The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0365, the cat demon belongs to the night owl

In the villa of the dark night, the door of a room is slightly open-the room of Maojiang.The room lights illuminate the corridors, and there are clear and sweet voices.The night is the time for cats to be active, so it's no wonder that the cat will not sleep.

"Haha... I knew that my sister didn't sleep, Meow. Now you want the owner's child, you can't stand it anymore." Cats and Heige confronted each other in front of the bed, and the two cats all revealed their real bodies.

One big and one small, one mature and pleasant sister, and one small and lovely loli.It is the two cat sisters in Tacheng, and the cat sauce is grinding the bed dolls together.Meow's excited voice seemed to treat the puppet as Nie Kong.After a few days, the kitten's chest returned to its original shape.

"It doesn't matter to sister, please go out." Kitten blushed and stopped H's movement.

"Don't be like this, I want my sister to tell you how to capture the master." Sure enough, the imperial sister in the house is Heige MM, what is the matter with her late at night?

"Sister should have no experience, right?" Hei Ge chuckled.

"Sister, aren't you the same?" The kitten, unwilling to show weakness, immediately shot back.She, who is also a cat demon, of course knows that her sister is still pure.

"As an elder sister, of course I have more life experience than my younger sister. How could the little thing about giving birth to a child H upset your sister Hei Ge." Hei Ge kept making cute eyes, but the expression of Mao Jiang was very different. Not good.Looking at the sister with such a charming expression, the cat sauce impulse began to gradually emerge.

Hei Ge suddenly put his hand on Mao Jiang's chest, and Mao Jiang immediately pounced on Hei Ge and hugged her firmly!The two women rolled on the bed and hugged each other firmly.

"Hmm..." Kitty sauce showed a pained expression, and mist began to appear in her eyes.

"Meow...yes...but my sister can't satisfy my sister." Hei Ge made an instinctively sweet voice in his little mouth. Just now, he kept wagging his tail around the kitten's tail.

"No matter how you endure it, once you meet the man you like, it will be as uncomfortable as a fire. My sister, my sister has the same pain as you. Master, now our sisters are in a state of immediate impact." The hot skin touched each other. , But the fire burned harder.

"Sister... Sister teaches her sister how to get Nie Kong's father, the kitten is so uncomfortable now." Even if the sister said that, the owner is "busy" now.

Whenever a few women gasp at night, of course the black song will be heard very clearly.Perhaps it was their uncontrollable cry, the reason why Hei Ge could not suppress it so quickly.

"Sister, don't worry, I'll call my master over now." Although I can suppress my sister's emotions through fairy magic, it's better to stop it.She wants to try whether what Nie Kong said is correct, and then try her best to meet her sister's needs.

If this continues, even if the younger sister can hold it back, the emotions that he blocked will explode more than the younger sister.

After the excitement, Nie Kong's bedroom gradually became quiet.The women slept sweetly with blushes after contentment.

When Nie Kong was about to fall asleep, he found that Heige's graceful figure suddenly appeared in the room.It's already two o'clock in the morning, what will happen to her.

"Did something happen?" Nie Kong asked in confusion.

"Master... the kitten is seriously ill now, please come and see her!" Hei Ge forced him to resist the urge to immediately throw down Nie Kong, and gently took Nie Kong's arm.The collision of the two skins caused a moving mist to appear in Hei Ge's eyes.

"Wait... I'll put on clothes first..." Nie Kong just wanted to turn his clothes into appearance, but Hei Ge immediately pulled him out of the house.His strong body was exposed, causing Hei Ge to dream again and again.Bear it for a while, bear it for a while, wait until you get back to the bedroom.

With a snap, Hei Ge violently pushed open the door of his sister's bedroom.Her anxious performance made Nie Kong believe seven or eight points.Is the kitten really sick? Don't have any trouble.

Entering the kitten's bedroom, Nie Kong found that she was emitting a forcing heat wave.The skin all over his body revealed crimson, it was a severe fever.

After discovering Nie Kong, Mao Jiang approached him softly.Her blocked impulse seemed to pour out instantly, and she hugged Nie Kong with an expression of H.The small chest is close to Nie Kong's chest, and the soft feeling is very wonderful!

"Dad Nie Kong...Is there no charm in my body, can't I have a good sex? I...can accept Daddy Nie Kong. Although many places are small, it is also a girl's body... I want Daddy Nie Kong's body. Child..." The hot breath sprayed at Nie Kong, arousing Nie Kong's emotions.

Although I know that cats lose their minds when they are in spring, I didn't expect them to be so crazy and bold.The kitten is sick and very sick.Cat sauce hugged Nie Kong as she wanted to cover me, and her limbs contained Nie Kong like an octopus.

The cute kitten showed its current expression, almost swallowing Nie Kong.

The two sisters are like sandwiches, wrapping Nie Kong in the middle.

"The two cute cat pets actually deceived my pure feelings." Nie Kong felt Alexander when faced with the two cats in Fachun.

"Sister, let me tell you how cats mate again. Look, Master Tim remembers his taste." Hei Ge slid up from behind Nie Kong's neck, Nie Kong felt the warmth of his tongue!

"My master's taste, I remember Meow! Sister, take it slowly now according to sister's method."

"Papa Nie Kong's taste... I remembered the smell, so... so happy." Her tail swayed around Nie Kong's arm and pressed hard..

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