The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body text 0361, kill Ise

"Teacher Nie Kong has such a masculine charm, and it is only natural that he is favored by Li Yasi seniors!" The surrounding girls looked at Nie Kong like a nympho, and the degree of popularity with the girls once again hit Hyoudou's body.

"Teacher, you are the enemy of all the men in our school!" The three ergonomic students from Juwang College screamed at the departing Nie Kong, their eyes bursting with flames.After a long time, they sighed.At this time, the empty Motohama proposed to go to his house to watch the new A movie, Hyoudou and the others nodded and agreed.With consoling thoughts, the three of them left the school excitedly.

"Dad... the eyes of those classmates just now are really annoying, Rias really wants to teach them! Especially Hyoudou Ise, it is hard to imagine that the artifact will choose him as the master." After returning to the villa through the magic circle, Rias Frowned and said.


Zhu Nai sneered and said: "His divine weapon is a dragon hand that can double the power of the holder. Even if he activates the divine weapon with a combat power of 1, the doubling is only two. It will not help at all. No matter what he does, he can't make up the gap in aptitude. It's a waste of the dog."

"You guessed it wrong, but his divine tool is the highest-level divine tool called the Divine Exterminator-it has the power to destroy the gods and the demon king, and it is quite a terrifying existence." The dragon hand of the Emperor Chiryu increases infinitely every 10th. The power of the host.The original Rias had spent eight soldiers' chess pieces, so she knew his details.

"The Goddess?" Lias exclaimed, and asked incredulously: "Dad, can you be sure that he has a Goddess?" Ever thought that such an insignificant Hetoi would be the owner of Goddess. .

"Well... his divine tool is called the Scary Dragon Emperor's cage hand, which infinitely doubles the power of the host every ten seconds!" But can it really be improved? He has the power to surpass the Scary Dragon Emperor.

"It is indeed the breath of the Chilong Emperor." Orpheus MM, who was always silent, affirmed Nie Kong's statement.

"But his divine tool hasn't awakened, otherwise we would have known it. And if you want to use the power of the divine tool, the host itself is the biggest key! The Emperor Chilong will choose him as the host, which is more waste of resources than the dragon hand. ..." After hearing what father said, Lias's pretty face was full of regret.

"Oh... It turns out that Vali's destined opponent has appeared, but the owner said that the Seiryuu Emperor's host is very weak?" Twisting her curvaceous posture and slowly approaching behind the kitten, showing cat ears and tail Black song.

It's a real cat ear outfit, and it is worn by Hei Ge reveals a coquettish beauty.What a coquettish vixen, he wanted to seduce the souls of all men.

"Will... will it be weaker than Gaspar!" Gaspar said weakly in the carton.

"Yeah, Gasper is happy, Gasper is stronger than Emperor Chiryu..." The kitten kicked the carton to affirm Gasper, causing the lovely Gasper to reveal half of his lovely head.

" me call Vali, and I have something to tell him to do." It's time for the White Dragon Emperor to destroy the Hyovine and take away his boarding artifact by the way.

"Yes, Master!" Griffia responded gently, and she left the house in maid clothes.After a few minutes, Valli walked in with a lazy temperament.When he saw Nie Kong, Vali was full of fighting spirit.He faintly looked forward to when he could challenge Nie Kong again.

"Chief, do you have any orders to come to me?" After a few days of idleness, Valli's bones were already rusted.

"The white dragon emperor's old enemy, the Chilong Emperor, has already appeared. I want you to kill the Chilong Emperor's host and bring back the artifact to me! And you who stayed in Assathier for a period of time in the early days should know how to get out. Divine weapon." Nie Kong asked.

"Haha... Do you want me to kill the Chiryu Emperor's host? Of course I am happy. After waiting for a few years, has it finally appeared? Don't worry, I will remove the Chiryu Emperor's cage and bring it back. "If Nie Kong becomes the host of the Chilong Emperor, then he should be the strongest Chilong Emperor in the past.In this way, defeating Nie Kong would be even more meaningful.

Extracting the artifact meant that the host would lose his life, but Vali did not feel embarrassed.He is a demon, a demon king who inherited the blood of Lucifer.

"I believe you will be disappointed when you see him, remember that his name is Hyoudou Issei-the worst Red Dragon Emperor ever. Solve him as soon as possible, it will be an eye-catching sight..." Nie Kong said.

"The wretched and slick Chilong Emperor, it is really hard to imagine what he will do in the future. Father Nie Kong's decision is correct, and it is better to leave it to him or take it back and use it." Zhu Nai smiled and agreed. Tao.

"Haha... what you said has attracted me a bit of interest. I have to see with my own eyes that the host of the Red Dragon Emperor is as unsightly as you said!" After Vali bid farewell to Nie Kong, he immediately turned to Juju. The King College swept away.

When Vali appeared at Juwang Academy, he happened to ran into the ergonomic trio coming out of the school gate.According to the information given by Nie Kong, Vali determined the goal.However, due to the other two humans, Vali did not immediately take action.

And he is really the worst Red Dragon Emperor, and his combat power is not as good as the lowest demon.After seeing the results, Valli was extremely disappointed.It doesn't make any sense to defeat the Sekiryuutei in front of him.

They appeared at Motohama's house following Hyoto, and the three of them actually started to watch dirty movies.The faint voice and the three strong gasps made Vali furious.

Valli clenched his fists, holding back the anger that would erupt at any time.The Chilong Emperor would actually choose this class of humans as the host, is it really degenerate to such a point?

After waiting for more than an hour, several people in the house sighed with satisfaction.Then Xixisuosuo's voice sounded, and Hyoudou finally appeared in front of Vali alone after a dozen minutes.

Wielding his white wings of light, Vali descended from the sky and blocked Hyoudou's path.

"Have you finally come out, my old enemy of the White Dragon Emperor, Chilong Emperor! I had hoped to fight you happily, but unfortunately you chose the wrong host..."

"Who... who are you, what are you going to do to me?" Valli's strange appearance made Hyoudou step back in fright.

"Can I ask you to die?" As the sound of his ears rang, something appeared in Valli's hand.It is a sharp sword condensed by dark magic power.

Then there was a dull sound, and a dark long sword penetrated Hyoudou's belly.Because of the severe pain, Hyoto tried to pull out the long sword, but the magic structure suddenly disappeared.Only a hole through the stomach was left, and the blood gurgled out.Hyodō's head was dizzy and his vision blurred.

"It's a bit early to die now, I'm going to extract the artifact from your body. I really look forward to our meeting, Emperor Chiryu!" Vali smiled and picked up the fallen Hyoudou before disappearing in place.

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