The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 041, broken? 042Change

"It's great Meimei, we can play together again in the future." The flower fairy beast flew to Meimei's side and hugged Meimei happily.

"Flower Fairy Beast!" In the arms of Hua Fairy Beast, Meimei's cold and frightened heart can feel a little warm and safe.

"I ask you two, why didn't the other selected children stay with you?" Nie Kong said that he didn't feel the tremendous changes in the Digimon world, which was a lie.

Not only has the number of Digimon been reduced a lot, but even the dark power has become much stronger than before.If this continues, all Digimon in the Digimon world, except for the virus species, will gradually become extinct.

What surprised Nie Kong most was that these selected children, knowing the power of the Four Darkness Kings, even dared to distract their forces, not just looking for death.

Hearing Nie Kong's questioning, Meimei and Suna's eyes reddened, and the two women couldn't help the sadness and grievance in their hearts anymore, and they hugged each other and burst into tears.

"Why cry? Why don't you answer the master's question quickly." Nie Kong felt that the plot became more and more interesting. Is it possible that except for the two girls in front of him, the other five children were killed?

Under his intervention, the plot of Digimon changed drastically.Let him realize again that this is not a dead animation, but a living world.

"I don’t know what happened to the five of Taiyi. Soon after returning to the Digimon world, we encountered the four powerful ultimate bodies in Faluyi Island. Our Digimon couldn’t beat them and were in danger. The fairy beast just appeared to save us. Originally we wanted to go to the old man Xuan Nei to find a way to defeat the four dark kings, but we didn’t expect that a super powerful enemy appeared in front of us!" Suna barely stopped crying and talked to Nie Sora tells everything they have encountered since this time.As she spoke, Suna's eyes showed fear again.

"He is called the Ultimate Monster. Not only does he lead a group of powerful virus-type Digimon, but his own strength is very terrifying. Their appearance has alarmed the Four Darkness Kings on the Dark Tornado Mountain, but it is the power of the four Ultimate Body of the Darkness Four Kings. I couldn't beat that Demon King Ultimate Beast." Meimei shrank and then Suna said.

"That is basically the matter of the Four Darkness Kings and the Ultimate Monster. What does it have to do with you children who are called?" Nie Kong released the Ultimate Monster, only intending to mess up the whole world a bit.Of course, there was an idea in his heart that he wanted to absorb the anger of one of the seven deadly sins controlled by Ultimate Beast to upgrade his sinful bloodwhip.

"Our bad luck, it happened to be not far from the place where Ultimate Beast appeared. Ultimate Beast defeated the Four Dark Queens. I don’t know what agreement they reached. Ultimate Beast did not remove the Four Dark Queens. Destroyed. At exactly this time, the Dark Four Heavenly Kings and Ultimate Beasts also discovered us. Facing such a powerful enemy, we are not their opponents at all. If it weren’t for the angel beast to super-evolve into the sacred angel beast at the moment of danger, help drag it. Living in this group of enemies, we will not be able to escape from their clutches!" Suna said softly.

"But the Ultimate Beast and the Four Darkness Kings did not intend to let us off. They sent the most proud of their men to chase us all the way. All the way to escape, all seven of us were scattered into several paths. Now we don’t know. The situation of others."

"Ultimate Warcraft really messed up the Digimon as I expected, but to my surprise, Ultimate Warcraft actually cooperated with the Four Dark Kings. What are they thinking?" Nie Kong thought he would release the Ultimate Warcraft. Later, Ultimate Warcraft will fight to the death with the Four Dark Kings.The current situation was completely beyond his expectation.

However, the plot of the Digimon World has now completely collapsed, if it continues in the current situation.It is estimated that the real world in Digimon will be shrouded by the distortion of the Digimon world, and it will only be destroyed sooner or later!

Nie Kong used his spiritual power to observe the inner formation of the Dingtian Ring, and found that the power of faith required to activate the complex and difficult space formation in the ring was almost overflowing before he knew it.Nie Kong knew that he had now reached the conditions required for the next animation.As long as the space formation is activated, the ring will be able to break through the dimension and take him into the next world.

No matter when, no matter where!

But what Nie Kong was upset about was that Ultimate Beast seemed to have reached an agreement with the blackhand Apocalypse beast in the Dark Four Heavenly Kings. It is estimated that they have already discussed how to divide the two worlds.

"This ultimate monster, it seems that the time has come to destroy him. Let me add power to my blood whip of sin. Only by absorbing your power will the blood whip of sin be truly worthy of the name. !" Nie Kong wouldn't be so anxious to go to the next world. He didn't want the fruit that he worked so hard to brew to be picked by others.

He wants to be the biggest demon in the Digimon world. Other villains have no other choice but to surrender!!

"Please, master, save this world. If this continues, not only the Digimon world, but even the world we live in will be destroyed!" Suna crawled to Nie Kong’s feet and hugged Nie Kong’s double Leg pleaded.

"As long as you can save our world, no matter what you want me to do, I am willing!" Meimei looked at Nie Kong with pleading eyes.

Now that you are my slave girls, you can't resist what I do, Nie Kong thought in his heart.

"Dad, if this world is destroyed, will we die?" Jia Er also showed a worried look on her face.

"Jia'er, don't worry, even if the whole world is destroyed, don't even want to hurt you. Now my question is whether to rule the world by myself or let it be destroyed." Nie Kong said nonchalantly.

"Well, I believe in Dad. No matter what Dad wants to do, Jiaer will always support it!" Jiaer nodded vigorously.

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