The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0334, news of Lias

The leader of the group of misfortunes is the Infinite Dragon God, the ouroboros symbolizing infinite reincarnation, born in the dimensional gap.Even after being robbed of 75% of its power by the Dragon Eater, it is still twice as strong as the Ertianlong in its heyday.However, God Emperor Zhen Chilong was driven out of his hometown.With the power that even God fears, the strongest existence above all forces.

And Nie Kong just now knew that the White Dragon Emperor possessed Vali's strength, even if he didn't use the Tyrannical state, he could use the characteristics of the artifact to resist half of his power.According to this calculation, Orpheus, the infinite dragon god, is 8 times stronger than Vali.What about the most powerful God Emperor Chilong... Nie Kong felt high in fighting spirit and wanted to try his true power for the first time.With a soul as a support, Nie Kong is fully confident to challenge an opponent ten times stronger than himself!

"Is it the sister Lias that my father said? Jia'er really wants to see her..." For the sister that father often talks about, Jiaer is full of curiosity about Lias.

"Master, I remember that I have been apart for a long time. I don't know how she is now? Will she remember us..." Greifiya said quietly.

"It should have been more than ten years, maybe such a petite Jiaer will call her a sister!" Nie Kong squeezed Jiaer's cheek, making fun of her daughter's slow-growing Lori figure.Due to the different dimensions, Nie Kong could not estimate the ratio of time between the two worlds.But from the fallen angel Renale Niekong, the plot does not seem to have started yet.After all, the original Zha Cheng was killed by Yuma, who was the incarnation of Renalei, who had been captured by herself, and then Lias reincarnated him into her own family.

"The reason why Jia'er didn't grow up is entirely the responsibility of her father. Anyway, Jia'er wants to be a sister, dad, please take care of it!" Jia'er made unreasonable demands like a baby.

Jiaer, don't blame your father, the slow growth is a problem of your descent.And Dad really likes the look of your loli, is there anything wrong with that?

"If you are talking about Lias of Gremory, it's a coincidence that his elder brother brought news the day before yesterday! As the number of pure-blood demons is becoming less and less, I heard that the three males of the Phoenix family are going to join Gremory’s house. , So we sent an invitation letter to the Governor! The date is tomorrow, it is estimated that it is planned, the place is the meeting place prepared by the Gremory family in the underworld. If the two parties have no opinion, then the possibility of engagement is very high!" Look jealously With Nie Kong's father and daughter who have very good feelings, the ten-winged fallen angel Balajele said slowly.

"You said you would get engaged!!" The cold murderous intent spread out with Nie Kong as the center. Although it was fleeting, it scared Balakil to the soles of his feet!

"I...I don't know, the engagement should be subject to the consent of both parents."

Bastard stuff!Lias is my daughter, who gave you the right to decide on her lifelong events?

"Master...can't accept it?" Griffia asked.

Nie Kong wasn't sure what Lias hated, but even if Lias liked him, he had to open them.Lias is her own daughter. Who can take good care of her except herself, how can she give her daughter to others!

"Haha..." Griffia suddenly chuckled a few times.For the first time Valli saw the gentle Griffia smiling.I used to feel very cold, without emotional ups and downs...

"Is the master jealous? This is the first time I have seen you angry in a long time? It's just that Griffia did not expect that the master would like her daughter to such an extent! Master, you are a pervert!"

Azazel took out the invitation letter from his arms, with the date and place written on it.

"This invitation letter can make you go to the party venue at Gremory's house. A little respect, I hope it can help you rescue your daughter."

"Don't worry, master, we will protect you forever!" The expressions of the two angels were full of tenderness, and they followed Nie Kong's footsteps without any regrets.

"Hehe... Dad Jiaer will support you, I like... It's no big deal to like your daughter..." Jiaer said, her lovely cheeks reddened first.

After more than ten years of baptism, Jiaer has understood a lot of things between men and women.And there is always a secret hidden in her heart, a secret that father can't snoop.

"Thank you for your comfort, I know what to do. Since Lias is my daughter, I certainly have the responsibility to protect her from others' bad hands!!" Nie Kong took the invitation letter, and the scarlet pupils were full of chills. .

"Serjax is a very powerful guy, Griffia has something to tell you." Griffia paused for a while, then said seriously:

"If you want to save Lias, you have to go to the venue to seize it by strength! And at that time there will be a gathering of strong men from all directions in the Demon Realm. Master, you have to think twice."

"If there is that power, maybe he will turn the Demon World upside down! Haha...I really look forward to his performance tomorrow! Regardless, even if I am injured, I will go to see the excitement tomorrow!" The descendants of the demon king Lucifer, of course, hope to see the new demon faction be ugly or perished.

The big thing that belongs to Rias... There is nothing to consider at all.From the time we adopted her, we have established an inseparable bond!!

Jiaer saw Nie Kong's serious appearance, and then threw into his arms.

"It's great, it's great! Dad, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Now Jiaer should be able to help Dad. If there is a battle tomorrow, Jiaer will participate." When passing IS world, Jia My dark divine plan has evolved into the IS mecha of the Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus.If there is a need for combat, Jiaer can control IS to strengthen himself.

If the dark battle tyrannosaurus mecha fights with all its strength, it is estimated that it can beat the superior demons.But if he had to fight against the Demon King, his strength was a little weak.

Jiaer acted like a baby in Nie Kong's arms, and Nie Kong had to agree to Jiaer's request.Nie Kong touched her head to calm her down.

With that said, can I see Rias tomorrow.But I clearly feel that the distance between me and her is a long distance away!!Forget it, tomorrow will be the answer.

"Stay here tonight and rest. Tomorrow I will take you over to rescue Lias."

"You are very welcome to come to our Fallen Angel headquarters as a guest... Balakil, you go to arrange the guest room, don't neglect them." How dare Azazel object, directly instructed Balakil to take care of Niekong and the others .

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