The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0353, Lias' plan

A few days passed, and Cangna's temperament was much colder than before.It seemed that the birthday party was a blow to her.And since that incident, Cang Na always avoided Nie Kong.

It just so happens that the classroom is Cangna's day today, and the students have already left the classroom.In the empty classroom, only Cangna cleaning the house.Nie Kong could walk over and appeared in front of Cang Na.

After Cangna discovered Nie Kong, he just wanted to leave but Nie Kong caught her little hand.

Nie Kong chuckled softly: "Classmate Cang! Why do you seem to be hiding from the teacher lately? Do you hate the teacher so much?"

Cang Nai's pretty face was stained with an inexplicable blush, and Chen Chen bit his mouth and said: "I can't respect it, how dare I hate the teacher! Teacher, I will ask you, what is the matter with the teacher and Zhu Nai."

Sure enough, the words of the two daughters of Lias a few days ago left a mark in her heart. Nie Kong smiled and said: "It turns out that Cang, such a smart and cute girl, will believe Zhu Nai's nonsense. Cang classmate does not need to be angry. The teacher didn't make Zhu Nai's belly big..." But it's hard to say in the future, Nie Kong quietly added.Zhu Nai and the others are their own, would they just not eat it?

Little Lias is really, she didn't bother her intention to pick up girls before.But the attitude towards Cangna is the most special. Is it because the two girls are competing in the same school?

"If classmate Cangna has no objection, the teacher would even want to mess with classmate Da Cang's belly. Student Cangna, who do you think our babies will look like when born." Cang Na, full of cold temperament, finished listening at this moment. After Nie Kong's bold words, his pretty face showed a panic and a shame.Nie Kong raised her pretty face, and slowly leaned her lips towards it.

"Who...who cares about your big belly, old...if the teacher is okay, Cangna will clean the classroom." Unknown power, Cangna flushed and pushed Nie Kong away.She ran out of the classroom in a panic, and she almost fell a few somersaults.

Like the innocent girl Cang Na, how could he withstand such a bad molestation by Nie Kong.If it hadn't been for Cang Na to have a good feeling for Nie Kong, Cang Na would have slapped him a few times earlier.

The shy Cang Na wanted to drag it until Nie Kong left to clean up, but Nie Kong stayed in the classroom waiting for her as always.Suppressing the panic, Cangna pretended to be cold and walked into the classroom.

"'s already time for school now, why didn't you go home?" Are you waiting for yourself to go home together, Cang Na was a little bit inexplicably happy besides panic.

"Oh, the teacher is waiting for us. I just finished the club activities, the teacher will go home together." Nie Kong turned his head and looked over, did the two little Li Yasi girls not go home!

Seeing the two return to the original and even develop a more intimate relationship, Xiao Lias secretly became wary."What a great Cang Na, he turned my dad into a daze."

Cang Na looked at them, frowned and said, "It's you."

Rias snorted slightly because of jealousy of the same sex.Lias held Nie Kong's arm in a demonstrative way and said: "'s already late, please go back with us."

The smell of gunpowder in the eyes of the women, fools can also see.It seems that Lias and Cang's two daughters are not born with each other.

"Little Lias, don't worry, wait for Cangna's classmate. Her dependents have already gone back, and one more person will have no effect." Hearing Nie Kong's words, Cangna looked at the two girls like Lias in a demonstration.

Lias screamed in anger, her bright red hair was a reflection of her mood at the moment.Dad is an idiot, Lias wants Dad to pamper him more.

After half an hour of cleaning, the classroom was finally cleaned up.Several people locked the classroom, and then left the college.On the way back, Zhu Naishen was mysterious. She glanced at Nie Kong and said, "Teacher, do you think...who are the three of us beautiful?"

Nie Kong said with a faint smile: "They are all beautiful, but Rias is the most important thing in my heart..."

Rias took her hand tightly, her bright eyes filled with joy.It turns out that the most important thing for my father is himself, so happy.

"Oh, oh, the teacher is unfair. They are ranked second in the school, and classmate Cang is ranked third." Zhu Nai encircled Nie Kong's other hand, and said to Nie Kong with a sigh of relief. .

The abusive Zhu Nai is very bold for men and women, and the pure Rias is far behind.If his daughter had half of her skill, Nie Kong would turn down the two daughters in the incarnation of a ghost father.

Zhu Nai winked her eyes like silk and said, "Then...the teacher tells us, who is more attractive in our body."

Look at Zhu Nai's cherry lips, Cang Na directly stretched out her fingers to block her lips, and said coldly: "Zhu Nai, please pay attention." It turns out that Zhu Nai is singing a one-man show, and I want to stop her. Bold behavior.

The two women's eyes exchanged sparks of calcium carbide, as if a volcano was about to erupt anytime.Of course, Little Lias was the most anxious, and the two women appeared to be very threatening.

Her ambition is to be a daddy's woman, so why is Rias willing to be her father's good daughter.But Dad is so annoying. He has shown himself in front of Dad many times, but why is Dad indifferent?

"Time is getting tighter, and I absolutely want to prevent the two of them from getting their father's love. Hum...If Dad pushes them, the seniority will be messed up." Think about Zhu Nai smiling and looking at herself, asking herself to call her mother. In the scene, Rias is going crazy.So Zhu Nai hates me the most, always wanting to touch my things all of a sudden!No, please find your daughter if your father wants to push it. Rias is willing.

Secretly planning how to get her father logically, Lias frowned into the shape of Sichuan.If there was no interference from Jia'er and the little Lori, how could I be so troubled.

Especially the kittens of his dependents are very sensitive to such things.I had a good chance several times, but they were all destroyed by the kitten.

Summer is coming, and I want to get my father's true love before the summer vacation in college.Hum... Sister Jiaer, don't blame sister, I'm the first to board.Sister, you are a little young. If you want to get dad's love, you should wait a few years.

Rias was flushed with stimulation.Just thinking about it, it feels so great, if you really do...

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