The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0352, Cang Na's invitation

After obtaining the devil's chess piece, Nie Kong gave the queen's chess piece to Griffia after refining it.Knowing that she was going to become the queen of the master, Griffia was almost fainted with happiness.

Because the sacred attributes of the Celestial Beast should be preserved, Nie Kong considered that the two knights of his family should choose Lilith Beast and Rose Beast.The rose beast that came out hugged Nie Kong happily and called Akong Akong tenderly.The flower fairy beast with the attributes of Yujie is still so innocent and romantic.

Because they were reincarnated by using Nie Kong's blood, the two girls had more vampire attributes, adding a bit of strength.What was annoyed was that Lias had no chance to get close to her father since kissing.

Whenever Lias made a bold move, the kitten or Jiaer would always appear to teach her president that it is forbidden to make vulgar moves.As for Gasper's words, his timid and fearful attributes remained unchanged.

On Monday, Nie Kong who entered the classroom was startled.Cang Na eyebrow exuded an icy temperament sitting in the first row, but Nie Kong could see the joy at the corner of her eyebrow.The classroom kept coming in and people gave out exquisite boxes, and they were all boys. Every sentence was: "Happy birthday!"

The piles of presents in the surrounding seats are simply incredible.The female classmates around were too envious. Who called Cang Na was the school’s top three beautiful seniors, and she was the president of the student union.

It seems that the school’s male classmates are well informed, and they will know Cang Na’s birthday!!

Nie Kong calmly appeared before the podium in the classroom.The boys in the school didn't see him, so they gave gifts to bless the president.Of course, some girls who like Canna also gave her gifts.This shows that Cang Na is really a fanatic of the school.If it was her daughter Lias’ birthday, what a scene would it be.

Until class, the gifts are endless.Rias and Zhu Nai, who stepped on the bell, entered the classroom, and the two girls stayed at Canna, who was surrounded by gifts.Na Cangna glanced at them, a little smug on her face.It seems that Cang Na is in a good mood today, and her words seem to be softer.

Once the math class was over, Cang Na looked at the gifts surrounding him and smiled brightly.When the beauty smiles, the flowers are also inferior.

May be stimulated, Lias snorted and left the classroom, probably back to the club room!After Zhu Nai smiled at Nie Kong, he followed the president.

After seeing the two opponents disappear, Cang Na suddenly handed Nie Kong a pink thing, which turned out to be like an invitation letter.Nie Kong was very strange, but Cang Na didn't have time to take a closer look at what Cang Na asked him to do, and he stuffed it into his trouser pocket.

Nie Kong returned to the club activity room, there was no one inside.He unfolded the invitation card while sitting on the sofa, and it turned out to be an invitation to celebrate Cang Na's birthday dinner.Tonight, a birthday party will be held at Xidi's house in the Devildom.Fainted, she should know that she is the enemy of the demon world, why would she invite me.

Nie Kong was a little confused. When he was about to withdraw the invitation, the charming Lias appeared at the door of the club room.Nie Kong didn't have time to put away the invitation, and was stared at by his daughter. Her eyes lit up and said, "Dad, what."

Nie Kong stuffed it into his trouser pocket, got up from the sofa, pretending to be nothing, and said, "It's nothing, where did you just go." Cangna MM's invitation, should he hide his daughter.

Lias hummed: "You didn't lie to your lovely daughter."

Nie Kong chuckled lightly: "It's a drop, it's a drop, there's nothing."

Rias winked at Zhu Nai, and Zhu Nai showed an expression of understanding.

Zhu Nai closed his eyes, and his body softened like a coma.Nie Kong quickly held Zhu Nai with his eyes and hands, really warm and fragrant and warm.Zhu Nai smiled like a fox and suddenly opened her graceful eyes.Pulling his hands on the corners of Nie Kong's clothes, there seemed to be an extra thing in his little hand.Nie Kong was slightly surprised that it was his own invitation.Little girl Zhu Nai, she touched her hand quickly.

Rias opened the invitation, and Zhu Nai handed it over to look at the invitation.When seeing the signature after the invitation, Zhu Nai smiled and said, "Oh, the teacher turned out to be a beautiful woman with an appointment. Dad is really good, the president, me, and Cangna! Tsk tsk, I mean Cang. Then why is it not right? She keeps arguing with the president. It turns out that she doesn't want to kill you too."

"Zunai...Did your father acknowledge your position? Daddy belongs to Rias!" Rias glared at Zhu Nai angrily, and then took the invitation into her arms."It's not that Dad will be deceived. Daughter helps Dad keep the invitation."

Nie Kong didn't care and said, "I will invite someone to a birthday party. Is it possible for you to analyze this and that?"

"Dad's reply, the daughter rejected the re-investigation. Father has the right to appeal, and the result is up to the daughter to judge." She glanced at Nie Kong, and then walked away proudly with Zhu Nai.

Nie Kong naturally didn't go there that night, and then in the math class the next day, Cang Na's face was as cold as a volcano about to erupt.Nie Kong who was watching came in and rushed over as if venting his anger.

Petite arms and legs greeted Nie Kong, Nie Kong stretched out his hand and grabbed Cang Na's limbs.Cang Na looked at Nie Kong with tears in his eyes, his expression was unspeakably pitiful, how could he look like the usual icy guild grower.

What the hell did Lias do last night to make Cang that angry like this!After a short while, Lias and the two girls walked into the classroom happily.When they saw Cang's face like the back of a pot, they showed opposite expressions.

"Huh..." Cang Na scratched Nie Kong's eyes and silently returned to the table.The teacher is too disgusting, is she actually asking Lias to humiliate herself?

When Nie Kong finished class, he immediately pulled Lias to the corner and asked: "Lias, what did you do last night." Lias lightly said, "It's nothing, help Dad celebrate her birthday on behalf of her. I also gave a big cake!" Lias gestured the shape of the cake, then smiled triumphantly.

"Then I told her that it’s best to be boring to the teacher. If it’s interesting to the teacher, persuade her to die of this heart. Zhu Nai already has the crystallization of his father’s love, oh..." Zhu Nai touched Touched his stomach, showing a mischievous smile.

Nie Kong's heart-string trembling repeatedly said, "You can really break it."

"Haha... Dad, you didn't see Cangna's face at the time, it was really fun." Lias covered her belly and laughed.

It's probably so angry, no wonder I'm so angry today.

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