The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0322I want you to be my wife

Faced with the very dangerous Nie Kong, Monkey King was extremely vigilant.He has no snake gods to devour, and no chance of resurrection.

"Are you completely recovered, but how can you stop my next move?" The golden blood cells condensed on the fingertips, and there was no nonsense Nie Kong directly resorted to killing.The amount of blood was actually twice as much as before, and Monkey King knew that even if he had a steel body, he would definitely be crushed.

"Don't underestimate the old grandson, I am the Monkey King, Monkey King!" With a roar, Monkey King's 1.6M height began to grow wildly.In the blink of an eye, he was transformed into a super Donkey Kong directly from a small monkey.

Hundreds of large monkeys seemed to be able to pick stars and steal the moon, their heads stretched into the clouds, and there were no high mountains in the surroundings for more than ten kilometers.

"Knowing that I have blood burst skills, you can actually expand yourself into a target. It's stupid." Monkey King's physique is as magnificent as a mountain, and he can hit him even with his spiritual sense closed.

"You want to figure out what I think, so let me watch it!" Monkey King gave a soft voice, and used the technique of releasing clones one after another!Monkey King increased to about six and trampled on Nie Kong.

What is the concept of six hundreds of monkeys trampling on the ground? The sound of footsteps quaked a radius of a hundred li as if a magnitude seven or eight earthquake had occurred.With a kilometer-long golden cudgel in their hands, six incomparable and sensitive god monkeys descended from the air.

Ruyi's golden cudgel swung down, and Nie Kong leaped back and flashed for a kilometer.Accompanied by the loud bang, the soil cracked dozens of miles.

"It turns out that the Great Sage didn't use his full strength just now, it's a shame that he actually looked down on me so much." While fighting against two junior Sun Wukong juniors, Luo Hao watched Nie Kong and their battle.

"Haha...The big brother started the monkey crazy, even we are very scared. Although he is very powerful, but even if you count you in, it is not the opponent of the senior brother at this time!" Zhu Bajie used it fast enough to leave an afterimage at a super high speed Moving extremely terribly at super high speed, five weapons uninterruptedly attacked the King Kong Warrior, with three heads and six arms now looking like thirty heads and sixty arms, sixty heads and one hundred and twenty arms.At the same time, he laughed triumphantly, confident in his senior brother's strength.But the demon leader who can bear this fierce offensive, her martial arts is fundamentally a magical skill.

Unlike Zhu Bajie, who continued his offensive, the position where the Vajra Warriors stood has never changed. The Master Station controlled his waving posture and barely blocked his fierce attack.

"Second brother is right, today all of you will die in the hands of our brothers and three gods." Shensha God chanted the word spirit, and the clouds floating in the sky gathered together to form a slender shape.The surface emits a shining light and the whole body is transparent. It will soon become like a dragon, gathering the moisture in the clouds and the atmosphere to form a new water dragon.And there is not only one, the water dragon is born one after another, plus the one that the god of deep sand rides, there are all nine.

The nine water dragons continuously changed and exchanged positions, opening their fierce jaws and biting them.Luo Hao resorted to the Dragon Yin and Tiger Howl Dafa to defeat the attacking water current.However, he still couldn't avoid it all. When he was rubbed against his arm by the long neck of one of the water dragons, Luo Hao really felt a sense of fear.

The arm was only slightly rubbed, and blood was leaked from the wound.The water dragon is full of swords, does it have the power to tear everything it touches?

Luo Hao rose sharply with the wind, and then fell sharply.Like a swallow flying downwind on the beach, it flies back and forth flexibly to avoid the wave-like waterjet attack from the dragon's hair.

However, Luo Hao certainly didn't think he could escape this way.The combined attack of the two gods was too intensive, and Luo Hao knew that he would not last long.He is the supreme demon king who commanded the world to die in the hands of two unobservable gods?

"Hehe, just by virtue of the shabby appearance of the King Kong Warrior, it is impossible to win me without the consciousness of death. It does not matter if you surrender here. In this way, I can love your icy and clean skin..." Zhu Bajie stopped his movements and showed a vulgar smile, showing his nature.

Useless, unwilling, humiliated... Luo Hao is like a defeated rooster, and she looks so embarrassed when she is beautiful.She turned to look at Nie Kong and found that he was blasting Monkey King's clone with golden drops of blood.There were four more avatars of Monkey King. While the four giant avatars blocked Nie Kong from attacking each other, they swung a huge stick at Nie Kong.

"It turns out that Nie Kong has the advantage, but is it because there is no relevant information about Monkey King! If this way, we still have a glimmer of hope for victory!" After gritting his teeth, Luo Hao first ordered the two King Kong warriors to block the two. The god, then clutched his injured arm and rushed towards Nie Kong in the distance.

With a loud noise, Nie Kong once again blasted the hundreds of meters-old Monkey King into powder.But they only killed the clone, they resisted each other and shielded the real body.Nie Kong found that Sun Wukong had been underestimated, and his strength was now close to that of the green-haired demon of his dad.Some upset Nie Kongcha brought you a huge blood burst to smooth the radius, but worried that several women would be affected.Two drops is already the limit. If there are more, it is estimated that several women will be killed by themselves.

"Forget a few monkeys, control the four drops of blood and kill them separately." When Nie Kong just wanted to drain the blood from his body, he felt something unusually fast approaching.

"As a martial arts supreme, I agree with your ability. But the unparalleled hero and god Monkey King is always my enemy. It seems a pity to let go of the opportunity to solve him by himself." Suddenly heard the call in my ear, It was Luo Cuilian who gave the order in the tone of a superior.

The next moment, the stunning beauty appeared in front of Nie Kong.Luo Cuilian was the one who looked at from the upper person's line of sight. That's right, the other person has the beauty of a closed moon and a shameful flower.It turns out that she used the two King Kong Warriors to block the two gods who did not follow.

"What are you doing here?" Nie Kong said out of temper.

"From today, I allow you to call me sister. As the saying goes, I don’t know each other, so I want to marry you. Let me be my sister to guide you to defeat Monkey King. And righteous brother, you have to give me ten points. Respect, and fulfill the duty of filial piety." Luo Cuilian's pale face smiled slightly, a lovely smile like the sun reviving after a storm.

"I'm..." When Nie Kong just wanted to speak, Luo Cuilian clung to Nie Kong and kissed him suddenly.

"If it's a younger brother, there is no such thing as male and female giving or receiving or refuting the world. I want to pass on the knowledge of Monkey King to you, so don't mess around for now."

She spit out the spirit of knowledge about Monkey King.Countless Monkey King’s knowledge flowed into Nie Kong’s mind.

"I don't want you to be my sister, I want you to be my Nie Kong's wife!" When the two exchanged knowledge, Luo Cuilian suddenly came up with Nie Kong's words in her mind.

"Stupid... fool, I... I, Luo Hao, is a warrior who rules the world, how can I be... your wife..."

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