The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0347, Hyoto Issei

"A queen, a chariot, a knight... Little Lias's family members are so few, do you want my father to find a few for you?" There are so many girls in the Dingtian Ring. Can meet Lias' needs.

"Lias will cheer, so dad don't worry. Besides, I have more than three dependents, among them the bishop's father has not had time to get to know her! Now class is about to start, and I will introduce her to my father after school!" Lias is naughty. With a smile, he pulled Nie Kong towards the classroom.Yana didn't transfer to school for the time being, so she stayed behind in the club room with Kitty.

With teaching experience, Nie Kong calmly led the two most beautiful beauties in the college to the classroom.Among them, the first-year male classmates looked at Nie Kong, who was surrounded by the beauty, with surprise and envy.

"He...who is he actually sitting on the most beautiful Senior Sister Lias in our school!" As he passed a certain classroom, Nie Kong suddenly noticed three flaming angry eyes.

Nie Kong turned his head and looked over. He found three wretched-looking youths hidden in the corridor.As for the male classmate among the three, Nie Kong felt that his face was somewhat familiar.

"President's father... he is a dragon hand that can double the power of the holder, Hyoto Issei, did the president's father notice it? I once observed a classmate of the academy and happened to discover the artifact in his body! Zhu Nai whispered in Nie Kong's ear with a weird name.

"Huh! Daddy ignore them, they are the most disgusting trio in the college. Usually they always stare at the female classmates in the college with disgusting eyes. Dad's words...Try not to contact them!" Little Lias said Like a housekeeper, he made a righteous statement.Hmm... If Dad learns to color things, Lias, I might have a chance...

But it's a pity that Rias, who had not reincarnated for Ise, were mistaken, and Hyoto Ise had the cage hand of the Sekiryuutei of Goddess!Every ten seconds of time, the strength of the holder can be doubled.Even if the initial strength is only one, as long as it is doubled every ten seconds, the final strength can be increased to be able to match the superior demon or the fallen angel of the cadre level.And if it is played to the extreme, it can even kill God.Double the power of the host, and then the second ability is to increase the ability of the companion.The artifacts that host the two kings of heaven have the potential to surpass the devil.

"If Dad likes it, Lias helps Dad take it back." Seeing Nie Kong's gaze didn't look away from the vine, Lias said jokingly.Killing humans to snatch artifacts may often happen in the forces of fallen angels.

"It's no big deal, let's talk about artifacts when we have time." Is the protagonist of the original Hyodou Issei, but now the world belongs to my home field!To get rid of the protagonist's robbing of his artifact, let Vali do it.Haha... he would be interested, after all, their two dragons are rivals that have been entangled for hundreds of years.

"Dad is true, you are a demon king who has surpassing my brother's strength. He has ordinary artifacts, dad made a little fuss." Lias thought, who could not understand Nie Kong's thoughts.

Ten minutes before class, Nie Kong told Li Yasi and the three girls to return to the classroom.And I went to my own office, hand-held the list and textbooks, and walked towards the second grade of the teaching building.Of course, what Nie Kong teaches is a math course with teaching experience. After more than ten years, he can finally accompany the beautiful girl in class.

Nie Kong found the classroom where Lias was located on the third floor according to the sign at the door, and confirmed that he had not admitted wrong.After finishing the uniform collar of the classroom, he opened the door and went in.

Presented in front of him are the delicate cheeks of more than 30 beautiful girls, arranged in four groups in the classroom.The classrooms are clean, tidy and spacious, far from the Ishiya Magic High School in the world of Dad.

There are no male creatures in the teachers, and all are girls.Among them, his daughter is sitting at the far end by the window, and Zhu Nai is with her behind.The beauty of the two women overpowered more than 30 girls in the classroom.

Wrong, there was a girl with her chin on her head and squeezed them.Nie Kong took a closer look, except for the student union president Chang Cang who was so cute.

The top three beauties in the school actually gathered in a classroom, should Nie Kong say that it was a destiny.

"Ahem! Hello, classmates. From today on, I am the math teacher in your class. My name is Nie Kong." With a gentle smile, Nie Kong calmly wrote his name on the blackboard.

"Wow... our new math teacher is more than ten times more handsome than your younger brother Youdou. Mom and Dad thank you very much for giving birth to me. I am so happy. Teacher... Are you free after school?"

"Asshole... unexpectedly seduce her father in front of her. Dad belongs to Rias!" Behind the table, Rias pulled the book with her hands and tore the paper all over the floor.

After the girls in the classroom saw Nie Kong appearing, the originally quiet classroom became noisy.They crowded and raised their hands, as if to ask something.

What an innocent girl, a sweet breath came to his face, Nie Kong was a little drunk.

Cang Na, who was immersed in writing something, raised his head in surprise and looked like it was the new math teacher Nie Kong.Since she went through the formalities in person, Kurana was not surprised.

"Be quiet, it's time for class now." The president of the student council said, and the surroundings began to quiet as if shocked.However, Cangna still failed to extinguish the enthusiasm of the girls, they turned to look at Nie Kong with enthusiastic eyes.

"Teacher, let's start the call!" Kurana said calmly.

"Yes, yes, please call me the teacher!" The female classmates couldn't wait, obviously asking Nie Kong to remember their names.

"Well, it's time to roll the call now. Those students who got the call should remember to raise their hands." Nie Kong opened the roll call book and said the first name first!

"Withdraw Cangna!"

The roll call book is sorted by position, so I first read the classmate Cangna sitting in front.

Cangna hesitated for a long time, and then whispered "here"!The voice was so low that Nie Kong almost didn't hear it.

"Has classmate Cangna arrived? Please raise your hand when you arrive..." Nie Kong said.

"That's right...My name is Chiku Changna!" Cangna raised his flushed cheeks and suddenly yelled, even the classroom girls felt a little buzzing in their ears.

"Ha ha... So your name is Chi Ticang Na, when you don’t wear glasses, it’s much more cute than when you wear glasses. Why did you know this before you deliberately conceal it from the teacher in the morning? Is it true that the classmate Cang Na wants to give the teacher suddenly Surprise..." Nie Kong smiled.

"It turns out... It turns out that the president has finally started to pay attention to boys. It's damned, the president is so powerful, will some of us be her opponents!" The girl in the classroom whispered, making Lias even more angry Up.

"Oh... the guild leader has added a powerful party player, and he is also a superior demon! If the guild leader wants to help, you can always find Zhu Nai." Zhu Nai chuckled.

Cangna wants to cry without tears, she has ten mouths now that it is difficult to explain.

"Bastard teacher, why do you always say things that are misleading when you first came to class. Although... Although I like you to say you are cute, you have to say these things in different occasions..."

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