The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body text 038, the sky falls down

Nie Kong may have left the dark area first, so he did not descend in the same place as the Ultimate Beast in the Digimon World, but was fortunately descended not far from his dark city.

Nie Kong, who returned to the castle, was a little bit emotional.The Dark City has changed so much. After Nie Kong left, it became an empty city, and now there is not even a guardian.

Of course, evil monsters are even more tragic. I wanted to leave the dark area and return to the Digimon world to find the selected children to avenge their lives. Unfortunately, the plan could not keep up with the changes.The unlucky evil beast happened to land in Nie Kong's dark city.

I thought I found such a good base, but I didn't expect it to be a wolf den.Nie Kong felt lucky. Just when he wanted to find a Digimon to guard the gate, the heavens dropped him a monster.

The evil beasts have seen the horror of Nie Kong in the dark area, so how can they dare to resist Nie Kong, they can only succumb to Nie Kong's magic power like fate.

The time is just like that. Two days have passed since then.During these two days, Nie Kong hid in the bedroom and performed dual repairs with the two females of the Flower Fairy Beast and the Celestial Beast to restore the soul power he had spent, while trying the wonderful taste of a dragon and two phoenixes.

It was Jia'er, because Nie Kong was busy tasting the two girls, so he couldn't spare time to accompany her.As a result, her face was swollen in the past two days, and she knew she was sulking without looking.

"What's the matter, who dared to provoke my good girl so boldly?" After two days, Nie Kong finally walked out of the bedroom with the Celestial Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast.

All three of them looked so energetic and full of energy.Especially for the two women, their already pretty cheeks are like a gorgeous peony in full bloom.

"Dad is a big idiot, he said he would play with Jia'er. But when he arrived in the Digimon World, Dad had forgotten Jia'er." After seeing Nie Kong's appearance, Jia'er's face immediately burst into happiness.But seeing the two females of the Celestial Beast and the Flower Fairy in the back, their small faces tightened again.

"Haha..." Seeing Jia'er's cute look, Nie Kong couldn't help but stretched out his hand and hugged Jiaer's little Lolita, and stamped it hard on her cute face.

"Boom!" Jia'er's somewhat pale face immediately showed a dark hickey.

"Dad is really true, the saliva is sticking to Jia'er's face." Although she said that, Jia'er seemed to enjoy it very much.

"Let's go, I will take you out today to familiarize yourself with this Digimon world." Nie Kong took Jia'er's little hand, took the Flower Fairy Beast and the Celestial Beast and walked outside the castle.

After "retreating" for two days, he also wanted to know what the outside world had become now.


"The selected children, the two of you can't escape the palm of my monster girl, blood bat!" At this moment, a fierce battle of fleeing in the air was not far away from the Dark City.

Countless blood-colored bats turned out from the front of the monster girl and hit the Garuda beast in front.The huge body of Garuda beast shook in the sky and almost lost its balance and fell.

"Hold on, Garudamon!" Suna and Mimei, who were sitting on Garudamon's palms, were almost shocked and fell off, so scared they immediately grasped Garudamon's fingers.

"It's useless, don't do unnecessary resistance, the female devil's eye!" The demon beast immediately followed, with a beam of energy from its delicate eyes.

The Garuda beast in the air is like a fixed target, its huge body can't escape the attack of the monster girl.After eating the trick of the monster girl, her body fell from the sky.

"Ah!" Regardless of how the two women yelled, Garuda was still unable to stop the speed of falling, and the two women's faces were scared green by falling from a high altitude.

"Boom!" A huge shock came out, and the body of Garuda beast hit the ground like a meteorite.

Due to the desperate protection of Garudamon, the two women were just frightened and did not suffer any substantial injuries.But the Garuda beast couldn't bear it, and its body degenerated into a monk.

"Mimi, Suna! Sorry, I can't protect you anymore." After saying this, the Bhikkhu closed his eyes and went into a coma.

"Haha, see who else can save you now!" A bloodthirsty smile appeared on the face of Yao Nv Beast, landing in front of the two women from the sky.

Nie Kong looked at the person in front of him speechlessly. He didn't expect that just as he walked out of the dark city with Jia'er, he dropped a huge bird from the sky and almost hit them.

Only after seeing the falling figure clearly, Nie Kong discovered that they were still his old acquaintances, and they were selected as two of the seven children-Suna and Mimei.Ling Nie Kong sighed again in his heart that he was lucky these few days, and gave him whatever he wanted.

"God, if you really care about me so much, just drop me another demon."

In Nie Kong's heart, she just thought of the Monster Girl Beast, but she didn't expect that the sky would actually fall to him.His eyes stared like brass bells, and he looked ahead in disbelief.The demon girl beast he had been looking forward to for a long time actually appeared before him as he wished.

"I'm not dreaming, there is no such good thing." Nie Kong couldn't help but wiped his eyes, and when he looked again, Nie Kong couldn't help but rested his gaze on the monster girl.

"Children who have been selected, let's see who can save you now!"

Seeing the witch beast approaching, Meimei and Suna couldn't help but tremble and hug each other.At this moment, the desperate Mimi seemed to see the familiar figure standing behind Suna.

The tall figure, the stern face, the evil and handsome face is now with a slutty smile, who is not the blood-sucking beast Nie Kong?

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