The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0323, new skills

She didn't wear lipstick, but her thin lips seemed to shine with a smooth pink.Her body fluid carries a light fragrance that is exclusive to her. It is hard to imagine that a two-hundred-year-old MM will be so beautiful.

Nie Kong bit Luo Cuilian's lips, his lips and teeth intersected.The two exchange saliva naturally, mixing in each other's mouth.The eyes that are always full of sharp and arrogance are closed as if intoxicated, and the cheeky face is full of rare expressions, and there is an unbearable cuteness.

"It is precisely because the dragon and the snake can yield that the Monkey King can become the god of the apes. In China, there has been a legend of monkeys guarding the horses since ancient times. Just like the excellent steeds were called dragon horses in ancient times, dragons and horses are very The existence of closeness, so it is said that the pegasus is the dragon and the like. Before the ancient times, the appearance of the dragon was called a horse with a horn. The dragon and the snake were originally different races, and both had the fate of being driven away by the hero of steel. Before you know it, you will become a compatriot with the same little differences." The sweet voice echoed in Nie Kong's mind, and it was Luo Cuilian's teaching.

"Speaking of Monkey King, one would think that Master Sanzang’s attendants were gods created through the confusion of gods of various religions and folk beliefs, such as Buddhism and Taoism. Although he is a god of apes, he has a deep connection with iron. The steel god of steel! The key to interpreting his supernatural power is the formation process of Journey to the West... He first guarded Tianma by Bi Mawen and initially possessed the essence of steel hero. Then he stole the heavenly elixir and peaches, and finally stayed in the alchemy furnace to refine and refine into steel... "The whispering whisper was like a spring breeze, stroking Nie Kong's heart.The gentle tip of Peerless Beauty's tongue slowly left his mouth.But the kneaded fragrance liquid connected the two like silver threads, as if to narrate the bond they formed.

"I already understand, leave the rest to me." Nie Kong held down her beautiful collarbone, then gently licked her vermilion lips, picking the bond between the two into his mouth.

"Wow... I dare to take away the beautiful lady of the old pig, so angry that the old pig..." Zhu Ba Jiedou, who has resolved the King Kong Warriors, has big eyes full of jealousy and stared at the two people who were holding them intimately. stop.

"My righteous brother, let's work hard with my sister's share...but...but to marry my sister, I didn't...I didn't agree." The shy face concealed the paleness of her injury, and the whiteness was red. The skin shows an amazing morbid beauty.Luo Cuilian pushed away Nie Kong, who was hugging her waist, and stared at Nie Kong.

"Hehe... Are you finally done making out? The old grandson is about to make a move..." The ground trembled, and four huge King Kong surrounded them. It was Sun Wukong and the others.

The kilometer-long golden cudgel was crushed by the force of a combined attack, as if the sky had fallen.

The decisive battle was finally about to begin, and the girls who had already solved the giant apes kept their distance and watched the battle.The leader Luo Hao would take the initiative to kiss Nie Kong, but he did not dare to be jealous of Luo Hao's reputation.

"We have a relationship that goes beyond the skin, Cuilian, do you think we can still be sisters and brothers? Haha..." It's nothing to be able to get the best beauties of the two-dimensional China, Monkey King.

"Transfer!!" At the moment when the golden hoop came, Nie Kong's golden pupils spread out weird waves, and saw four huge golden hoop sticks strangely stop in front of him, and then they each hit each other!

With two bangs, the two King Kong cried out painfully and touched the place where they were beaten.

" the power of rebound attack? It's really troublesome divine power." Because Monkey King possesses the power of steel, their clones were not seriously damaged.

"Although you are detrimental to the prestige of Qitian Great Sage, I want your power." Four blood-red glass balls floated in front of Nie Kong, and then rushed towards the four King Kong.

Knowing the power of Nie Kong's blood explosion, Monkey King hurriedly used the method just now to control one of the clones to stop all attacks, but what made Monkey King fear that their huge body could not move, as if a huge mountain range pressed them.

"Damn... move me..." King Kong roared, but the golden blood sword kept hitting their golden steel bodies.As Nie Kong whispered the word "explosion", the four groups of blood made a chain explosion.

The waves of the explosion rippled forward, like ripples on a calm water surface.A huge mushroom cloud covered it, and drowned the four huge King Kong in front of him.

Monkey King, who had been sealed for hundreds of years, had just recovered his freedom, but finally died in front of Nie Kong's blood burst, leaving too many regrets.

"Wang... Wang really killed Monkey King... what power would he have?" Together with Monkey King, Nie Kong has killed the three gods of inaction, and they are all steel gods.The three kinds of steel rights will merge together, what changes will happen?

Not only a few women are curious, but also the leader of Luo Cuilian.Her dazzling black pupils exuded charming brilliance, and she curiously looked at Nie Kong, who was sheltering from the wind and rain.With the power of Monkey King, how far will his strength rise?

"Big Brother..." Seeing that Sun Wukong's divine power had disappeared, the two Junior Brothers all exclaimed.They controlled the strongest attack and furiously killed Nie Kong.

Nie Kong, who had closed his eyes and felt the newly gained power, opened his eyes, but his eyes were full of eagerness.The three kinds of steel rights were superimposed, and finally a qualitative change occurred.

Fa Tian Xiang Di: Possessing the ability to change weapons and body expansion and contraction is a skill deprived of Monkey King.The increased physical strength turned itself into steel due to the usurped power of the Nordic hero Siegfried.Both the weight and the hardness are unparalleled, and as it becomes larger, Nie Kong's own strength increases.

Superb Speed: Have the ability to speed up, making yourself fast as lightning!

Steel Forging: Use your own divine power to create a blown-breakable steel sword out of thin air. The greater your own magic power, the stronger the weapon created!

"Take your brothers to try my newly acquired skills!" As the terrifying magic power was in motion, several cries of Zheng sounded.Dozens of black sharp blades appeared out of thin air, floating in front of Nie Kong.

The iron sword created by him buzzed, and then driven by Nie Kong's Throwing Skills plus the blessing of His Speed ​​Skills, the two juniors who rushed towards Monkey King screamed neatly.

"The sky is like the earth!" The black sharp blade expanded ten times out of thin air, and a dozen divine swords formed a sharp blade tens of meters in size, covering a radius of several hundred meters for the two juniors.

"How... maybe..." The combination of super speed skills and the ability to drive objects makes Nie Kong Jianxian able to kill thousands of miles away with a single thought.

With the screams of the two, a few hundred meters ahead formed a black mountain of swords like hell.

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