The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body text 040, recycling

I still ask for flowers and rewards

Not only the strength is constantly weakening, but even under the suppression of this sacred bubble, he can only feel pressure on his body.

"Don't kill her." Nie Kong couldn't help but reminded the celestial beast, if the demon beast that had been looking for a long time and finally appeared in front of him was destroyed like this, then he would not regret his death.

He also wanted to taste this glamorous and ruthless witch beast, and he also wanted to slowly cultivate it so that the witch beast could evolve into the ultimate Lilith beast.Lilith beast is in charge of the power of sex X and belongs to one of the seven demon kings. One can imagine how much happiness it can bring him in bed.

"Yes, Master!" Although the Celestial Beast wanted to destroy the demon beast she hated so much in front of her, she did not dare to violate her master's mind.The sacred bow and arrow of the trick that had been prepared was immediately put away.

The celestial beast waved its wings and appeared under the beast in an instant, tightly holding one of the beast's feet with both hands and throwing it down.

The body of the demon beast was suppressed by the sacred bubble, and could not avoid the attack of the devil beast at all, and could only let the devil beast throw her to the ground.

The celestial beast was condescending, sitting on the waist of the beast fell on the ground, Qianqianyu grabbed the silver hair of the beast.The demon girl beast was crushed like this, and it really couldn't make a move.

The female beast is pulling the silver wire of the beast, like pulling the reins on a horse, and humming, "The horse runs, drives, and drives." When the female beast is so naughty, she doesn't follow the beat. , Slap after slap on Yao Nv Beast's buttocks.

After several struggles, the monster girl finally had no strength, tears of humiliation flowed from her eyes.She did not expect that she would be bullied by her old enemy Celestial Beast, nor did she expect that the mere Celestial Beast would have such a strong strength!

Nie Kong wondered how the female beast learned this trick. Could it be that she rode on her yesterday, and she did the same?But how could this female beast become so bad.

Nie Kong couldn't help saying, "What are you doing, don't hurry up and bring her here."

The celestial beast giggled like an innocent child and said, "Master, the butt of this wicked female beast is so fleshy, it's so comfortable to fight, do you want to try it too?"

Is it really that much meat? Nie Kong really wanted to play a few times in his heart."Don't take a look, she is already like this, she must go crazy if this continues."

Tiannv Beast looked sideways, and suddenly saw the tears of humiliation in the eyes of Yaonv Beast, she couldn't help humming triumphantly.Lifting the demon girl beast with both hands, she walked to Nie Kong and put it down.

The eyes of the demon beast flashed red, perhaps because she saw that Nie Kong had no power to bind a chicken, she immediately launched an attack on Nie Kong when she came to Nie Kong.

"The Demon Sword of the Demon Girl!" The right hand of the Demon Girl Beast formed a sharp spear and pierced Nie Kong.

"Sure enough, she is a demon girl, her character is really mean and ruthless, but it's too early to deal with me." Nie Kong looked at all this coldly, and a scarlet blood whip appeared in her right hand and struck the demon girl beast's neck.

"How is it possible that you are also a Virus Digimon?" Feeling the terrifying power from the neck and the dark power that Peiruo can resist, the red eyes of the monster girl are full of panic.

I saw the body of the demon beast, being beaten on the neck by Nie Kong's sinful blood whip, her body couldn't help flying out more than ten meters, falling to the ground and twitching constantly.

"Hehe, I really don't know how to live or die, I want to take a shot at A Kong." Hua Xian Beast slapped his hands happily, appearing to be gloating.

"Dare to do something to Dad, I will kill you and kill you!"

Especially Jia'er, as if still unsure of her anger, the devil's blood whip in her hand also whipped the demon girl beast.

"Jia'er, watch her by your side and don't let her run away. I'll go find the two selected children first!" After Nie Kong settled the monster, he walked to Suna and Meimei who were still shaking.

"Thank you for saving us, it seems that you are not as bad as you imagined." Suna reluctantly smiled at Nie Kong.

"I... I knew that the Digimon that can make Huaxian Beast willingly follow will definitely not die." Meimei's eyes overflowed with tears again, but this time they were tears of joy.

"Hahuh... Do you really naively think that I will save you for free? It's so good to see my blood-sucking beast." Nie Kong sneered and approached the two girls.

I have to say that Suna and Meimei are only eleven years old, and their bodies have just developed, but Nie Kong feels a burst of appetite from the smell of their bodies.

"The blood of the virgin is indeed the most satisfying food for vampires."

"Then you... what do you want to do to us?" Meimei looked at the Flower Fairy Beast in the distance for help, hoping that the Flower Fairy Beast would be able to get out of the siege.

"Anyway, I will naturally become my slave." Nie Kong smiled evilly, lowered his head and put out his tongue and licked Meimei's tender neck slightly.

The slight chill from her neck made Meimei shiver.She looked at Nie Kong in horror. She didn't expect that she had just left the wolf den and entered the tiger's den again!

"Impossible, we will not succumb to you." Sona gritted her teeth and said firmly.

"Do you think that with your strength, you can still escape from my palm?" Nie Kong said with disdain.

"Even if I die, I won't be your slave!" Not knowing where the courage came from, Su Na actually rushed towards Nie Kong, her eyes with determination.

"Does the ants want to fight against King Ben?" Nie Kong grabbed it with a big hand and passed through Suna's slender waist.

"Sure enough, she is a girl who exercises regularly. Is her chest already developed?" Nie Kong slightly felt the soft touch coming from his hands, and couldn't help but compare it with the Flower Fairy Beast, and found that Suna's was actually slightly better than the Flower Fairy Beast. A little bit bigger.

"Let go of me, you bastard!" Suna's legs kept kicking, and tears of panic flowed from her eyes.It is not a lie, they are just teenage girls.

"Dad, leave it to Jia'er, Jia'er will persuade them!" Just as Nie Kong couldn't help but teach them, Jia'er's voice happened to be heard.

"Hmph, Jia'er, don't force it, just keep them in my space." Nie Kong didn't have much patience. If he could be tamed, it would save him a lot of trouble.

He also wanted to know from Suna and Mi Mi-chung what had happened these days. Why do their children scattered and flee...

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