The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0337, father and daughter meet

On the left and right are the company of two ten-winged angels, followed by two masters of the Demon King level with abundant magic power.Nie Kong's strong appearance stunned the demons around him.

"Crimson eyes, silver hair... What a handsome man! But do we have this type of demon in the Demon Realm, and we actually have four family members whose strength is close to the Demon King, where is he sacred?" The demons coming and going will all cast a shocking look.Suddenly, the crowd at the door gave way to a 10-meter wide road.

Nie Kong's spiritual consciousness covered the front, but he did not find Gremory's castle after two or three kilometers along the walkway, showing the breadth of their territory.There was no time for Nie Kong to look around, and Nie Kong threw away the invitation letter forcefully, so he followed the special maid to lead the way.

After walking for nearly half an hour, Nie Kong suppressed his excitement and looked forward to the moment of meeting.Will Rias remember herself, she came to the huge gate of the castle with perturbed thoughts, and even the stone gate had huge carvings of monsters.In the spacious venue behind the door, there was a large group of gorgeously dressed demons chatting and laughing in the square, as if it was a gathering among Western aristocrats.

The venue is very big, bigger than the football field!The ceiling is 20 meters high, and the exaggerated chandelier is also gorgeous.Such a vast project is very luxurious even in the demon world, which shows Gremory's reputation in the demon world.

The pure-blooded handsome men, beautiful women and demons gathered together, sipping red wine, talking and laughing, looking very harmonious!

Suddenly, several people from Nie Kong appeared in the venue, which attracted the attention of most of the demons in the venue.Nie Kong's red pupil looked around, and a bright red appeared in his field of vision.A woman with long red hair rolled up, wearing a flame-burning dress.Even if she had changed a lot, Nie Kong recognized who she was at a glance.Of course, because she is Nie Kong's daughter!!

"Daughter..." Nie Kong called out with the volume that spread throughout the venue, and the eyes of the surrounding demons gathered on Nie Kong.A familiar voice, at this moment Lias turned her head to look at Nie Kong.

At that moment, Lias widened her eyes!The eyes are full of surprises, confused, flustered... even with a bit of timidity!!He... who is he, is he calling himself.Scarlet pupils, silver hair... Why do I feel so familiar?The vague shadow in his mind became clear, and merged with Nie Kong in front of him!How could I forget the man who appeared in my dream every night.

Two lines of tears shed on her face, but Rias smiled happily.It turns out... It turns out that it's real, it's not a dream at all!Did the father come to greet the daughter?She opened her mouth gently, as if calling "Dad"!I have persisted in my beliefs for many years, and have finally blossomed.

"It's a dream scene. Did he break the barriers of the world and come to our world by himself?" The man who once met in another world, you did not disappoint my daughter Lias.

The three of Lias's family members noticed the strangeness of the venue, but when they saw Nie Kong's appearance, they were all stunned on the spot!

"Is it the silver-haired and red-eyed demon described by the president? He was the man who appeared in the president's dream! Alas, it's finally here! Now the president got his wish, and finally met a man who thought about it day and night. Let's go! But I didn't expect that the relationship between the two is father and daughter. It's so funny..." Zhu Nai laughed happily, but gradually smiled with a smile.It is estimated that Zhu Nai thought of his father!

The appearance of five masters of the Demon King level moved the demon kings present.Especially seeing Griffia's Szekes, he was even more excited like a gaffe.

"This time... I absolutely want to hold you firmly, and I want to keep you by my side forever!" There was noise everywhere in the venue, but Nie Kong ignored it and walked straight towards Lias.

"Boy, what do you think this place is..." A dozen guards guarding the castle planned to stop Nie Kong, but Nie Kong gave them a faint glance. They retreated 100 meters as if they were hit by a train!

"Will you come back to me, Little Lias..." The familiar name made Lias' heart tremble.Her tears flowed faster and faster, like a flood.

Nie Kong opened his hands, as if to welcome his daughter's return.With the appearance of Nie Kong, the memories of childhood flashed through Lias' mind.

"Dad..." Li Ya, with her bright red hair, threw three steps and two steps into Nie Kong's spacious embrace.She was enjoying the familiar taste, and her heart was moved beyond words.

No embarrassment, no strangeness of distance, everything will come naturally!Ten years of separation did not weaken Lias's miss!!

"You really have grown up, Little Lias!" Nie Kong wrapped her waist tightly and hugged her tightly.The fullness of the daughter's chest has grown to a level that she could not predict.Her waist is so thin and her skin is so smooth.

"Dad is finally willing to come to pick up his daughter? Lias is willing to accompany her father..." In a dreamlike situation, Lias seemed to be in a dream.Has the long-awaited thing in the dream finally come true at this moment?

Lysa had an indescribable expression, his eyes twitched, and the expression on his face was distorted!

"Master Suzex, what the hell is going on?"

The demons around were confused and flustered.Even though they were superior demons, they still couldn't react like ordinary people in the face of sudden events.

The parents of the two parties were looking forward to forming a family, but the appearance of Nie Kong interrupted their delusions!!

"Suzex, kick me out of the venue!" I am Lias' father, why do you come out and grab my daughter from me!The red-haired middle-aged man has a distorted face and uttered angrily.

"In order to save our Gremory face, don't let Lias leave here!!" The accumulated grievances against Nie Kong for more than ten years finally broke out at this moment.Lias is her own daughter, why didn't she coquettishly call her father since she was a child?Everything is caused by the person in front of you!

"I see, my father!"

What is Griffia's relationship with him, why does she show such a gentle expression?I think my decision was wrong at the beginning, it was simply a steal.

Instead of expelling the old demons, he lost the girl he liked.

The feelings of the two father and son were rarely the same, and they all expressed their jealousy towards Nie Kong.

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