The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 039, Fateful duel! Monster Girl vs. Celestial Girl

"Help, please help us, Vampire Beast!!" Meimei burst into tears and couldn't help but screamed at Nie Kong.This short escape journey collapsed Meimei, who had been spoiled since childhood.

Suna's already desperate eyes, seeing Jia'er and the Queen of the Celestial Beast also shine with hope of survival.

"Meimei!" Seeing that Meimei was facing a crisis, Huaxian Beast was also a little worried. Although Nie Kong had replaced Meimei as the most important person in Huaxian Beast, he was still a little worried when he saw that his former partner was in danger.

"Dad, let's save them." Jiaer gently pulled Nie Kong's big hand, and looked at Nie Kong with longing eyes.

Nie Kong was stunned, Jia'er had already been turned into a vampire by him, and his heart was filled with him.How could she suddenly ask herself to save the stranger who has nothing to do with her.

Even if her former parents were in front of her, Jiaer would definitely be like facing a stranger.Because Jiaer and herself had already made a blood contract that they could never betray forever.

"Isn't Jiaer having a fever?" Nie Kong couldn't help touching Jiaer's forehead, thinking strangely in his heart.

But Jia'er's next sentence made Nie Kong almost fall to the ground.

"Their blood looks delicious, so my father saved them so that Jia'er can drink their blood every day."

It turned out that Jia'er was in love with the blood of Meimei and Suna, no wonder she took the initiative to save them.However, Jia Er's taste is really good, she knows that the blood of the virgin is the best.

"Then save them, I also want to ask what happened in the past few days and why these selected children are so embarrassed." Nie Kong nodded.

"Master, in that case, let me leave the witch beast to me. I don't know why, the more I look at her, the more unpleasant it becomes." The celestial beast stared at the witch beast in front, because this Digimon felt bad!

The witch beast and the celestial beast are indeed natural opponents, and the witch beast also noticed the sacred power coming from the opposite side.Her scarlet eyes also looked at the celestial beast in disgust.

"These two women seem to have met each other." Before Nie Kong spoke, the celestial beast behind him flapped the four pairs of holy wings behind her and rushed towards the wicked beast.

A beautiful left uppercut slammed the monster in the face.Yao Nv Beast's pale face immediately showed redness and swelling.

"I don't know how to live or die, do you also want to destroy the great event of the ultimate monster king."

The demon beast became angry, raised her head and glared at the beast, a loud slap was then quickly thrown on the gorgeous cheek of the beast.

The celestial beast touched her face, and said cruelly at the beast: "You are great!" The celestial beast, who refused to admit defeat, also slapped her a big slap like the beast.

The witch beast was slapped with this palm, and the "cha" hand slammed into the belly of the celestial beast, and the two women separated again.

"Tigers don't show off their might, you treat me as a sick cat!" The celestial beast was frightened, and ignored the pain in her stomach, spotted the hair of the beast, and reached out her hands to grab it in anger.

I saw that the gray-white silver thread exposed on the head of the demon beast fell into the hands of the fairy beast's white Qianqianyu.The monster girl only felt a sharp pain in her head, and the hair on her head seemed to be torn off.

"Damn celestial beast, let you taste my greatness!" The demon maiden beast also started ruthlessly, and both hands grabbed the celestial beast's golden hair and pulled it hard.

The two women were not to be outdone, and fought together.That looks like a shrew, how can there be any temperament?

Nie Kong stared blankly at the scene where the two women were fighting each other. It was really scary for the women to become angry, especially when they were not pleasing to each other.

"Come on, Celestial Beast, don't lose to her!" Jia'er and Huaxian Beast seemed to be very excited, shouting desperately for Celestial Beast from behind.

After fighting for a while, the celestial beast and the demon beast finally separated, but their hair was messed up like a bird's nest.And the delicate faces became red and swollen due to the blows.

"Blood bat!" After the two women separated, the monster girl finally used her proud move.A group of blood-red bloodthirsty bats rushed towards the celestial beast.

Not to mention, the celestial beast, the blood bat, and the vampire beast's night demon flying attack are so familiar, exactly the same!

The celestial beast reached out and used its sacred power to block countless flying blood bats, but at this moment the celestial beast appeared behind the celestial beast, grabbed the celestial beast's hair, swiped her a few times and threw it at the ground. Down.

The body of the celestial beast fell to the ground and knocked out a large hole.

"Good opportunity!" Seeing this scene, the demon beast couldn't help laughing. The claws in her hand suddenly formed a sharp spear and pierced the celestial beast underground.

"The demon sword!"

Seeing the danger of the celestial beast, Nie Kong just wanted to rescue him, but the strength of the celestial beast was still good, and he reacted instantly.

If it were the original celestial beast, its strength was no better than that of the demon beast.But everything is different now. After double repairs with Nie Kong, his strength has been further improved.

"Holy bow and arrow!" The celestial beast on the ground immediately formed a bow with his right hand, and with a pull with his left hand, it aimed at the rushing down and shot it out.

"Ding Dong!" The bow and arrow transformed by the sacred power shot at the magic sword of the witch beast, and a series of sparks burst out under the contact of the two moves.The demon girl beast that impacted was also bounced into the sky by this move, and turned somersaults.

"Heavenly purple light!" The celestial beast folded her hands, and immediately released a sacred cross beam of light with lavender.The cross beams of light centered on the monster girl and shrouded away.

Under this move, the Demon Girl Beast suddenly felt like she could not hide it no matter how she did it.The demon beast gritted her teeth, and her hands opened as if imitating the beast.

"Hell death light!" The green dark cross beam burst out from the hands of the monster girl.Suddenly, two light beams of different colors collided in the sky and canceled each other out.

"It's not over yet, look at my sacred bubble!" The Celestial Beast raised her hands, and saw a circular aperture rising from her body, spreading over the surrounding space of more than ten meters, enveloping the Beast.

"How is it possible, how can she still use such powerful moves after releasing so many tricks in succession!!" The demon girl beast was horrified to find that the dark power of her body weakened a little.

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