The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0364, the growing up menstrual period

At the same time, the cat sauce made a sweet voice.

"Meow..." On Nie Kong's neck, I could clearly feel the unique touch of the tip of the cat's tongue. I was bitten by the cat sauce in my arms!She looked a little hot, and there was still a shadow in her eyes.Her tail was constantly wagging left and right, and she was now in a state of excitement.Although his eyes were sharp, his face was red.The breath that came out was full of fragrance and heat.

And when Nie Kong squeezed her chest with his fingers, the kitten that fell into his arms was meowing terribly.

Sure enough, the power of Nie Kong's transformation from the artifact not only enlarged the kitten's figure, but also increased his acuity several times.

"It's the menstrual period of growing up...but my younger sister's age..." Hei Ge sighed in a low voice, looking at his master with complexity.He is excellent even White Dragon Emperor Vali can subdue him, no wonder his sister would choose him.

"Female cats will temporarily enter a certain period of reproductive behavior if they want children. The symptom is that cats instinctively want to keep their offspring and want to have children. This is the same for cats. So, plus female cats again The characteristic of the girl must be that he has found a man of a different race—the master. So, the sister’s reproductive period is coming soon due to the master’s catalysis."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the kitten is a rare cat. I think it is a good choice to leave offspring. It would be great if I could have a baby with Nie Kong's father. But this time..." Looking at the cat's pretty face showing a bit of charm, Zhu Naigan said.

Rias breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Is it because the kitten sauce is too young? But the object is actually Dad. Dad's charm is too big..."

Zhu Nai continued: "Yes, to give birth to a mandrill smoothly requires physical and mental development and maturity, otherwise it will be accompanied by danger. Isn't it hard for mothers to have children in humans? Kittens have not matured. Like. In the current situation, if the cat is pregnant with the father’s child, the incidence of the situation where the mother and the child can’t bear the pain and then die is very high when the child is born. So father Nie Kong has to wait for her to grow up. It's better to be bigger."

"Due to the influence of dad just now, has the kitten entered the reproductive stage without fully developing its body? Dad told you to just use Jiaer to test it, so I found the kitten sauce." Jiaer compared the kitten's Chest, a little lost, my daughter was a little bit shocked.

"You are right. If a kitten is pregnant, mother and child will die. If you want a baby anyway-just wait until you can develop your body well like me. That's right. , It’s more cost-effective for the master to do it with Hei Ge!" Relying on her own strength, Hei Ge can already control the arrival of the estrus.But after contacting Nie Kong, Hei Ge's cat began to recover.

"The rare cat mandrill, if you don't cherish it, it will be extinct! Hehe, it's not a sentiment to take away the love of the owner in front of my sister. Hmm... by the way, teach my sister the way of mating." Hei Ge rolled. Lips were added to the tip of the tongue, and the cat tail shook so hard that even his eyes were wet.

"You are too wishful thinking, how could it be so easy for the master's child." If you would become pregnant after H, you would have given birth to a dozen.But now, although the master spoils herself every day, why is there no girl around to inherit the master’s blood?Originally, Griffia thought it was her own problem, but she saw the sisters in the ring as her own.

"Don't worry about it. How could I be willing to hurt the kitten. Even if something H happened between us, she would not have a chance to get pregnant without her own permission..." Shuang Xiu refines Nie Kong's seeds into energy, if she wants to become pregnant Unless the double repair is stopped at H.

And after trying double repair and increase happiness, H's words will directly drop several times.Therefore, the reason why Griffia and the others were not pregnant was all in Nie Kong's body.But if she didn't get pregnant, wouldn't the kitten stay in the reproductive period?The reason why the cat demon grows up is due to the cat's instinct.

" can Heige believe such a ridiculous reason? If the owner wants H, first use the black song to experiment and then talk about it. Meow..." Heige's tail wobbled badly, and it was obviously caught in the hair.Estrus.

"Oh, it's easier to get Daddy Nie Kong distracted?" Zhu Nai's pretty face showed a meaningful smile. President, how do you stop the offensive of girls around Nie Kong's father.

After a few hours, the dizzy kitten finally woke up.Because of excitement, cat ears and cat tails have no ability to hide.Meowing meowing, she always rushed when she saw Nie Kong.

Small and soft, he cleverly added Nie Kong like a pet.Because of Nie Kong's dragon grip, the kitten really entered the reproductive period.And since the breasts were not reduced, Nie Kong's keen position would meow excessively with excitement while being caressed by Nie Kong.

But because of the existence of Li Yasi and others, Mao Jiang did not have the opportunity to enjoy Nie Kong's love.Especially Jiaer, how could he be willing to push the kitten to his father.At this time, the black song that appeared touched the neck of the excited kitten with his finger, and then the kitten collapsed!It must be the technique that Heige used with the kitten to stop the impulse of the kitten...

"Sister...Wait for my sister to experiment before it's your turn!" Hei Ge looked at Nie Kong with a flushed face, especially the cat's tail, which often stretched out charmingly and shook it desperately. The impulse that Black Song had suppressed, now burst out like a flood.

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