The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0363, the magical use of artifacts

The armor in the air was a brilliant red color, which matched the name of Emperor Sekaryuu.And the simple pattern engraved on the armor is a roaring fiery red dragon.The dragon's eyes happened to be the position of Baoyu, as if it could emit a faint cold light.

Hearing Nie Kong's command, the armor in mid-air was equipped on Nie Kong's body with a sound, just like the equipment of the online game version.The red dragon emperor's armor clearly showed its abilities in Nie Kong's mind.

The armor is much stronger than the original artifact, and it can actually increase Nie Kong's strength by 100% when it is turned on without time limit.Now he has 6 times the power of the Demon King, and the aura he exudes after being equipped with armor is close to Orpheus!

Of course, the Red Dragon Emperor's cage hand ability has been retained, for example, every 10 seconds in the human world can double the power of the host.Although it is only temporary, it can gain power to surpass the limits of oneself.

Nie Kong vaguely realized that Chilong Emperor's armor could help him increase his power eight times three times, which was already the limit of the artifact.If there is no refining, it is estimated that it is very powerful to double yourself.

With the armor of the Chilong Emperor, Nie Kong was confident to defeat the great red between the dimension with his own strength.He now has 48 times the power of the Demon King, what a terrifying existence in the DXD world.

Nie Kong knew that in the DXD world, the armor he refined still had room for improvement.If the soul of the Chiryu Emperor is replaced with a great red soul, the armor spirit will be qualitatively improved.

Nie Kong was very curious how many times his armor could increase his power after he obtained the soul of the True Red Dragon Emperor.100 times the power of the devil?Nie Kong knew it was absolutely possible.

As for the second ability that armor possesses-the gift of Emperor Chilong, it can transfer the multiplied power to his companions.The evil Hyoudou in the original book uses its ability to use Rias' breast milk.

Lias, who has a bust of 99, directly rose a few centimeters.The most weird thing is that the enlarged chest will produce some replenishing light, which restores the power of Hetoi to its heyday.Nie Kong was very curious about what light would be emitted if he used the gift of the Red Dragon Emperor to his little brother.

Nie Kong's thoughts flowed, and the shape of the armor began to transform into black casual clothes.The third ability is that the armor can be transformed into any clothes shape at will.The three abilities of the artifact are all very useful, and they are simply gifts crafted for Nie Kong.

"Being able to make and improve the artifact by himself, he is really getting more and more mysterious. After the artifact was modified by him, the flames emanating from the armor of the Chiryu Emperor surprised even himself. After he got the Chiryu Emperor, his own strength would increase. What kind of horrible stage is it going to?" Vali was shocked while implying excitement, that was the excitement of encountering a peerless powerhouse.This opponent in the world has no regrets in this life.

"Dad..." Lias rushed to Nie Kong's side for the first time, and said inexplicably excitedly: "Have a god-killing device that can defeat the gods, has Dad already conquered it?"

"What's the matter with the trivial Chilong Emperor, dad is of course stronger than it! If he hadn't been refined by his father, he wouldn't even have the ability to improve his father's strength..." said Jia'er, who admired Nie Kong deeply.

"Uh..." The two women who had just joined Nie Kong without a clear understanding of Nie Kong's horror were stunned, but the pride in their hearts instantly erupted like a volcano.It is unbelievable that his own master is actually stronger than the Ertianlong in the myth.

Zhu Nai stepped forward and smiled and said, "Oh yeah...Can Father Nie Kong explain its function to us? We are very curious about the big change in Chilong Emperor's ability!"

"Daddy Nie Kong has the same artifact as Gasper, but father Nie Kong is much bolder than Gasper, and he is not afraid of being lost..." Gasper showed half of his head, looking at Nie Kong full of admiration. .

"Yes, yes, tell us quickly." Rias's shiny eyes were full of curiosity.Everyone present looked at Nie Kong at the same time, of course they all had the same desire.

"Before using the artifact, I have something I want to get the consent of the kitten sauce." Transpose power?Is it a gift from the Sekiryuutei into the cat’s chest?Will the breasts suddenly enlarge if I use the gift of Chiryu Emperor to Kitten Microemulsion?Or will it become more beautiful, or will it become more elastic?

"What's the matter? As long as it is Nie Kong's father's request, the kitten...the kitten will agree." The lovely kitten sauce became shy, not the usual silence and the calmness of Lias.

"Come on the cat sauce, I want to use you to show them the function of an artifact." Nie Kong waved to the kitten, and the kitten came around him obediently."I see, father Nie Kong please do it... just drive the kitten!"

What a...obedient loli!Rest assured, ability is beneficial and harmless.Kitty sauce, let me pour my strength into your flat chest.

"Boost!" In ten seconds, Nie Kong's entire body doubled.The feeling full of power made Nie Kong have the urge to look up to the sky and howl.

"Kitten sauce, coming soon."

The kitten nodded, believing that Nie Kong didn't hurt his mind.She proudly appeared in front of Nie Kong, waiting for Nie Kong's ability to drive.


"Ah...Daddy Nie Kong...I hate it!" Kitty sauce's cute face is like a steamed crab, her eyes flustered and shy.Pounce... Pounce, two cat ears and one cat tail appeared on her body out of thin air.

"Woo... Father Nie Kong is too much, why didn't you use Jiaer as an experiment!" Jiaer looked at the two with tearful eyes, and the last sentence revealed her true thoughts.

"Master bastard, my sister is immature, don't tempt her...any abnormal behavior, come to me!" Hei Ge murmured.

The cute Lolita almost killed Nie Kong in a second.Nie Kong's power quickly transferred the kitten's chest, and the kitten meowed a few times like a good feeling.

Snap... the kitten's body began to emit a dazzling red light!Then there were two sudden noises, and the kitten began to expand.

"Yeah... Father Nie Kong... It's a strange feeling..." She fell soft and boneless into Nie Kong's arms, blushing and lovely.

As for the other girls, they were all dumbfounded and watched the weird scene.Dad is really funny, but he wants to use the power of the artifact to make people laugh or cry.

"Woo...I envy the cat sauce, Dad, I want...I want to get bigger..." Jiaer hugged Nie Kong's waist and cried coquettishly.

Bastard kitten, the figure actually surpassed me as a sister.Don't... Jiaer don't get the bottom!

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