The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0333, the confirmed world

"I accept your surrender!" Since Balakil declared his surrender, he just happened to understand the background here from him who was not injured.

"I didn't expect our fallen angels to be defeated by the devil. I'm really unwilling!" Balakil took a deep breath, a lonely look flashed across his face.

"There are too many strong people who have lost in my hands. You are not many, but you are not many! I have a few questions to ask you, I hope you can satisfy me!" For Nie Kong, the strong They are used to trample, whether they are righteous or evil, as long as the road that blocks him, Niekong will slam them under his feet, and kill them if they refuse to accept it.

"Asshole boy, even more rampant than our fallen angels!"

Seeing him possess such courage at such a young age, he is really a hero.He hadn't heard of Nie Kong's reputation after living for thousands of years, so Balakil felt that Nie Kong was not very young.

"I am willing to help you! But it is not suitable for conversation. If it is convenient, please come to our Fallen Angel headquarters as a guest!" Balakil was concerned about the situation of the injured two companions, so he politely asked.

"Okay, let me go with you!" See if there are any fallen female angels in the headquarters, Nie Kong wants to take them back for training.Balakil picked up the two of them one by one, and led the three of Nie Kong to fly to their headquarters.

The closer to the headquarters of the fallen angels, the greater the number of fallen angels.But there are really few female angels, and I haven't seen many along the way.After ten minutes, they arrived at their destination.A huge and modern castle, decorated very solemnly and luxuriously!

Balakil held the injured two and took Nie Kong to the luxurious reception room.Originally, he wanted the Governor to heal his wounds, but the Governor insisted on accompany him.

"Ask, I will tell you everything I know." Since he has surrendered, Balakil has no room for rejection.

"Which is the strongest in the world, should you know?" Who would stupidly ask what world this is, so Nie Kong asked around the corners, wanting to understand the background of the world through the strongest.

"Are you saying that the world is the strongest?" Balakil looked up at Nie Kong strangely, perhaps because he thought that Nie Kong was a person with the same personality as Vali.

"Tell everything you know, I really want to know who is better than me!!" Nie Kong asked again.

"As far as I know, in addition to our fallen angel governor, the remaining four demon kings, such as the four great demon kings, are all top powerhouses, and then several archangels in the heavens. Fallen angels, demons, angels, and Nordic Protoss Odin, China Di Shitian...Of course, the strongest one is the great red swimming in the space mezzanine-the true Emperor Chilong, and the second is the infinite dragon god Orpheus!!" Balakir did not hide After spotting all the powerhouses in the world.

Balakil vaguely remembered the majesty and prestige of the two dragons swept the spot in the last war.And because they disrupted the war, they forced all the strong to work hard to kill them and sealed them in the artifact.

"How come, there will be a stronger presence than them?" Lilith beast and Celestial Beast looked at each other, and the more they knew, the more they felt their own weakness.

Nie Kong suddenly realized the feeling of becoming more and more familiar.It turns out that the guy who just played against is Vali with the White Dragon Emperor's light wings, no wonder it can weaken my power!!So Nie Kong can be sure from hearing his words that he has come to the world of DXD in the High School of Devil.

"The four great demon kings, the infinite dragon god Orpheus, and the true red dragon god emperor... These should be characters from the Devil's High School, did I actually come to Lias' world?" In a daze, Nie Kong remembered his childhood Li Yasi's sad and crying expression.He missed his daughter Lias very much, but now she still remembers herself?Now her daughter... what has become?

I silently sensed the blood that I gave to Lias more than ten years ago, but found that there was a very weak response, and it should be far away!My own teleportation skills, unexpectedly failed to break that barrier!

"Come out, Griffia!" Nie Kong released his maid captain, Griffia, wanting to reconfirm the specific situation of this world.

Graffia, who had served Jia'er, and her daughter Jia'er were all released by Nie Kong.

"Dad, really, tell me how long you haven't played with Jia'er!" Jia'er pouted. Although the tone was complaining, it was more of a surprise.The orange hair has been tied into one, tied behind her back.The cute pretty face hasn't changed much, it's completely the appearance of more than ten years.The height is 150cm!After Jiaer appeared, she hung on Nie Kong's waist as always, and buried her head in Nie Kong's arms, enjoying the familiar breath of her father.

"Ahem... Jia'er, you are already a grown-up girl, and you will be laughed at if you act like a baby!" Nie Kong could clearly feel the softness that belongs to her.

Nie Kong quickly pushed Jia'er away a little bit and tried to persuade his daughter.

Jia'er looked around quickly, then turned her head and pressed into Nie Kong's arms, blushing and said: "Jia'er doesn't care about this, I think this is good!"

"Master, don't be embarrassed by Jia'er, it's rare for her to be so happy." Griffia, who accompanied her, said softly.

"Don't talk about it yet, Griffia, do you know where this is?" Nie Kong asked quickly.

Hearing Nie Kong's reminder, Griffia looked away from her lover Nie Kong and noticed the three people around.After seeing the two familiar fallen angels, Griffia suddenly covered her mouth.

"It's the governor of the fallen angel, Asasel, two adults, Barakil, master, are we back!" Greffia, who has always been gentle, held Nie Kong's arm in excitement, her silver eyes filled with tears.

She has experienced the previous war, and of course she will remember who the fallen angel was before!But in front of him, Azazel was actually injured, Griffia laughed and laughed.The master is really messed up, he just came back and knocked the head of the fallen angels down!

"You...are you Griffia..." Valli Lucifer actually knew Griffia.

"It's Vali, so you have grown up." It is the son of His Majesty the former Demon King Lucifer, originally her destiny was to serve the Demon King Lucifer's maid.But now that she has Nie Kong, Lucifer failed to attract too much attention from Griffia.

"This is the hometown of Rias, right?" Nie Kong asked.

"The familiar atmosphere of the devil is right, Master, we can finally see Rias!" Griffia nodded heavily.

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