The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0341, defeated Suzex

"Aha..." Sharp fangs stick out from the corner of his mouth, and silver hair fluttering in the wind.The real body of the vampire began to activate, and the magic power far surpassing the demon king spread out, quaking the ground in front of it.The ground began to shake violently, as the blood red magic power burst out from Nie Kong's body.

The terrifying magic power made the surroundings like a hurricane of several levels blowing, and only relying on aura to drive the nearby demons back 100 meters.In front of Nie Kong's magic power, the sturdy venue was as weak as paper.

The kilometer-wide venue shattered, and the purple sky appeared in front of everyone.The ground was shaking, and it seemed that an earthquake of magnitude 7 or 8 had occurred in a radius of one kilometer.Facing the strong, Nie Kong exerted all his hidden strength.

The six times the magic power of the surpassed Demon King's level is the result of Nie Kong's hard practice for more than ten years.

"What a terrifying power this is... it is so powerful that it is so inhuman!!" I thought that Nie Kong had done his best to deal with Lysa, but it was only Nie Kong revealing the hidden tip of the iceberg.

"How strong is he..." Looking at Nie Kong, who is like a king over the world, Zhu Nai and their three family members were very curious.

"Magic power...Magic power is actually close to Suzex, where is he sacred?" The great demon kings began to start to be shocked one after another, and their pupils seemed to protrude in surprise.Having lived for hundreds of years, they did not expect that in addition to Szex who inherited the magic of destruction, the world would also have such a powerful demon.

"Brother Rias, let's show your true power! I've heard it in the rumors. Why can the demon named Szex be named Lucifer? It is said that this is because he has been free from the devil. Because of the existence of." Nie Kong moved his hands and feet, fighting high.

"Well, if this can keep you here, it would be really worth it." The momentary silence seemed to be tearing everything apart, and Suzex nodded concentratingly.

Are you going to do your best, my son Suzex.The head of Gremory looked at the battlefield intently, paying particular attention to his son Sazeks.

Szekes floated in front of Nie Kong and began to increase his magic power.Destructive magic power came from him, and his whole body was gradually dyed red.

In an instant, the ground as a whole began to vibrate, trembling due to Suzex's magical power.Everything around him was wiped out with the devastating magic power escaping from his body, even the dust was wiped out.

The moment his body was surrounded by a red aura, huge magic power suddenly enveloped everything in this place!

The shaking stopped, and there was silence for thousands of meters.What appeared in the center was a humanoid destructive energy group slowly floating up in the air. This destructive incarnation was staring at Nie Kong intently.

Is this the true body of Suzex? It can be said that it is a human form formed by the destructive magic of appalling quality.The quality of magic power that Nie Kong felt was simply... ten times that of Vali's forbidden state!Of course, if Vali used Tyrannical Dragon, he might be able to stand in front of him for a while!From a distance, Suzex looked like a beast-tailed Naruto.

"Haha...This is really amazing. You are worthy of me to make an all-out effort!" The magic is far stronger than himself, but Nie Kong's powerful skills can make up the gap between the two.

Hearing Nie Kong's words like this, Suzex showed a fearless smile.

"Are you kidding, fighting here can wipe out hundreds of miles of existence."

In this space full of tension and oppression, the hostility of destroying the incarnation of magic power made the surrounding demons freeze.The two men collided fiercely, making a loud noise like broken glass.

The one who worried the most was Lias, who was unable to stop the battle between the two.She hoped that her father would be safe and sound, and she said she would leave here with herself.

"If you want to survive, stay away from here!" The head of Gremory roared and ordered the surrounding demons to leave.Even the great demon kings in the battle knew that Suzex was so powerful that they all stayed away from the two who exuded the aura of terror and destruction.

"Puff!" There was a slight sound, and dozens of red balls ejected from the alien Sazeks.On the ground where the energy ball passed, the mud dented a few meters in cracks.The ultimate destruction is a symbol of his magic.

The magic bullet traversed a distance of kilometers, and all the targets were Nie Kong, who was exuding scarlet magic power.

"Steel Forging!" A dozen black magic swords floated in the air, and as Nie Kong drove them to hit the magic bullets coming from the impact.The collision between the two led to a strong explosion.

The extra black steel swords did not stop, as black lightning traversed a kilometer distance and appeared in front of Suzex in a blink of an eye.As Nie Kong shouted loudly, several magic swords expanded twenty times.

The forged magic sword was condensed by Nie Kong's magic power, and had the sharpness of steel to restrain the dragon and snake.Suzex looked surprised, but failed to escape the attack of Nie Kong's Demon Sword.

Five or six huge magic swords, each with the power of Nie Kong's full attack.Nie Kong believed that the Demon Sword could cut it easily even if it was a mountain range of several kilometers.

But the real body of Suzexis is an illusory body that destroys magic power and hits the energy wall, only the body of energy condensed.The pink circle ripples continued to spread out, and with a loud noise that resounded through the sky, the sharp magic sword condensed by magic was actually forcibly shattered!

It is estimated that it is the situation of the Suzex energy body, and now Nie Kong's strength physical attack has no effect on it.The illusory figure dragged its scarlet tail and bumped towards Nie Kong, and the surrounding space began to wave slightly.

Nie Kong burst forward, raising his fist that condensed his magical power and rushed away.An angry thunder blasted through the sky.The collision of the two forces really wiped out objects in the vicinity for dozens of miles.

"What a terrifying power!" Looking at the crack that almost spread to the end of the world, the demons murmured in fear.

Nie Kong backed a hundred meters, and Szekes backed seven or eighty meters.Nie Kong is the great demon vampire of strength, and of course his strength is increased.

When Szecks once again burned and destroyed the magic power and charged, Nie Kong's right hand showed the blood whip of trembling S artifact, ignoring the energy body that appeared in front of him.

"Resolve the moves!" Nie Kong wrapped the burning destructive power of Szekes ten meters ago, and all the strangeness disappeared cleanly.The superpower supported by the powerful soul power has eliminated the magic power of Suzex's on the surface.

"What..." Suzex, who had restored his original appearance, looked inexplicably horrified.He couldn't believe why his magic power would suddenly disappear, and when he reacted, the blood whip of anger had already been drawn on him.

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