The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body text 036, break the seal

Ultimate Monster's defensive power is very strong, even the three tricks of the emperor dragon armor beast, the human face war eagle beast, and the ancient god beast in the original work can't hurt him a bit.At this moment, his legs were petrified by Nie Kong's desperate cry.If it hadn't been for the ultimate demon's unique skill, Flame Hell, which had offset most of its power, I am afraid his huge body would have been turned into a stone sculpture.

"What a terrifying guy, where is he sacred?" Ultimate Beast didn't expect that he would be defeated by an unknown Digimon, and he was shocked and angry.

"I thought I had overestimated his strength, but I didn't expect to underestimate his power! It's so dangerous, I was almost killed." The evil monster in the distance couldn't help wiping the sweat from his face.

"Ultimate Beast, do you still want me to surrender you now." Nie Kong did not relax, staring at Wan Luo, although his legs were petrified, his vitality was severely injured.But the Hundred-legged Worm is dead and not stiff, and you have to be very careful if you fight back against Nie Kong desperately.

"Hmph, I lost this time! But you wait for me, sooner or later I will swallow your data." Ultimate Monster said in a hoarse voice, there were too many nos in the tone. Willingly.

"No matter how many times, you are not my opponent! If you meet me next time, don't think of letting you go as easily as you are now!" Nie Kong smiled coldly. It is not that simple to defeat himself.

"You guy..."

The ultimate demon Nie Kong was furious, and the dark power on his body also rioted.I saw that the petrified legs were actually shaken by the dark power of the riot and restored to their original appearance.

Nie Kong interrupted in one fell swoop: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to stimulate you, the next time I meet you will know the outcome."

"Let's go!" Ultimate Beast gritted his teeth and turned to leave.Feeling the anger that the Ultimate Beast erupts at any time, even the zombie Satan Beast and the Sea Beast around them dare not get too close, for fear of being used as an object of vent.

After walking a few steps, Nie Kong suddenly remembered something: "Wait."

Ultimate Warcraft paused with his back to Nie Kong, turned his head and said coldly: "Why, do you want to fight now? I'll be with you at any time!"

Nie Kong pointed at the seal with his hand and smiled: "If you can tell me the whereabouts of your subordinates, I will let you go out of this dark area with me."

"Arrogant guy, do you still want to escape from the dark zone based on your strength!" Ultimate Monster sneered in his heart, wanting to see how this guy looked ugly in front of them.

"If you are looking for the monster girl, she just left the dark area behind the steel Wukong beast."

Although this result had been expected, Nie Kong still felt a little disappointed.It turns out that among the Four Heavenly Kings, the clown emperor’s subordinates are actually the same Digimon as the Ultimate Warcraft.

Then the witch beast that was destroyed by the celestial beast in the original book was sent back to the dark area to be reborn, and once again ran out with the ultimate beast to make a mess.

"Dad, Jia'er doesn't want to see you being unhappy." Jia'er pulled Raniekong's big hand, a little worried in her eyes.

"It's okay, I'm just a little disappointed. Good Jiaer, my dad will take you to play in that beautiful Digimon." Nie Kong patted Jiaer's little head lightly and turned and walked towards the seal.

The seal in front of me looked very beautiful, as coquettish as a rainbow after a storm.Nie Kong knew that this layer of seal was filled with terrifying sacred power, preventing the demon king sealed in it from escaping to the Digimon world.

"If it's him, there is really hope to leave this place." The evil demon looked at Nie Kong without blinking, feeling extremely excited.

"Come on, Vampire King! You are the king of Digimon who wants to rule the entire universe. You can't fail here." Little Evil Monster said loudly.

Nie Kong didn't speak, but his right hand began to gather the power of his whole body. At this time, he finally began to transform into a vampire, exerting two hundred percent of his power.

All the strength of Nie Kong's body was concentrated on the blood whip of sin. When he was ready, the blood whip in his hand was like a red and black thunderbolt that slashed towards the seal.

The blood whip of sin on the colored sacred firewall, causing ripples.However, not only did Nie Kong fail to break the seal, the blood whip in his hand was also completely purified.

"What a terrifying sacred power." Just a little bit from the blood whip, already made Nie Kong feel how terrifying that power is.

"It seems that the dark power skills on his body cannot break the seal. The only thing left is the only way to soul power." Nie Kong sighed in his heart, and could only let go of his only trump card.

"Haha...I really can't help it. You just want to break the seal of the dark area, don't make me laugh, okay." Ultimate Beast can finally vent the anger just now and fight Nie Kong desperately.

"Let me try the only skill among the vampires that can invoke soul power!" Nie Kong ignored the research-level monsters, but closed his eyes and prepared to activate the soul power.

The scream in the vampire skill is a group attack dispersion skill.It is to use one's own mental power to turn a needle into another's head.

And now Nie Kong wanted to condense all his mental power into a sharp blade to break the seal.Although there are risks, there is only this way now.

Nie Kong's closed eyes opened strangely, and Ultimate Beast actually saw two white thunderbolts shooting out of his eyes.He couldn't help rubbing his eyes, then glanced again.

Suddenly, he saw a scene that shocked him.The white thunderbolt was not his illusion, but a real power.Because under the white thunderbolt, the colorful seal was suddenly cut into two pieces by a sharp knife, revealing a dark hole.All Digimon know that this black hole is the gateway to the Digimon world.

"Have you finally opened it? I thought it was useless." Nie Kong's body shook, obviously it was very mentally exhausted.

Jiaer immediately ran to Nie Kong's side in fright, stretched out a small hand and immediately supported Nie Kong.

"It's okay, Dad!"

"It's okay, let's leave here quickly. If it is late, the seal will be closed again." Nie Kong's pale face, smiled at Jia'er.

"Then let Jia'er hold his father." Before Nie Kong refused, Jia'er picked up Nie Kong's body in a strange posture.

"Princess hug?" Nie Kong's face was strange and he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

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