The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0343, Occupy Komao Academy

Nie Kong has the inhuman and powerful power to defeat Thazeks, even if they have an absolute advantage in numbers, they still have to be very vigilant.When seeing Nie Kong and the others leave, the demons around them slowly relaxed like the strings of a string.

However, it didn't take long for them to feel dizzy with the terrifying roar.Looking dumbfounded, what appeared in front of them was the frantic Szekes!The destructive magic power has been restored, but the red eyes have lost their reason.

His destructive magic has no goal to vent, and implicates the surrounding demons.The loud explosion sounded continuously, and the demons panicked to resist Sazzex's magic bullet.

"Stop...Suzex, we are your companions!" Suzex, who was overwhelmed by anger, could not listen to their advice, but went crazy and destroyed everything in front of him.

Originally, it was a gathering of forces to prevent Nie Kong from killing Suzex, but who expected that he would come to deal with his companion—Suzex!But the head of Phoenix seemed discouraged. He knew that he was hopeless to avenge his murder after he had seen Nie Kong's power.

Nie Kong took the injured and unconscious Vali, and they used magic to teleport to Juwang Academy in the human world.And it's no wonder that Nie Kong felt that Lias was far away yesterday, because she was in the world that separated her space.

"Dad, welcome to the human world. This is the King King Academy where Rias is studying! I haven't had time to introduce to Dad. They are my demons..." Back to her place, Liya dragged a red dress Silk turned in a circle, her beautiful face full of happy smiles.

"You can introduce yourself again, Youdou will start with you."

Hearing Rias calling his name, Yuto Kiba smiled at Nie Kongtou: "I am Yuto Kiba, the demon of the president's family-a knight. I am currently studying in the first grade of Komao Academy, please give me your advice. ..."

"The third grade of junior high school...Tacheng kitten. Please advise...I am a demon of the dependents-the chariot." The Tacheng kitten with three no loli whispered softly, saying very little.

"The rest of me is Juno Himejima in the same grade as the president. In principle, I also serve as the vice president of the occult research society. Please give me your advice in the future. Don't look at me like this. I am the president's dependent queen... Hahaha "In the end, it was Zhu Nai, who said with a smile with a black ponytail.With a look comparable to Lias, her smiling face is so soft.

"Is it the genus of Little Lias? I am Lias' father Nie Kong. The little girl has been taken care of by you!" After introducing himself, Nie Kong then introduced them to the girls around.

"Although the president's father is a master at the Demon King level, he is fortunate to be very easy to get along with." Seeing Nie Kong, who was gentle and unassuming, made Zhu Nai and the others relieved.

"Master...this is obviously the territory of the new devil, do you want Griffia to go out and find another place to live?" The elegant maid Griffia frowned, and then said.

"Since it is their territory, we must take it over!" Juwang Academy must stay here, completely changing the fate of Zha Cheng.Oh, forget Lina Li (Lina Lei) has been conquered, it is estimated that no fallen angel will kill Zhacheng.

As for Vali's words, Nie Kong had his plans.Ask him to help lead the group of misfortune, and then join in to confuse the world.

"I see, Griffia will help her master." Griffia obediently agreed to her master's unreasonable request, and then left the club room to handle Nie Kong's affairs.

"You are Dad's second daughter Lias, remember to call me sister Jiaer in the future!" Jiaer lifted the dark tyrannosaurus IS mecha and said triumphantly.

"The little girl Lias is not talented, please give me some advice in the future, Dad, Sister." Lias stayed beside Nie Kong, bending over to say hello to Jiaer who was about 140cm.

Comparing the two, it is obvious that the tall Lias is more suitable to be a sister.

Jiaer looked up at the tall Lias and compared the gap between the two. Jiaer pouted and looked in a bad mood.

Half an hour later, Griffia came back after getting things done.

She has semi-forced possession of the villa near the Juwang Academy, and announced that the various forces have designated the area within a radius of tens of miles as Nie Kong's subsidiary territory.Daughter Lias, of course, wants to live with her father, but is it really good to live together?My daughter has matured, if she does something extraordinary...

"Oh, what should I do now? Jiaer and Lias, the master has two more daughters. Unfortunately, she has never been able to be pregnant with her master's baby..." Griffia stroked her belly, her delicate face With regret.

For more than ten years, Griffia hoped to have a child for Nie Kong, but because of the double cultivation, Nie Kong refined all the things that erupted into energy, so the girls did not get pregnant.And after double repairs, they certainly get the benefits of eternal youth.

The villa is comparable to the level of luxury found in the world of Dad, and you enter the garden covering several kilometers behind the door.After walking along the forest for half an hour, Nie Kong and the others arrived at the castle-like courtyard.

The villa has more than 30 bedrooms, and the top floor is a spacious swimming pool with blue sky.Compared to Gremory, it is much inferior, but it is considered the top room in the world of gold.We must know that the demon world is vast, and the number of demons is extremely rare.

"Dad, I want to take a shower after finishing up... By the way, I want to wash with Dad as I did when I was a kid." After arranging the respective rooms, Lias said cheerfully.

"I really can't help you. I'm already a teenage girl, and I have to take a bath with my dad! Okay, let's not take it as an example." It's time to confirm the development of my daughter. I really look forward to it.

"No! You have to take a bath, Jia'er must join! Dad, sister Lias, you can't exclude Jia'er alone!" Jia'er began to protest, probably because of strong stimulation!

"Sister Jiaer, it's Lias that I said first. As an older sister, I need to make a little sister... Besides, my sister often accompanies my dad. It's my turn to get my dad's doting."

Woo... Lias bullied Jiaer, how could Jiaer take a bath with her father?Think about it before Dad always treats himself as a child, but Jiaer has grown up...well...has grown up.

I always feel that the two girls are vying for their father’s favor, and the daughters smell of gunpowder...

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