The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0345, draw Cangna

After dropping the knight of Rias, Nie Kong planned to dedicate the knight Liliana to Rias.After several years of training, Liliana, who owns the Dimensional Sword, has already reached the level of the Demon King.

"By the way, Lias wants to know who will be father's queen?" Little Lias asked suddenly when she was about to finish breakfast.

"Master's queen?" The women at the table looked at Nie Kong with gleaming eyes, with boundless expectations in them.Maybe they mistaken Lias' words for the queen of the harem, so they looked particularly excited.What a blessing to be the most important queen of the master.

"What queen?" Nie Kong was deeply curious.

"Queen, it's the queen of dad's demon! We demon possess the devil's chess pieces, and we can regenerate people with potential into our own demon! Just like the setting of chess, one queen, two knights, and two chariots , Two bishops, eight soldiers, and fifteen dependents. Due to system errors, one of the fifteen chess pieces must be mutated.” Lias explained softly.

"The master is the old demon school, of course, there is no such strange setting, but Griffia thinks it is quite powerful! can try it!" Maybe it was Rias who caught Griffia's interest, gentle and intellectual. She actually acted like a baby.

"I don't have a devil chess piece. I'll talk about it later." Nie Kong was taken aback, then shook his head.

"Leave it to Rias, Rias will do everything possible to help Dad get the chess pieces." After Lias tapped Nie Kong's lips, she left the villa with a triumphant smile.

Preparation is time for class, so Rias is going to Komao Academy.

There are many things to do. First of all, Nie Kong arranged for Vali to contact the demons of the Old Demon School.As he saw Nie Kong's shocking power, Vali surrendered to Nie Kong.Of course, what Valli likes is fighting, a type that he will definitely rebel once his strength surpasses Nie Kong.

The knight Youdou has no choice but to become Vali's family, and follows Vali to the world to find the old demon sect sheltered by the disaster group.Since Kuwang Academy belongs to Nie Kong's territory, Nie Kong easily settled the school's senior management and became the teacher of Kuwang Academy.

Wearing a black classroom costume, Nie Kong stepped into the Juwang Academy.All the girls around stopped their pace, staring blankly at the new handsome guy in school.Without the immaturity of a boy, his evilly handsome cheeks are full of humanized laziness, adding a bit of charm to Nie Kong.

"The school is... actually there is a handsome guy who is more attractive than Youdou's younger brother, he...who is he..." After Nie Kong disappeared, the girls who recovered their senses screamed frantically.

"That's it. From now on, I am a new teacher at Juwang Academy. You can call me Teacher Nie Kong." Because the management of Juwang Academy is mostly managed by the Student Union, Nie Kong should first say hello to the Student Union.

"Why... why are you here?" In the classroom of the Student Union, Kurana stretched out his hand to support his forehead, looking quite confused and frightened.She didn't attend the blind date party held by Gremory, but she obviously knew the intelligence of Nie Kong's riot in the Demon World.

The student council president is about the same age as Lias, her eyes are cold and sharp with glasses, which is a bit scary.The wave of magic power transmitted through her arrogance looked very cold. She was wearing a blue uniform, with nothing showing her skin.

The black shiny hair on the ear is like Qianqiu's hair accessory, with a cute yellow hairpin on the top of the left ear.The bright and huge eyes are hidden in the eyes, showing no emotion.

Although very cute, it exudes an icy temperament that is not disturbing.She is Canna Sidi, and her dream is to create a RatingGame school regardless of class.

"Who is the president? Wow, does the president know him..." Cangna's female family members began to chat, full of interest in the new appearance of Nie Kong.

"Ha! I have declared this area to be my territory, and the demons who should live here must get my consent. I should ask you this sentence, young and lovely devil lady!" Nie Kong sat In front of Cang Na, she reached out and took off her wide glasses without her consent.

"Hehe... I was right, it looks so cute without old-fashioned glasses."

Cang Na glared at Nie Kong in front of him, then snatched his glasses back, "No, why would your Majesty the Devil agree..."

"Of course I would agree. I just had a skirmish with them and beat them up. Since I am a cute girl like you, I can hardly agree to let you stay in my place." Nie Kong showed a generous expression.

"Then I really appreciate your support." Cangna tilted his head, racking his brains to think about what to say, but couldn't think of anything special.

"Lovely devil sister, don't think about it so complicated. Even if your head is very smart, there is no end to worry about those things. In short, Komao Academy belongs to my area, just don't forget this." As Komao Academy is ranked No. The three beautiful women took Cangna, and Nie Kong planned to take it into his harem.And if you can, of course sisters spend better.The elder sister dressed up as a magical girl is far more cute than Kurana.

"Now this academy is regarded as mine. If one day I am happy, I will change it to a RatingGame school that does not classify." Nie Kong's words directly hit Canna's weakness, cold. There was a flash of enthusiasm in his eyes.

"Forget it, it's a trivial matter anyway. What do you want to do at Komao Academy? I'll help you arrange it." Kurana compromised in a low voice, and then returned to his cold expression.

"Arrange for me to teach in Rias Gremory's class, and by the way, act as a consultant for the Mystery Research Society!" After the school was well managed, Cangna heard Nie Kong's request and soon handed over the appointment letter to Nie Kong. .

"By the way, am I lucky enough to know your name before I leave?" Nie Kong who walked to the door suddenly turned back to Cangna and asked with a smile.

"Huh...I want to be beautiful." Cangna snorted.

"Haha...I will know one day!" Nie Kong held the appointment letter and disappeared in front of them with a chuckle.

After seeing Nie Kong leaving, Cangna's family members started talking.

"President...what does he mean? He actually asked to teach the president's class. It's too much. Is it interesting to our lovely president?"

"Don't... don't talk nonsense, he is a demon superior to the devil, which... how interesting to my little girl!" Cang Na's cold temperament disappeared instantly, showing a panic expression.

"Really... Hehe, I really look forward to the development of things..." Several female relatives in Cangna began to smirk.

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