron block, and then it was blown 100 meters away.But the appearance of no damage at all, the steel body is really disgusting.

"Blast..." Although Nie Kong didn't pierce into Monkey King's body, Nie Kong exploded a golden drop of blood.There was a loud noise, and a gray mushroom cloud appeared within a kilometer range.

The women who were fighting all stopped, resisting the wind pressure generated by the blood explosion.The dust dissipated, a few hundred meters deep pit appeared in front, and the surrounding mountains were all flattened.

The part of the deep pit is Monkey King, who has a steel body, but he is bleeding all over his body at this time, and all his golden hair is dyed red.Although the defense has been strengthened, catching Nie Kong's blood burst without death is considered very powerful.

"The god of non-compliance, Sun Wukong, let me obliterate your name." Nie Kong walked towards Sun Wukong, but Sun Wukong actually stood up with his severe injuries.

"Sure... it's amazing, but I still have the trump card. This is to prevent something prepared in case. So, I haven't lost yet..."

Monkey King's golden cudgel suddenly stretched out, picking Angela several hundred meters away in front of him.That was the body of the ancestor An Jiela, but her body was reduced, and it was simply a personal ginseng.Even in this state, Angela seemed to be still alive, making a faint breathing sound.

Monkey King used the fairy method to bite down the shrunken witch, ah... he screamed like a soul flying, but Monkey King chewed with his teeth and jaw indifferently, and then swallowed her...

In the next instant, an extremely terrifying divine power poured out from Qitian Great Sage's body!

"Haha... After eating the snake god, I can fully recover! The unparalleled old grandson is back again, let's continue the battle!" After eating Angela, the originally badly injured Monkey King actually seemed to have eaten Xiandou no matter it was All strength or injuries are restored to their best condition.

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