The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0325Lovely leader

"Wang, the leader is a very arrogant woman, I think it's better for you to give up her!" Guang muttered and said, for fear that the leader would bully himself by joining in.

"That's right, the king can't catch up with her anyway." Athena's wise eyes looked at Nie Kong with a smile but a smile, as if she wanted to see Nie Kong deflated.

"It's just started. Don't draw conclusions so early. You know the king's ability. Let's see how the king conquered the leader. By the way, it shouldn't be possible for the king to let go of the beauties like the leader." Erica A sunny smile appeared.

"You stay at the shrine and wait to see how I can chase the leader back." Nie Kong had already set the coordinates on her body, and he could get around her by simply teleporting.So no matter Luo Hao goes to the ends of the world, Nie Kong can easily find her.

As Nie Kong's pupils glowed with a faint golden light, a three-meter black crack appeared in the room, which was the space barrier that Nie Kong broke through with powerful soul power.With the teleporting skill used, Nie Kong's teleportation using the space disappeared in the house.

"Wang he really is the leader who likes the beauty of the country, but...but the leader is two hundred years old." Yuri folded his hands tightly in front of his fat chest, staring at the night sky.

The leader who was on his way home began to feel bored and anxious.Nie Kong is really true. It seems that he has teased me with a profound tone several times... I also unknowingly become happy, and gradually become close to him.Could it be...Is there any fateful bond between me and him... Luo Cuilian, you are a fool.The other party is two hundred years younger than you, which is not suitable for you at all! But, if there is a chance...

The moon is not big tonight, and the steep Mount Lu looks very dark.As soon as Nie Kong entered the forest path, he happened to see Luo Cuilian walking like MM in the faint moonlight.

A bad idea started brewing in Nie Kong's mind.He suddenly flashed behind her from the forest, and his big hand moved from behind to cover her lips like a lightning.Luo Cuilian was shocked, this trail has always been safe.Her struggling hands and soft, fragrant body were hugged tightly by the big iron-like hands, and she couldn't get any results.Alas, she is only to blame for her waist being too thin and being hugged to death.

Mount Lu is the base of the Five Prisons Sacred Religion, so anyone would dare to come here to go wild?Luo Cuilian struggled with all her strength, but the hand around her waist was as firm as a rock, and her strength remained undiminished.Although she struggled hard, although her strength was exhausted, there was no effect.

"I have the power of a King Kong Warrior, and my power is comparable to a behemoth. But my power will actually be useless, he... who is he?" Luo Hao, who was panicked, never thought that the opponent was Nie Kong, the reason was that she simply I wouldn't believe that Nie Kong could chase him so quickly.

She suddenly stopped struggling, Nie Kong was slightly taken aback, could it be that she gave up so quickly.Her eyes suddenly swept to the sharp will in her eyes, and she noticed that her heels had been raised, and she slammed on the soles of Nie Kong's feet.Nie Kong reacted extremely quickly, and his feet slammed backwards, flashing this move and trampled on him.Nie Kong suddenly withdrew the hand covering her cherry lips, twisted her beautiful face and whispered, "It's me!"

This sound is so familiar. Luo Hao raised her head and saw Nie Kong looking at herself with a smile. She was surprised: "Why are you."

Nie Kong smiled and said, "Sister, I'm sorry, I wanted to make a joke."

Luo Haofen fisted and scolded: "Can this be a joke? It scares me to death." This strength is not as good as itching, and Nie Kong did not dodge, letting the shy one beat her.

Luo Cuilian beat her for a while, probably because her little hand was hurting. She suddenly realized that she was still on Nie Kong's body. Her beautiful face turned red and said, "Don't let me down yet."

Nie Kong smiled slightly and said, "I want to hold my sister like this, can't you?" Hearing this, as if asking for advice, it's just that there is no sign of loose palms around the waist.

Some other voices faintly came, and the two looked back, and it turned out that two wild cats appeared in the trees on the path.The two cats may be flooded with spring water, and they began to join wildly in front of Nie Kong.Meow Fachun's voice panted and said with great potential.

Luo Cuilian's head was buried in Nie Kong's arms, there is no arrogance.Nie Kong looked at the shy and charming face leaning in his arms, lifted Luo Cuilian's soft body, and kissed deeply when the distance was suitable.

Two red clouds floated on Luo Cuilian's cheeks, but she still didn't raise her head: "What's so beautiful, it's just a simple wooden house, it's very small." Nie Kong didn't let go of the aisle, "Can I see it?" The unreasonable expression seemed to say nothing else was worthwhile.

Luo Cuilian whispered: "You have to let me go, I will take you there."

Nie Kong smiled lightly and said, "I'm afraid of letting you go, and you suddenly run away. I will hold you, okay."

Luo Cuilian blushed too much, and continued to say: "No, if you show it to the followers of the Five Prisons Sect, it will be fine."

Nie Kong's eyes rolled: "The older sister covers her cheeks, then others will not be able to see her face, let's go ahead."

"Okay... OK, don't mess around!" Luo Cuilian, who was dizzy and covered her hot face, would actually agree to such an idea of ​​hiding her ears and stealing the bell.Her actions at this time are so cute.

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