The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0354, finally married

When Nie Kong and the others returned to the villa, Griffia had already prepared dinner waiting for them to return.After dinner, Rias began to think about her plans.

To get a dad, you must first break out of the circle of two loli.With such a sense of consciousness, Rias had a lovely smile on her mouth, as if she had thought of some brilliant idea.

"No nasty delusions!!" The kitten squinted out a few words, as if he could see through Lias's mind!

"Kitten, I am your master, do you have someone who talks to the master like this?" Lias found that her family members were all very distinctive girls.

"Sister, don't think about making any bad ideas, Jiaer can watch you at any time." Jiaer stared at Lias vigilantly and warned her sister.Of course Lias knew it, but now when Dad took a shower, it happened to be a good opportunity to help them.

"With my sister, how dare Rias make any small actions? I'm just happy. Do you know what Lias heard from her father when she was in school today?" Rias pretended to be mysterious. .

"What!" the two little loli asked curiously.

"I'm not interested...I...I'm a cocoon. I only like indoor activities. It's good to be able to wear cute clothes and surf the Internet at home..." Cocoon's Lolita is very seriously ill, and Gasper is not saved!But she was a non-threatening loli, Lias was relieved.

"Hehe... I won't tell you, this is Dad's secret..." Lias put her mouth close, but teased the two loli in front.

"Ahhh... Sister Lias, please tell Jiaer!" Jiaer looked at Lias with gleaming eyes, obviously using Lori's advantage to sell cute.The two loli held Lias's hand left and right to prevent her from leaving.

The fish was hooked, and Lias had a triumphant smile on her mouth.

"I know, I told you that!" Lias showed a helpless expression of surrender, and then said: "I said you must keep it secret!"

The two little loli nodded heavily, looking at Lias with gleaming cute big eyes.

"During the school lunch break at noon, I didn't intend to hear my father's voice. He muttered to himself, saying that he hasn't slept with his daughters for a long time, and what surprises he will give his daughters tonight... , It seems that Dad specifically mentioned the kitten's name!" Lias said excitedly.

"Dad wants to sleep with Rias, okay! It seems that when I can take a bath, I will wash myself clean and wait for Dad to come over!!"

"My sister is thinking too much, and my father is definitely coming to Jia'er's room!" Jia'er was full of happy smiles, her blushing pretty face was so delicate.Really, dad wants to sleep with Jia'er.

As if thinking of some bad picture, Jia Er's eyes looked watery and moving.

Can I sleep with Nie Kong's father? The kitten really didn't dream?Her plain expression showed a different smile.The two loli disappeared in front of Rias with a scream, and they seemed to have gone to take a bath.

Is it finally done? What a lie.But if I hear the news, I guess the performance is even worse than theirs.Dad is really harmful, when did he steal Lias' heart?

Lias showed a sweet smile, and she followed the two loli behind humming a song.The sound of splashing water was the three women playing in the spacious bathtub in the bathroom.

After spraying the fragrance of her own washing, the three girls blushed and sneaked into their room.Nie Kong is a little strange, why the girls go to bed so early when they play late.Griffia and the others have to take care of the villa, and it is estimated that they will not be able to accompany them until ten o'clock.

Nie Kong returned to his bedroom with nothing to do, and then lay on the soft bed.

"Don't Griffia and the others have time to accompany Dad? In that case, Lias is responsible for accompany Dad."

Anyway, the daughter has been raised, she should be able to eat when she is mature.

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