The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0351, and Lias intimacy

The daughter put her arms around her neck, their lips pressed together.It's not an instant contact, but a couple's contact.Lias' lips were soft and jerky, with the fragrance of beautiful red hair like a waterfall.

Just as Nie Kong reacted, Lias looked directly at herself, who was close at hand, with her eyes full of shame.My daughter!Is this a kiss? You are chewing on my mouth.

He felt uncomfortable at all, making him a little bit painful.

The alternative stimulus prompted Nie Kong's ghost messenger to play with her, and finally came to Lias's mouth.

Unknowingly, I was tempted by Rias and took the first step of a ghost. Should I cry.

Lias tightly hugged Nie Kong's neck, boldly confronting her father's attack.For Rias, the bolder the father, the happier he is.

Are you finally willing to take Lias?Think about it during this period of time that Dad always ignores his appearance, Lias feels that she is an unattractive girl.

I have grown up, and the girls of other demons already have children at their current age.

The clothes of the two looked messy, but the low voice interrupted her delusion.

" is forbidden to make such vulgar actions, and all delusions are forbidden." Lolita Kitty appeared in front of them, blushing and watching their bold behavior quietly.Originally the kitten was accompanying Jiaer to tease Gasper, but the sensitive cat ears suddenly heard a strange meow, so the kitten quietly appeared in front of them.It turns out that there are really cats, and they are two cats in spring.

"Just now we were relatives between father and daughter... dear, don't go out and talk nonsense, kitten."

Lias jumped up with a wow, looked around and found that there was no figure of Jia'er and let out a sigh.She glanced at Nie Kong wateryly, and hurriedly sorted out her messy clothes.After finally getting her father's acknowledgment, Rias looked extremely happy.

"The reward has already been sent, Xiao Liyasi, hand over Dad's chess pieces." Nie Kong calmed down the restless blood, and pressed the high tent between his pants to prevent the pure Lolita kitten from seeing it.Unfortunately, the kitten has already seen everything he should see.

"Ok... OK." Just getting this reward, I have been waiting for more than ten years in vain!Lias's blushing pretty face focused heavily, and then used the magic circle to summon the sixteen three-dimensional chess that were sealed.One king belongs to Nie Kong, and the remaining fifteen belong to his family.Among the fifteen chess pieces, there is obviously a red variant chess piece.Nie Kong could tell from its shape that it was a soldier.

"The way the devil pieces are used is like this. First put your own blood into the pieces to form a contract between the demons! Then when you meet your favorite family members, give the devil pieces to him to complete the reincarnation ceremony. Dad, you plan to take it Who is your queen?" Lias asked curiously.

It's a pity that I have my own dependents, otherwise it would be so happy to be the queen of my father, and to be with my father forever.

"It depends on the situation, if there is no doubt that it is Griffia." Of course, there are more choices if you turn on Dingtian Ring.The strongest leader Luo Cuilian, the wisest goddess Athena, the most powerful Akash, the most S rose beast... There are too many girls who can meet the conditions to choose.

Counting the devil-level girls in the Dingtian Ring ring, there are only six or seven girls.There are more than 20 girls close to the level of the devil.It turns out that my harem is not very big, and it seems that I will work hard to develop in the future.

The first is the chess pieces of the two knights. Nie Kong intends to ask two angels to serve, and of course the bishop has a candidate.Tanks, soldiers, etc., depending on the situation, the best candidates can be satisfied. The goal is to take all the beauties of the second dimension into their own harem!

"Is the queen Griffia? Lias doesn't... don't have any comments." Griffia is the closest girl to Rias in Nie Kong's harem.Hmm...I am mainly opposed to sister Jia'er, how decent it is for father's daughter to be the queen of father.

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