The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body text 043, decided to shoot

"Master, what do you decide to do?" The sky female beast stared at Nie Kong with bright eyes, waiting for his choice.As an angel-shaped celestial beast that has not fallen, naturally he does not want the world to be destroyed by the devil.

Although the body and mind belonged to Nie Kong, the celestial beast still possessed an innate sense of justice, which Nie Kong could not erase.

"Let’s go and see the situation first. If the rest of the children who have been called have not been killed, let’s watch a good show on the side. After all five of them have been killed, I will try again. It's not too late!" Nie Kong naturally didn't want the selected children to be alive in this world. Perhaps it would not be a way to kill them with the help of the Four Dark Kings and Ultimate Monsters.

With his current strength, he could naturally kill these selected children easily.But these children are probably scattered, and finding them might waste a lot of time.Now the only one who knows the position of the five of them is the subordinates of the Ultimate Beast and the Four Dark Kings who hunted them down.

"Devil, vampire beast, you devil! Why wait for Taiyi and the others to die before you are willing to take action!" Suna and Meimei looked at Nie Kong in horror, feeling cold.

"Haha, thank you for complimenting me. Have you forgotten that I was the evil vampire beast king." Nie Kong pinched Suna's face and couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Hmph, you should be thankful that Dad can stand up to defeat the Four Heavenly Kings and Ultimate Beasts. Without Dad, this world would be more than a few dead people." Jia Er said coldly.

"Well, Meimei, don't talk about it. It's rare that Akong will have the heart to save the world, so you don't want to pick and choose." Huaxian Beast couldn't help but say.

Meimei and Suna never imagined that there would be such a day that they could only watch the death of their partners without any other way.Now they, even they no longer belong to themselves, they have become Nie Kong's possession!

"Bhikkhu beast, if you can be stronger, we won't suffer so much." Silently glanced at the bhikkhu beast that fell on the ground and was not awake, Suna closed her eyes silently weeping, as if venting. An angry ball softened down.

"Dad, what are we going to do now?" Jiaer asked like a curious baby.

"Let’s go to the Dark Tornado Mountain in Falouis Island first. There is the base of the Four Darkness Kings. If nothing happens, the four ultimate bodies of the Dark Four Kings will keep huddling there. As for the Ultimate Beast, the monster girl in my hand. Naturally, he will know his whereabouts." Nie Kong, who knows everything in the Digimon world, is already in his chest. Moreover, with his current strength, the only ones who can fight him are the Ultimate Beast and the Apocalypse Beast. The rest of him is not at all. Will take it to heart.

The clown emperor's strength, Nie Kong, is not clear, but he has also absorbed the dark power of the Apocalypse beast, and his strength is a bit stronger than the zombie Satan beast, and much weaker than the ultimate beast.As for the other steel sea dragon beasts, puppet beasts, and mechanical evil dragon beasts, they are simply not worth mentioning.

Last time he played against Ultimate Monster, although he didn't use all his strength.But Nie Kong learned from the original plot that Ultimate Monster has not yet exerted its full power, at least Nie Kong hasn't seen his transformation yet.

The two of them both kept a hand in their first battle, but Ultimate Beast was also very afraid of Nie Kong's strength and did not dare to use all his power.Because he knew that if he used his full strength, it would evolve into an uncontrolled duel of life and death.

Ultimate Warcraft is a Digimon that has lived for so long, so naturally it won't be so stupid.

"Master, do what you want." When the celestial beast heard Nie Kong's move, she had no other extravagant desires in her heart.Compared with these demon kings, the Celestial Beast hoped that Nie Kong could take charge of the Digimon world.

"Is Faluyi Island? I really miss it. I remember that we were sitting on a giant whale beast before we could successfully cross the ocean to reach this continent." Flower Fairy Beast's lively and lovely face revealed a rare nostalgia The color.For her, Faluyi Island is the place where she grew up.

"Dad, shall we take the little evil beast with us." Jiaer couldn't help asking.

"That useless guy will only be embarrassed if you take him there. It and the evil beasts can stay in the dark city to watch the house." Nie Kong shook his head and said without hesitation.If the little evil beast heard these words from Nie Kong, he would have to hug Nie Kong's thighs and be verbose.

Nie Kong put Suna and Meimei in the ring, and then took Jiaer's hand and flew towards the sky.The celestial beast and the flower fairy behind him were unwilling to lag behind, waving their wings and following them.

Faluyi Island is far away from Sabah Continent, even the fast flying speed of Garuda beasts took almost a day to bring Suna and Meimei to Sabah.Nie Kong's speed is naturally not as fast as Garudamon. It took them more than a day to arrive at Faluyi Island.

At this time, Faluyi Island, the beautiful scenery of blue sky and white clouds that should have disappeared, was replaced by a gloomy gray sky, and on the ground, the desolate land could not see a trace of the green of life, and it seemed to be everywhere. Weathered rocks and dry soil exposed to the air without any cover.The surrounding is very quiet, not even a Digimon can be seen.

In the center of the island, there is a high mountain towering high, with four colors.Needless to think, Nie Kong knew that it was the Dark Tornado Mountain.

Dark tornado mountain, also called spiral mountain.The Dark Four Kings used the "Spiral Mountain" in the Digimon Apocalypse as a model to order the program designed by the Molecular Beast.

It can reconstruct the world of all the information in the digital world with four attributes corresponding to the four heavenly kings: city, forest, sea, and darkness, and a four-attribute spiral mountain is raised in the center of the world.Functionally, it can destroy the function of the founding village, fundamentally stop the evolution of the digital world, and prevent the birth of Digimon.It absorbs the sky and the earth even more, and even makes the force field of the wall of fire begin to weaken.And this is also the purpose of the sealed Apocalypse beast in secretly affecting the four dark kings to build it.

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