The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0336, Lias' helplessness

The Juwang Academy in the human world belongs to the realm of demons. The purpose of establishing the academy is to facilitate the demons to find potential new demons in the human world.The activity classroom of the Supernatural Research Department in the old school building is Rias's private space.

Every corner of the room is filled with enigmatic text, a kind of strange text that has never been seen before, on the floor, wall, and even the ceiling.The most special thing is the central circular array, which occupies most of the classroom area and looks like a huge magic array.

"The club has been here for a long time, do you think we should go back to the demon world to participate in the banquet held by Gremory?" The talking girl has a ponytail with long black hair and a long ponytail that is endangered in three dimensions!

With a smile at any time, gestures to exude a woman's style!Although it is the body of a high school girl, but the development situation is close to the giant X Lias.She is the demon of Rias's family-Queen Himeshima Juno, a student of Rias's sophomore year.

"It sounds good to be holding a banquet, but it was actually arranged for me to meet with Lysa Phoenix!" Lias, who has flame-like hair, stopped her pencil and responded with a hum.

"But the president's family has already invited celebrities from the demon world. If the president insists on going his own way, I'm afraid it will cause Gremory a lot of trouble..." The silver-haired loli who was curled up quietly on the sofa whispered.

She is the cat of Sanwu Lolita City, and the demon belonging to Lias-a chariot!

"By the way, Lysa is the third Phoenix male. He has completely inherited all the characteristics of Phoenix. He has a very noble demon. Instead of waiting for the strange Prince Charming in his dream, marrying Lysa is a good choice." Zhu Nai smiled. Said.

"The president's life-long event is indeed very important. It's time to pull the president out of fantasy." The only man standing like a knight is Yuto Kiba, Rias' third family member— -knight!

"I have told you a dozen times, I believe he will appear in front of me one day!" Lias stubbornly said.

"Crimson pupils, silver hair... Besides, there are no such handsome demons in the Demon Realm. President, you know it in your heart!" Zhu Nai looked at the sketches that the President often painted on paper, tusk filled unfortunately.

With the red pupil and silver hair, Zhu Nai actually felt handsome.

But the president, you don't even remember his appearance. It's time to give up obsession.

"That's right, the banquet is ready to begin. Many of us are waiting for you to appear, daughter, you should go back with us!" Suddenly the magic circle in the room glowed with dazzling black light, and several demons in gorgeous dresses appeared in the magic circle. The center.

One of them is a beauty who is almost similar to Rias, who is Rias's biological mother!Accompanying her was a handsome man with the same flame hairstyle as Rias, and the faintly exuding magic power made the people around him very jealous.

"You... how do you know I will be here?" Lias said in surprise.

"Sister, you are so innocent. Except for the school of the King of the World, are you nowhere to go?" He is Lias' brother Sazex Lucifer, the demon king of the world.

And because Nie Kong robbed his original wife, Griffia, Suzex remained single now.His parents often urged him to find someone quickly, but Suzex didn't meet someone he liked.

He has regrets in his heart, it is the regret of sending his favorite Griffia to another world for more than ten years.So now he avoids his parents asking him to get married, so he can only set the fire on his sister.

"Daughter, we didn't mean to force you. The banquet was just young people meeting and chatting with each other." Because of Lysa RatingGame's performance, Lias' father was very satisfied with Lysa being his son-in-law.Now that there are few pure-blooded demons, they certainly hope that Gremory's blood will continue.

Seeing her parents present in person, Rias knew she couldn't refuse.But to marry someone she doesn't like, she is determined to resist to the end.Things that have nothing to do with Nie Kong are due to her character.

"The president is so pitiful, he doesn't even have the right to choose the freedom of marriage! The worst thing is that the guy who caused the president to wait so hard has cruelly abandoned our beautiful president?" Tacheng kitten sighed .

Several people used the magic circle to leave the club room and teleported to the lively Gremory family in the Demon World.The banquet was almost ready, and Gremory’s maids were arranged in the communication.

The patriarch of the pure-blooded demon clan of the Demon Realm came all the way and brought young handsome men and beautiful women.It turned out that Gremory’s plan was to gather pure-blooded demons to hold a huge blind date meeting.Of course, the main thing is the situation of Phoenix's Lysa and Gremory's Lias. If it is possible, it is estimated that there will be many pure-blood demons in the future!

At the same time, Nie Kong led the two angels and Griffia out of the headquarters of the fallen angels.After the double repairs last night, he has reached the best state both mentally and physically.Especially after absorbing the primordial yin of the two fallen angels, his strength was once again improved.

Two fallen angel MMs with vicious attributes woke up and found that they had added a pair of wings, which made them happy.But when they saw Nie Kong and the others, their attitude was 100% submissive.

There is nothing wrong with surrendering to the strong, not to mention the supreme bliss that Nie Kong brought to them last night. They seem to understand their dream of falling from an angel-the more depraved, the happier!!

For fear that Nie Kong would get lost, White Dragon Emperor Vali actively led them.As for the other fallen angels, they began to look forward to Nie Kong's performance.

Nie Kong looked around and found an endless wide forest.The area of ​​the Demon Realm is very wide, but it has already been divided up by powerful demons.Even the territory of Gremory is the size of Japan!!

If it weren't for teleportation, I believe it would take half a day just to hurry.The magic power began to fluctuate, and a huge magic circle appeared in the sky!Using Vali's magic, they began to teleport over long distances.

Very luxurious and huge castle, even if it is not inferior to the fallen angel.Looking from the huge doorway, you can see beautiful flower beds and exquisite buildings.The endless wide walkway stretches forward.

People come and go at the door, it looks very lively, it looks like it is really hosting a major banquet!

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