The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0362, new artifact

"Sure enough, they are right. The Red Dragon Emperor is the worst opponent in the history of the White Dragon Emperor! He hasn't even awakened the artifact, so how can he be qualified to be my Vali opponent?" Watching a scene in the film, so Valli looked at Hyoudou with contempt.

After taking Hetou to a secret place, Vali used the knowledge of artifacts learned by the Governor of the Fallen Angel to extract the artifacts from Hetoe.When extracting the Red Dragon Emperor's cage hand, Hyoudou's pale face was covered with cold sweat, and his expression was distorted.It seems that the departure of the artifact that is closely related to his life is also very painful for him in the faint.

And when Vali encountered the red light cluster floating in the air, the two artifacts immediately hummed.

"Emperor Chilong, have you finally met after a few hundred years. But unfortunately, you haven't awakened until now!" The white dragon emperor's light wings made a sound, which was made by the soul of the divine tool.

"Why don't you worry, the host of the Red Dragon Emperor is stronger than me. And because he has surpassed the Tianlong, he is absolutely impossible to indulge in power like the host of the past." Nie Kong, who has already surpassed the devil, should get the Red Dragon Emperor. How strong is it?Valli wanted to know, and was full of excitement.If he could fight against such a strong man, it would be so enjoyable.

Valli survived the world, his only interest was fighting.For him, Nie Kong is the best candidate to use "Scarlet Dragon Emperor's Cage Hand".But Nie Kong's unfathomable depth, he felt that there was no bottom line.As for Vali's willingness to obey Nie Kong, it was convenient for him to challenge Nie Kong in the future.Whether it is a person or a god, he chose a bloody battle in the face of loneliness.

When the Emperor Chilong was brought back to the villa, Vali found his friends around him waiting for his return.Nie Kong and the others knew that the dragon flames emitted by the red light cluster floating in front of Vali should be the cage hand of Emperor Chilong.

"It's not awakened now, so the best time to recognize the Lord is now!" Vali reminded Nie Kong.

"Sure enough, it is the aura of the Red Dragon Emperor, if you get its help, we will be a little more sure about driving away the Real Red Dragon Emperor." Sanwu Lolifa Orpheus nodded and said.

The surrounding women stared at Nie Kong, looking forward to his performance.But Nie Kong knew that there were a lot of souls in the artifact, and all the hosts of the past generations, including the Chilong Emperor, were in it.

If you have sex in the future, the soul inside the artifact will be peeped out, it will be a big loss.So if you want to own it, first solve its hidden dangers.

"What's the hurry, wait until I'm good at refining it!" I just got a useless white formula in the IS world. What effect will happen if they are combined?Regardless of whether Emperor Chilong has awakened, let's talk about it first with the Soul Fire Refining Device.

The white summon attached to the wrist came out, forming an armor-like body standing out in front of everyone.The blood-red armor exudes a coquettish aura, a power of the same origin as Nie Kong.

The light group greeted him, Nie Kong suddenly appeared in front of the emptiness of flames, completely drowning the cage hands of Bai Shi and Chilong Emperor.In the flames of nothingness, the turquoise jade gleamed with dazzling brilliance, and a red dragon was faintly roaring inside.

The roar of "Roar" penetrated Baoyu, penetrated the flames, and resounded through the air.Perhaps it was the trauma of the soul's origin that the Emperor Chilong awakened.Immediately, the flames quickly transformed into shape, transforming into a terrifying red dragon with the treasure jade as the center.

"Wow..." The women looked at the dragon shadow emerging from the sky, their pretty faces showed surprise.Hyoto Issei is so weak, our father is the best.

The moment the artifact was activated, the seal that originally imprisoned the Red Dragon Emperor Draig was suddenly broken.But Draige, who had come over with the attributes, found that the soul he was imprisoned by the artifact was suffering indescribable pain.

Tufts of void flames surrounded it, burning its huge soul.When the soul of the host lodged in the divine tool was touched by the flame, it immediately turned into the most primitive energy.

"What a terrifying flame, it can directly obliterate the soul!" If it hadn't been blocked by the souls of the hosts, Draig had already lost consciousness.

The two weak consciousnesses belonged to Elsa and Belzade, the former hosts of "The Cage Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor," and they were drowned in flames at the same time.But they didn't feel pain, but smiled like relief.

The flame of nothingness followed Nie Kong's spiritual sense, slowly rising up.The flame hovered around the artifacts in front of them, gradually burning them and melting them.

The temperature rose rapidly at an angle of forty-five degrees, and the solid white metal melted into a clear liquid under the fire of the soul.Nie Kong closed his six senses and put his whole body in the liquid, and the spiritual sense in his brain controlled the white light cast into the flame.

The power of the soul circulates out, maintaining the state of soul fire.The flame of nothingness burns a new artifact that merges into one.It is necessary to eliminate the consciousness of Draig's soul, but also to ensure the existence of the spirit.

The fire is getting stronger and the temperature is extremely high.The light mass slowly absorbs the white liquid, and the two merge abnormally.Although it is slow, it is still smelting.Nie Kong looked forward to how the Red Dragon Emperor's cage hand would change when the two were combined into one.

The light group in the void was controlled by Nie Kong to form an armor, which was finally almost completely absorbed, but it would take a short period of refining to be considered a real success.

Watching Valli from afar, he sensed indescribable fear.It was terrible, the invisible flame of super high temperature seemed to extinguish his soul.And Griffia had seen Nie Kong's refining device, so she was not surprised.

"What kind of flame is that? As the Infinite Dragon God, I would be horrified." Orpheus murmured.

Nie Kong screamed wildly, and the power of the soul in his body ignited to form a powerful soul flame.After a long period of calcination, the armor slowly formed.

The world stood still for an instant, as if the world had never had a sound.Then a deep muffled thunder sound came from the distant horizon, and the "bang" sound got closer and closer, and there was a sudden earth-shattering explosion.

The light bursting out of the armor in the air, like a dawn breaking through the darkness, brings hope to people.After the two merged, Nie Kong made it into an armor.

Now he can no longer be said to be the cage hand of the Emperor Chiryu, but the armor of the Emperor Chiryu.But Chilong Emperor was an unconscious soul, so Nie Kong was able to completely control the new artifact.

The armor seemed very primitive, but all the functions had already appeared in Nie Kong's mind.

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