The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 037, the group of demons flurry

After Jia'er was transformed into a vampire by Nie Kong, she was very powerful, and there was no pressure to pick up over a hundred catties of Nie Kong.But a little loli hugged a mullet, this combination seemed weird as weird.

Nie Kong couldn't refuse Jia'er's care and love, so he could only let Jia'er jump into the pitch black hole with his body.

Fortunately, there are no other humans here, but there are a group of ignorant Digimon.Moreover, their thoughts have long been attracted by the hole that broke the seal.

"Vampire Beast King, wait for me!" Little Evil Beast followed and plunged into the black hole.

The eyes of the Ultimate Beast stared like copper bells, and he squeezed his face forcefully in disbelief.A piercing pain came, but his heart was extremely excited.

"Roar, thanks to that guy, I am finally able to leave the dark area!" Ultimate Beast was disappointed today because he failed to catch the shuttle bus from Steel Wukong Beast to leave here.Unexpectedly, God actually gave him another opportunity to leave here, how could this not make him extremely excited.

"Little ones, go out with me to conquer the digital world!" Ultimate Warcraft couldn't wait, and rushed into the black hole in three steps, for fear of missing the opportunity to go out again.

The lonely dark space brought him too much loneliness.Every day, he spends in deep sleep, longing for the Digimon world outside.

The huge Dark Legion troops, of course, followed the Ultimate Monster into the Digimon world.However, there are still a large number of Digimon in the mature stage who failed to keep up with the seal and left here.

And the evil demon, who had been waiting for a chance to escape, would naturally not let go of this opportunity long ago, and slipped out first when all the bodies left.


In the Digimon world, at this time several selected children are fighting hard.Together, their six Digimons are not the opponent U of any one of the four dark kings.Although when he first came to the Digimon world, he was rescued by the fairy beast and was able to escape safely from the four dark kings.But every day, they live a life of fear and trembling, always guarding against the counterattack of the four dark kings.

But today is even worse. In addition to the Dark Four Heavenly Kings, they have one more enemy-Iron Goku.

"The guy from the Vampire Beast is right. In addition to him, there are so many powerful enemies in the Digimon world. With our power, we can't deal with them at all now." Meimei finally couldn't run and sat down. Said desperately on the ground.

"Mimi, don't give up! I'll be at the old man Xuan Nei's house soon. I believe he will be able to defeat those enemies." Suna pulled Mimi and comforted her.

"Wow, wow..." At this moment, a gorilla wrapped in steel was pulling green vines and flying quickly in the woods.

"Oops, the Iron Wukong Beast has caught up, run quickly!" A Zhu said anxiously with a change on his face.

"It's useless, you can't escape the palm of my great king." The Iron Goku Beast has appeared in front of the selected children, and put a handsome POSS to them.

"Damn it, everyone, let's fight." Seeing that the enemy has caught up, Tai said to the Agumon behind them.

"Good one, leave it to us!" Under the light of the divine plan, the six Digimon began their own evolution.

Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, Orc Garuru, Zudon, Angel, Superbido, Garuda, and six huge Digimons were blocked in front of Steel Goku.

"Haha...I am different now. Every time I rebirth and die in the dark zone, I know how important my body is. Now my whole body is wrapped in super alloy, and you can't hurt me."

Steel Gokumon was playing with his bright silver body intoxicated, but it was a pity that the Digimon on the opposite side ignored his mood.

"Ultimate Destroying Cannon!"

The mechanical tyrannosaurus was aimed at the steel Wukong beast's chest and ejected two missiles.

The Iron Goku Beast was still intoxicated, and was shot by a missile before it had time to escape.

"You guys have become so despicable. I'll start fighting before I'm ready. In that case, I will let you see how powerful I am, a million punches!" The steel Wukong beast has no injuries at all. , Jumped out of the explosion smoke.Shining fists aimed at the head of the mechanical tyrannosaurus and bombarded it.

"Mechanical Tyrannosaurus Beast!" The orc Garuru's face changed, and he immediately used Caesar's sharp claws to grab the steel Goku Beast.

The sharp claws pierced the steel Wukong beast with sparks, but unfortunately it failed to injure the steel Wukong beast.Wukong Beast's fist hit the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus.

The mechanical tyrannosaurus wailed, and its body was shot and flew out more than ten meters.It seems that for a short time, he can't stand up and continue fighting.

"Shadow Wing Slash!" The giant Garuda beast in the sky, with a wave of its wings, issued a quick air blade that could cut the air.

"Super Horned Cannon!" The horns of Chao Bi Duo also pointed at the Iron Goku Beast, sending out a red energy cannon.

"Fist of Heaven!" The angel beast did not hesitate, the sacred power in his hand began to condense, forming a beam of light aimed at the steel Wukong beast and sprayed it over.

"Heavy hammer sparks!" Zu Dunmon's superalloy hammer struck Wukong beastly.

The arrogant Wukong Beast didn't avoid it, letting the four Digimon attack on him.Although the first three had no effect on him, the superalloy hammer of the Zu Dunmon knocked out a crack in the hard body of the steel Wukong beast.

Iron Wukong Beast only felt a pain in his body, he looked down in disbelief, and his proud body was actually broken.

"How is it possible, my body is clearly made of the hardest alloy forging, how can you break it!!" Steel Wukong Beast lost his voice.

"Hmph, let me tell you too. My hammer is also made of super alloy, so it can hurt you naturally!" Zu Dunmon said proudly.

"Now, everyone is aiming at the crack and giving him the final blow!" Taiyi couldn't help but feel energetic when he saw this scene.

"Got it!" In addition to the mechanical Tyrannosaurus, the other five Digimon just wanted to use their tricks.The sky suddenly changed, and the bright sky became extremely dark.

Suddenly, a strange black hole appeared in the sky, and a burst of terrifying dark power came out from the black hole.

"Then...what is that?" Suna felt a little cold when she saw this strange scene.

"Could it be that some great devil is about to be born?" The angel beast who felt the deepest lost his voice.

The Digimon and the selected children all stopped and stared at the sky blankly. Even the Iron Goku Beast was completely forgotten.

"Haha...I'm finally able to return to the Digimon world." In the sky, many giant virus coded babies appeared in front of the selected children.

The Dark Legion, headed by research-level monsters, reappeared in the Digimon world at this moment.For a while, the terrifying dark power spread throughout the Digimon world, and even the Four Heavenly Kings on the Dark Tornado Mountain were alarmed.

"Haha, did the Dark Legion of the Ultimate Monster King come out from there too. The selected children, you have no hope this time! The Digimon world will surely be shrouded in the dark forces! The selected Children, I hope to see you again next time." Steel Wukong Beast laughed, jumped onto the tree and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The world of Digimon, dance of demons!!

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