The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0335. Collect two fallen angels

There are no female angels in the headquarters of the Fallen Angels, which really makes Nie Kong a little regretful.I wanted to catch them all, but my hope was lost.Forget it, don't think too much, recharge your energy and wait for tomorrow's battle.

Rias' elder brother, Serjax Lucifer, is a demon king with destructive powers.It itself has surpassed the possibility of demons, and the human form it possesses now is just an illusion.Its true form is like a condensate that is conscious and powerful enough to be called the magic of destruction. It was originally said to be stronger than the original Lucifer under the hidden prototype. It is said that the power after the restoration of the true appearance is 10 times that of the original Lucifer. !!Although I don't know if he will make a move, Nie Kong has to prepare for the worst!Ten times the power of the Demon King is already lifelike. The Red Dragon God Emperor has the power to destroy the world!What's more, there are many strong people in the venue, of course you must always be careful!But asking him to give up his daughter Rias's engagement is a cowardly act.

Rias should be opposed to marriage, but should be unable to resist family oppression.Now she may be waiting for her to come all the time, don't disappoint her expectations!

The one on the left is as holy as a lily, and the one on the right is as enchanting as a poppy!And the one in the middle is the elegant and noble rose Griffia!The silver waist-length hair stopped in front of her, covering most of the skin that can be broken.

Of course the most attractive part is looming, and the femininity exuding is not inferior to the two angels in front!Because the three daughters have been irrigated by Nie Kong many times, that is the unique taste of a wife's milf!!

"If you just rely on cultivation, the improvement is too weak. Although I can maintain the best condition, I hope to get the improvement!" Nie Kong shook his head and smiled.

"Could it be that...Is the master going to use the fallen angel he just caught for cultivation?" said the celestial beast who had helped Nie Kong forcibly push.

"Huh... it's really cheap for the two of them, they can actually be favored by the master!" Lilith Beast said angrily.

"Although the master's strength is very strong, it really needs to be promoted to a stronger level! I have a deep understanding of the horror of Serjax..." Griffia said with a nod.

"After I finish my training, I will come to accompany you again!"

Nie Kong opened the Dingtian Ring and found that it was the time of night in the Dingtian Ring.Since she had the goddess of darkness, Athena, her dark powers have just perfected the Ring of Heaven-possessing the attributes of the night.

Athena really played the role of a goddess, the goddess who controlled the power of heaven and night.

With faint spatial fluctuations, two fallen angels appeared in Nie Kong's bedroom.After appearing, Renale scanned the surroundings in confusion, and showed a scared expression when she saw Lilith beast.

"What are you doing there, come to the master's side!" The severe pain from the pretty face swept across Renalei's body, and the exposed Renalei was slapped in front of Nie Kong by Lilith beast.Caravana shivered into a ball, obediently kneeling in front of Nie Kong and the others.

Without Nie Kong's intervention, she would set out to play with Yicheng's feelings and kill him.In the end, Ise was fulfilled, making him a soldier of Rias's dependents.

After dozens of minutes of battle, the surging energy burst out and began to strengthen the two!

The most obvious is Renalei, who has evolved from two wings to a fallen angel with four wings!After absorbing the energy, Nie Kong then rushed into Caravana.

"It turns out that it is really like what the predecessors said, the feeling of falling is really happy..." The two women have evolved from two wings to four wings, and they have obtained very big benefits.After Nie Kong absorbed their primordial yin, he threw them out of the bed.

"It's your turn, my beloved girls." Hearing Nie Kong's sweet words, the bones of the three girls softened a bit.Nie Kong's words were ten thousand times more violent than any, directly detonating their bodies and minds.

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