The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0344, the battle of the two daughters

The morning sun shined through the curtains into the spacious room, and a new day began.Nie Kong felt refreshed after the double repairs with the three daughters of Greifiya last night.

"Hmm..." The beautiful girl murmured in Nie Kong's ear, close at hand.Nie Kong would have thought it was the celestial beasts and others, but as he moved his eyes, the red hair sprinkled on the bed sheets appeared before him first.It turned out to be Lias, her own daughter.Didn't see the three daughters of Griffia, it seems that they are getting up.

"Oh, daddy is awake?" The pretty face close at hand was close to Nie Kong, and the scent of the breath flowed into his heart with his nose.The bright eyes quietly opened, and there was unspeakable joy inside.

"Wake up, when did Little Lias come in? How can she sleep with her father when she has grown up?"

"What's the matter, anyway, when I was young, I often slept in the same bed. And the daughter wants to sleep with her father as a pillow, so she will come after you fall asleep."

With a bang, Rias got close to Nie Kong and kissed him on the cheek!After the two met again after more than ten years, the strong appearance rescued Lias from the shackles of marriage, and Lias became more attached to Nie Kong.

"I said daughter... Dad is a man anyway... You... If you say that..."

"Dad will want a daughter. Okay, as long as you are happy, you can do anything."

Lias pretty blushed to greet her father.The pink atmosphere spread between the two, with signs of shooting and misfire.

Knocking, someone knocked on Nie Kong's door.

"Dad...Daddy is a big slacker, get up quickly, it's time for breakfast! Griffia let me call you to get up--" Jiaer's voice came from the corridor.

"Why did you choose this opportunity!" Lias muttered, her pretty face full of pity.Teasing her father and pushing herself, Rias felt unusually irritated. She especially liked seeing her father looking at her with loving eyes.

"Is Dad still sleeping, Jiaer is coming in?" The door knocked more and more urgently, as if something terrible was expected.

"I'm awake, wait!" Nie Kong stopped Jia'er with a loud voice, but Li Yasi said with a devil smile, "Sister Jia'er wait a minute, because my father and I need time to prepare to change Clothes."

Snap, the door suddenly opened.The two people Jiaer looked at, tears filled her eyes, her cheeks puffed up and she looked a little angry!!It's broken, Lias, why are you kidding Jiaer?

If Jia'er had a dark belly... even Nie Kong would feel terrible!Especially what special tricks to scare girls make the girls love and fear her.

Seeing Jiaer's appearance, Lias encircled Nie Kong's arm

"Good morning, sister Jia'er." Lias smiled, Jia'er couldn't help shaking, and then suddenly grabbed her own clothes and pulled.

"Dad is really partial, I also want to sleep with my dad, don't exclude Jia'er!" The small and lovely Jiaer showed the secrets of his whole body to Nie Kong.This was the first time Nie Kong saw his daughter's body, and he seemed a little lost.

Jiaer directly pressed Nie Kong's upper body.When Rias tried to stop, she suddenly noticed slippery strips on her legs."Ah... there are snakes!"

Rias took a few steps back in shock and fell directly to the ground.Jia'er, who was buried in Nie Kong's arms, secretly retracted the devil's blood whip and smiled."Tell you to dare to take my father away, and see how Jiaer teaches you."

"I started." During breakfast, Nie Kong sat beside his two daughters.Opposite are two big angels, and Griffia serves her master Nie Kong attentively.

But the two daughters basically fought in secret, and refused to accept anyone.But obviously if Jiaer was serious about it, Liya would be miserable.

"Little Lias, can you use the knight's dependents for Dad to use, I want to explain him to do something." My daughter actually has male dependents, which is really an eyesore to Nie Kong.

Obviously the original You Dou likes a man-Yicheng, but Nie Kong doesn't have the idea of ​​getting a foundation.

"No problem, dad just order him." Lias showed a fascinating smile, her expression as if she understood something.

"En...I want him to be Valli's servant, and then meet everyone from the old Demon Sect for me! Does Rias hate that Dad wants to overthrow the new Demon Sect? Is your brother the Lucifer Demon King?"

"My dad...Of course to be the strongest demon king, and my daughter will always support dad." Lias nodded her head.

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