The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0340, the battle with the devil

"Fuck!" Nie Kong let out a cold cry as he watched the demons attacking from all directions.The bloodthirsty bat swarm spread out from him like blood-red clouds.

The enhanced version of the Night Demon's flying attack pressed against the rushing mid-level demon, and the squeaking voice accompanied the demon's screams throughout the venue.Although their magic single hit the bat swarm, the number of them eliminated was pitiful compared to the total number.

With a simple move, Nie Kong wiped out half of the hundreds of demons around.

"Crystal of the tree of life in the air!" The sacred celestial beast condensed the light power of the demon nemesis and formed a tree shape of a hundred meters in the sky.The branched branches followed the bat and pierced more than 30 intermediate demons.

"It turns out that he is a famous vampire demon, but how can his strength be so terrifying?" Although Lysa's father was a little surprised, they were completely fearless with the four demon kings as the backing.

"Leave it to me!" The terrifying heat spread, and the raging magic power formed a huge flame encirclement and burned most of the bat group.

"Roar!" The fire Qilin who was a few meters old roared, and a huge energy bomb shot towards Nie Kong and the others.It is Suzex's servant Yanju, a demon reincarnated from a sacred unicorn.

Facing Yanju's energy ball, which was comparable to the devil, Vali appeared in front of Nie Kong and the others.At this time, he had already activated the white dragon emperor's light wing forbidden state, and simply stretched out his palm.Like playing dodgeball, he caught the black energy bomb.

The five or six-meter black energy bullet shrank in half in a blink of an eye, and after a few seconds it shrank completely to the size of a grain of rice.Possessing the power to dissolve and plunder the enemy, this is the ability possessed by Shenmiegu Bailonghuang Guangwing after being forbidden.

"The blood of the demon King Lucifer actually got the wings of the White Dragon Emperor? If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe that the hateful thing would be our hostile side!" The superposition of the two, the enemy Vali will No one knows how far!Unfortunately, Vali is their enemy, and it is better to take this opportunity to kill him than to give him a chance to grow.This is the idea of ​​Falbiwin, the current Demon King of Asmod, who is in charge of military affairs to suppress the threat to the demon world in the cradle.

"Suzex, the war between the two factions cannot be stopped. Only by destroying them can we finally end the turmoil in our Demon Realm! Don't hesitate any more, there are a few powerful demon kings against the enemy!!"

"Let's do it!" Suzex gritted his teeth and said solemnly facing the companions of the three demon kings around.

As soon as his voice fell, the first to act was Seraphim Leviathan dressed as a magical girl.Terrifying magic power rushed out of his body, and his petite and lovely body was like the half of the venue that the arrow that left the string instantly crossed.Such a weird speed is worthy of being a powerhouse at the Demon King level.Of course, she is most interested in the holy female beast that looks exactly like Gabriel, after all, Gabriel of the heavens is her rival for life.

The four demon kings were located at the four corners of the venue, blocking Nie Kong and the others in the middle.Four surging magical powers surged from their bodies, and the strong pressure locked them firmly.

Especially Suzex Lucifer, because of the overflow of the magical power of red destruction, actually made the surrounding space a little illusory.With ten times the power of the original Demon King, how terrifying it would be if he played with all his strength!!

The relatives of the four demon kings are even closer to the level of the demon king, and the follower master intercepted Nie Kong and the nine others.Lias was anxious, of course worried about Nie Kong's safety.Zhu Nai and their faces were all pale and bloodless. It seemed that this was the first time they had been involved in such a mighty war.

"President... what are we going to do? Is... to continue with the four demon kings... is it right?" Kiba Yudou's hands holding the black magic sword trembled slightly, and he was unable to reach the mid-level demon strength. Respond to the powerhouse of the demon king.

"I... I believe that my father will protect Rias, I never doubted that! Let's stay away. This battle is no longer in the range where we can intervene." Rias looked at her father. He gave orders to his family members.

"The president is really crazy. He actually antagonized the four demon kings for his father who was more than ten years apart! The relationship between the two father and daughter is so good, it is really enviable..." Zhu Nai looked at Nie Kong blurred, as if expecting something.

"There are at least fifteen powerhouses close to the Demon King level, and the strength of reform is really terrifying." Looking at the magic power radiated by the surrounding powerhouses, Vali's eyes immediately became excited.

Fight... I want to fight!Only the blood of the strong can make me excited!!

"Okay, catch it quickly!"

With the voice of Suzex, the surrounding strong men suddenly rose.All kinds of magic powers are like the upcoming thunderstorm, covering the thousand-meter-large venue!

Click! Click!The magical collisions caused the surrounding walls to shatter.But the huge stone did not fall, but was blown into powder by the surging magic power.

And the colorful magic was first released from Seraphim Leviathan's little hand, full of destruction.The firework-like light covered Nie Kong, but it was the Celestial Beast that shot.

The bronze shield full of light power began to expand, covering the front of the magic.There was a drumming sound, but the magic failed to break the sacred shield of the celestial beast.

Among them, Ajka Besib, who was very curious about the White Dragon Emperor, turned into a gust of wind after a while behind his wings.When he appeared again, he actually appeared in front of Vali.He is the maker of devil chess pieces, and can express all power and phenomena in the form of art through the overlord equation.Power beyond common sense, like Serjeks, is a demon king beyond possibility.

Griffia had reached the level of a demon king when she double repaired with Nie Kong for the first time.After more than ten years of training, she is already the top ten strongest in Nie Kong's harem.

Facing the attack of the devil Falbiwin Asmodeus, Griffia seemed very calm and calm!

And Lilithmon’s opponents are very messy, with more than a dozen family members of the Demon King.Seeing that the strong had been divided up, Nie Kong released Jia'er from Dingtianjie.Jia'er who just appeared was planning to act like a baby to Nie Kong, but when she saw the surrounding situation, she immediately went to help the solo Lilith Beast.

As for the main general Nie Kong, he looked directly at the strongest Serjax, Lias's brother!What a horror he should be with ten times the power of the Demon King!!

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