The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0336, prepared to leave

In the face of Luo Cuilian who was so cute, Nie Kong became more possessive.The leader is estimated to be the most beautiful girl of the godslayer, and it will always be right to push.

Nie Kong swept his arms and directly grabbed Luo Cuilian's knee.Steady pace, under the guidance of Luo Cuilian, walked towards the forbidden land of the Five Prisons.There were few people on the trail.Originally, there were not many people in this forbidden area, not to mention that it was already nine o'clock in the night and it was estimated that it had already rested.

Luo Cuilian lay in Nie Kong's arms, covering her flushed cheeks with both hands.

The waterfall on Mount Lu rushed down the river, glowing silver in the faint moonlight.And around the waterfall, stands a wooden house of dozens of square meters.Although the wooden house is very simple, the whole painting is somewhat ethereal.

Nie Kong opened the door, so elegant and clean room.The room was spotless, with a long wicker chair leaning against the wall.There is a pure white bookshelf on the opposite side, and a lot of materials are neatly arranged.Two pots of fragrant orchids are placed on the wooden window.A purple vine hangs from the wooden beam, and the leaves make a rustling sound while gently rippling.

Didn't find the bed, did MM Luo Cuilian learn from Xiaolongnu sleeping on the rope?Nie Kong's eyes fluttered wildly. Of course, it was important to find the bedroom first.Finally far away from the corner of the waterfall, Nie Kong found a wooden door.

Nie Kong walked towards the bedroom with Luo Cuilian on his back and gently opened the wooden door.There is infinite vitality in the neatness, and the purple gauze that seems like a dreamy sky is wrapped around the bed, a bit mysterious.A very beautiful dressing table is leaning against the head of the bed.Then there is a walnut wardrobe.With the antique decoration, Nie Kong seems to have come to the boudoir of ancient Chinese girls.

Nie Kong chuckled and said, "My sister's boudoir is very classical. I have the illusion of being in an ancient girl's room."

Luo Cuilian snorted: "I, Luo Hao, was originally an old monster who has lived for two hundred years. Of course I am used to living for several decades, and of course I have not changed my habits."

Nie Kong hugged Luo Cuilian and walked for two steps, approached the bed, and lay down directly on the bed. He smelled the refreshing fragrance and said, "If the monster has a sister you are so beautiful, then I would like it very much."

The limbs are wide, occupying the entire bed like an octopus, with an expression of incomparable enjoyment on his face.

"Even if you say this...I...I, Luo Hao, don't agree to be your woman so simply..." Luo Cuilian had no choice but to take this rascal guy, and turned sideways from his back.He desperately held his hand to pull him out of his show bed.

As a result, she was pulled by Nie Kong's hand, and Luo Cuilian threw herself on the bed.God.

Having arrived at this stage, Nie Kong was of course afraid of missing the opportunity to get Luo Hao.

", you are my brother..."

The girl had hidden her emotions for hundreds of years, as if a flood had burst out.

"Woo...sister can't stop younger brother's bestiality..."

Is it true that, as Erica said, hateful has developed an ethical relationship with his brother?Ahhhhhhhhhhh so happy, my brother has completely entered me.

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