The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0346, Liliana comes out

"The Demon King who represented the old Demon School occupied the Koomao Academy, and Rias of Gremory took refuge in them. What direction will the Demon World grow in? I really worry about it. The struggle between the two factions will bring war. Is it?" Cangna couldn't predict the result, no matter who would win in the end, it would bring the death of many companions.

"Some time ago, my sisters' war to overthrow the old demon school overthrew the hereditary demon king, but the evil habits of the higher-level demons have become more and more fierce. I hope that using this war can bring a fair and hierarchical demon world system. War... "Nie Kong's words caused De Cang Na to be anxious and implied expectations.

In this way, my dream is to create a world without hierarchy. It is enough to be able to figure this out.And if the old demons clearly win, the title of the superior demon will be overthrown.Then use the victory of RatingGame to gain glory, and rely on your own efforts to promote the title.

No wonder Cangna had such thoughts. The current demon world is like Europe in the tenth century. The demon with the title of devil is very defiant of the reincarnated demon. This is the helplessness of the four demon kings.

The demons of the dukedom include their families, and if equality is implemented, the high level of the entire demon world will be completely offended."Since he didn't mean to drive me away, let him stay in the school for a while to observe. A man recognized even by the proud Rias Gremory, I have to see what he can do..."

When Nie Kong appeared in the activity classroom of the Mystery Research Society, the empty room only had Lolita Kitten sitting quietly on the sofa and eating cake silently. Seeing her at any time during the day was a sleepy expression.

It was a cat demon, and his lazy expression was exactly the same as that of a cat.If the kitten character is a domestic cat pet, her sister Heige is a wild cat full of wildness.

But the development of the wild cat is superb, saying that the two sisters are the two extremes of Loli Yujie, but Nie Kong wants to take it all.If things go well, Hei Ge will be his bishop!

She seemed to notice Nie Kong coming in, and the cute cheeks of the kitten Gu Jing Wubo showed a surprised expression, as if to say why Nie Kong appeared here.

Wow!The sound of water came from the innermost part of the room, as if it was a shower!Nie Kong looked at the voice and found that there was a shower curtain hanging in a corner, and there was a shadow on the shower curtain.It is the figure of a girl, and there is a girl in the shower.

"President, please use it." It was Zhu Nai's voice. Did Rias take a shower inside.

"Thank you, Zhu Nai." The shower curtain opened and Lias appeared in her school uniform.When she saw Nie Kong wearing a teacher's uniform, Liyasi's pretty face first showed surprise and turned into surprise.

"Dad, why are you here?" It was a pity that Lias was wearing a uniform just now. She really wanted her to see her in a bath towel.

"Indecent thought." Someone seemed to be muttering something, the voice came from the Tacheng kitten.Lias blushed, her eyes staring at the cat sauce eating sweets.

"Oh, what about the handsome teacher uniform. Is Rias's father going to be a school teacher?" Zhu Nai politely greeted Nie Kong with a smile, even the voice was so intoxicating.

"That's it. From today on, I will be the consultant of the school's occult research club. In school, Lias wants to call me a teacher, so I must remember." I feel so happy as a teacher again.

Komao Academy was a girls' college last year, but it just became a co-ed school this year.There are mostly girls in the school, and boys occupy a very small part.

"Oh...Anyway, the teacher is an intellectual super sportsman. President, let the teacher have fun with the school girls here!" Zhu Nai said with a smile.

"No, how could Dad do such a thing..." Lias firmly hugged Nie Kong's arm, as if to take Nie Kong as her own.

"President, you are very old-fashioned, the teacher is just our consultant? I really don't understand what the president is complaining about." Kitty whispered.

"In addition to being a consultant for the mysterious activity club, I am also a math teacher in Lias' class. My lovely classmate Lias, please take care of her in the days to come!" Nie Kong touched her soft hair, then took care of the matter. After speaking out.

"It seems that the teacher is worried about the president, and he is doing everything possible to get into the school to care about his daughter. The president...has a good father!" Zhu Nai was envious and a little lost.

Zhu Nai hates her father, hates him for killing her mother.So she had the blood of the fallen angel, but she never showed it to others.

"It turns out that Dad Nie Kong has become our teacher. It's really gratifying. If you have any academic or physical problems in the future, Zhu Nai can find a teacher?" Zhu Nai smiled and drew close to Nie Kong, wondering if he wanted to piss his own president. the meaning of.

Both hands were occupied by the arms of the two women, and Nie Kong clearly realized the girl's unique tenderness.In comparison, Nie Kong knew that Zhu Nai's development had actually overwhelmed his daughter Li Yasi!!

Rias glared at Zhu Nai, but Zhu Nai would give her a careless smile.

"You can come to me if you have any questions, and the kitten is the same." Nie Kong's words made the kitten's plain face show a different color.

With the close company of the two women, Nie Kong sat on the soft sofa in the house and began to talk about business.Because of kicking You Dou away from Li Yasi's family, Nie Kong certainly had to compensate his daughter.

The gold and silver double knights in Ding Tian Ring surpassed You Dou's existence and just added to Rias's knight camp.In the surprised eyes of the women, Nie Kong let Liliana out of the ring.

" finally summon Yana!" After Yana, with silver hair like a kitten, appeared, she knelt in front of Nie Kong with excitement, like a loyal knight!

"Get up first, I have something to tell you to do-temporarily become the knight of my daughter Lias's servant!" Yana was a little disappointed when she heard Nie Kong's instructions.But after knowing that she could accompany Nie Kong, Yana cheered up again.

"Don't worry, Wang, I will protect the princess' safety!" Yana shifted her gaze to Lias, and then knelt in front of her on one knee.It was a gift from her father, and Rias was happy to accept Yana's allegiance.

I didn't expect Yana to be so powerful, she actually spent two knight chess pieces of Lias when she reincarnated!

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