The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body text 0332, crushed

That's right!But no matter how powerful the host is, there is still the limit to withstand Nie Kong's power.He will release the power beyond the range from the light wing on his back, so as to maintain the power limit and not self-destruct.That is to say, he can maintain his power at the highest peak at any time, or even reach his highest level, and will not explode because his power exceeds the load...

The power to dissolve and plunder the enemy, this is the ability possessed by Shenmiegu Bailonghuang Guangwing after being forbidden.

"Ah drink!" Vali, full of explosive power, was like a rabbit seeing his favorite carrot, whistling towards Nie Kong.He was probably only stepping on the ground, but the mud within a dozen meters range was all sunken.And behind the white light wings ejected arrogance, once again helping him increase his speed.

With a loud bang, the two collided fiercely in the air again.But Nie Kong only used 50% of his power, and he was actually pushed back a few steps by the enemy in front of him!Of course the enemy retreats more, but the strength is too fast.The power to speed ratio has just increased twice, is it such an exaggeration?Nie Kong squinted his eyes and said to himself, what kind of dimensional world is this, it has such a high level of force!

"Wow... it works, I have a chance to win!" Vali shouted with excitement, dazzling all around Nie Kong.Easily dodging Vali's eyes and attacking him, Nie Kong pumped his hand and slammed his armor hard.

Sure enough, as he expected, the enemy in front of him has the skills to dissolve his power and absorb his power.After determining his skills, Nie Kong feared that he would dissolve and absorb his full strength, and he began to use his proud skills.

"Steel forging!"

With a few snaps, four black steel swords floated in front of Nie Kong out of thin air.With Nie Kong's control, the sword pierced the air like a black lightning crackling and aimed at the fast-flying Vali in the sky.

Although Nie Kong didn't know how fast Xiuxian's flying sword would be, he already felt that the sword he controlled was very fast.

"The artifact created by the magic sword?"

Vali unfolded what looked like a light shield in front of him to try to defend, but with the power of steel containing the dragon and snake nemesis and the terrifying magic blessing of Nie Kong, the sword easily destroyed Vali's defense and his two-handed hand armor.Four black swords pierced into his limbs and nailed him to the ground.The armor that originally radiated brilliant white light was destroyed in this way, completely unable to resist Nie Kong's sharp sword.

"The magic sword has the weird energy to restrain our dragon, my ability can't work!" The light wing behind it made a mechanized sound, but obviously only Vali could hear it.

Cough... Valli, with blood spurting out of his mouth, swayed to stand up, but the sharp sword pierced his limbs.Even though the corner of his mouth was bleeding from the injury, he still smiled happily: " are so amazing, you actually broke my artifact!" With the Wings of the White Dragon Emperor, Vali is confident even at the Demon Lord level. Fight, but will be defeated by strange demons.

Is there any more energy left? Nie Kong once again produced two sharp blades and shot them through Vali's lower abdomen!After being pierced by two magic swords, the injured Vali finally calmed down.

"It is unbelievable that Vali, who has inherited the lineage of Lucifer and the god-killing device, was defeated so quickly. It seems that I have to use it and defeat the angel in front of me as soon as possible!" Although he defeated the celestial beast with his own light power , But it is estimated that it will take a long time to tell the winner!The situation is already very serious, and Azazel is ready to use his last resort.

The dagger in Azazel's hand was deformed-it turned into pieces, glowing.

"Hand-free!" A flash of light instantly enveloped the surroundings.After the light subsided, an angel in gold full-body armor appeared on the spot.His body was shining with golden light, with the outline of a creature-almost like a dragon in the west.

Snapped!Six pairs of black wings spread out on his back, and black feathers are flying around.

With a golden armor like a dragon and black wings, Azazel put on the dragon armor!He also has a huge spear of light in his hand!This is the masterpiece of the artificial artifact, the flash gun of the Fallen Dragon, and the armor of the Fallen Dragon that simulates the forbidden state of hands after studying the artifacts of the Dragon Race such as the White Dragon Emperor Guangyi!

The wave of the dragon came from the armor, and it was not trivial!His whole body exudes a strong arrogance, which will actually be close to the forbidden state of the White Dragon Emperor's light wings!The twelve-winged angel with a magical weapon is just as powerful as a tiger.

"Switching the artifact to the overclocking state to force the awakening of the forbidden hand is a kind of loss of control. But the out of control artifact will destroy itself afterwards, and it is considered a throwaway artificial artifact. Even so, the artifact will actually emit the flames of a dragon. The Governor's artifact The development technology is too exaggerated!" Balaquil waved a thunder light to force Lilith back, his eyes full of surprise and looked at the governor who exuded strange fluctuations.The original manifestation artifact can be restored no matter how many times it is damaged as long as the holder is not dead.Conversely, if the artifact is taken away through a special ceremony, the holder may die.

"It turns out that the mighty Valli was actually defeated. No wonder the Governor jumps the wall in a hurry. With two family members of the ten-winged angels, he is already close to the demon king, but why have we never heard of his reputation for thousands of years?"

It happened in an instant, and Azazel raised his spear and greeted the holy female beast.The power he possessed at this time had completely surpassed the divine beast.

In an instant, blood spurted from Azazel's body.He softened and fell to his knees on the spot.On the armor of his chest, there was a wound with a large bowl mouth, and there was a sound of a two-meter black sword that had penetrated the armor.

After a few tenths of a second, the victory or defeat was already divided.

"Not only did he fail to help the owner, but he also had to help him! I thought that my strength has improved so much, but now it seems that I am really too weak." The Celestial Beast said depressed.

"Don't be sad, the celestial beast is already very strong now." Nie Kong gently wiped away the sweat dripping from the cloth on her flawless face, comfortingly said.Celestial Beast is his second woman, of course Nie Kong pity her very much.

Enjoying Nie Kong's gentleness, the celestial beast bloomed with an unparalleled happy smile.She pressed into Nie Kong's arms and looked at her master who had followed her for more than ten years.

"Oh... the master is so eccentric, he helped the goddess but didn't help me!" Lilith beast muttered, her pretty face showing a charming look!

"I thought he would surrender, he was quite spine. Don't worry, I'll help you..." Just after Nie Kong finished speaking, Balaquil smiled bitterly.

"Don't take action, I...I surrender!" The Governor was killed. Of course he was not confident to deal with Nie Kong's attack.With this sacrifice, it is better to reserve some strength to take care of the injured Governor.

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