The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0368, kill the priest

"Oh, should you be my assistant, Aisha MM? I finally rushed over from Europe. I have been waiting for you for a long time." Inside the church, a middle-aged man wearing a priest's clothes appeared in front of Aisha.

He has pale hair and looks very young, probably in his teens.When the priest saw Aisha, he grinned.His words and deeds were messy, and his expression was slightly crazy.

He is Fred Seran-a grassroots member of an exorcist organization.And Aisha was exiled by the church for some reason, and she was taken in by the Exorcist organization without relying on her.

Exorcism was originally a sacred ritual to exterminate demons in the name of god, but occasionally exorcists take pleasure in killing demons.They feel the meaning and joy of life in the action of defeating the devil.But because they will provoke war, they will be expelled by churches that believe in God, or they will be treated secretly as harmful elements.

One type is a regular exorcist who is served by people who accept God's blessings. They use the power of gods or angels to destroy demons.Then there is another kind of exorcist.In order to survive Gou Ting, rely on the fallen angel to survive.

Although the fallen angel is expelled from heaven, he still possesses the power of light and can inflict strong damage on the devil.The fallen angels lost many of their companions in the war, so they took the stray exorcists into their hands.

And Fried and the others are outlying exorcists who belong to an organization backed by fallen angels.Since there is no restriction, it will act unscrupulously.Perhaps it was the smell of the devil that would attract Fried and occupy the church that hadn't been built for a long time.

"Yes...Father Fried, Aisha will try to help you." At the order of several fallen angels, Aisha was sent to Japan as Fried's assistant.

Aisha possesses the magical tool "Mother's Smile" to heal any race. She is highly regarded by fallen angels abandoned by God.After all, after the fall, they could not restore their health through prayer.

"Forget it...don't talk about it for now. Before I kill all the trash demons, our work will be very busy. Seeing how tired you are, give you time to prepare first." Fried rampant Smiled,

Those rubbish demons are so powerful, they actually haunt near the church. Wait for me, Fried, to sanction.

"It's wrong to kill demons at will...How could the Lord agree to this kind of thing." Aisha whispered her thoughts.The three parties signed an armistice agreement, and God’s camp is forbidden to provoke conflicts.

"Who told me to leave the church? I was kicked out! In other words, I think the Vatican should go to eat shit. As long as the whim can hunt the devil, I am very satisfied!" Fried said with a smirk.

"" Aisha whispered something, obviously unable to agree with Fried's point of view.

"Haha...Aisa, what's wrong, you should be expelled by God now, don't say those annoying words. Hmph... Give you two days to prepare, and then accompany me to work." De Leng snorted, obviously the fire was extreme.

Perhaps Fried's words caused a great impact, she was speechless for a while.What even Nie Kong didn't expect was that Fried would boldly rush into Nie Kong's villa to exorcise the devil.

It happened in the evening of the day after tomorrow-Fried was equipped with weapons to deal with the devil, and then called Asia out.After all, Aisha is a bit useful, especially to help set up the barrier when she kills the devil herself.

And Aisha's artifact is very useful, it is simply a mobile HP medicine storehouse.After possessing Aisha's artifact, he can recover no matter what damage he receives.He was proud and mad, and did not probe the enemy's situation.

"Hey, the trash demon came out quickly and died!" Two days later, in the evening, Fried led Aisha to open the door of Niekong's villa and broke into his territory.

The funny thing is that when Fried rushed into the villa to attack, when he saw the two angels behind Nie Kong, he was sluggish on the spot, and the expression on his face was so wonderful.

Instead, the exorcist found an angel in the devil's base. What are you going to do?Freed wanted to cry without tears, and watched the demons around him surrounded him.The rubbish devil subdued the angels, and can he kill them?

Fried with a lightsaber trembled slightly, regretting his impulsive performance for the first time.

"Oh, oh... an annoying exorcist has come in to exorcise the demon, father Nie Kong should be more careful..." Before finishing speaking, Zhu Nai giggled first.

Lias, who is an exorcist, would certainly recognize them, but he was weak and he didn't receive much attention, instead his eyes were full of joking.

And Aisha did not appear because she helped set the barrier outside.

The priest rushed towards Nie Kong, seemingly not planning to surrender.He who hates the devil, how could he escape or surrender?The lightsaber in his hand swept across with the concentrated light power.

It's ridiculous, I didn't expect the famous priest of DXD to come and destroy himself.

Nie Kong didn't make a move, and as his dependent bishop Hei Ge, of course, he wanted to stop the bastards who dared to confront his master.Although Hei Ge was squinting and smiling, there was a strong fierce light in his eyes.

The cat's tail stood upright, obviously in a very raised state.With a click, Hei Ge missed the priest's attack.Qiaosheng's feet bent the priest's leg into a strange shape.Under Hei Ge's strength, his leg appeared to be broken.

He knelt in front of Nie Kong on one knee, and the intense pain made the priest pale.

"Devil to die, what I hate the most is a trash-like demon." Fried was twisted to the extreme, completely forgetting fear.A pistol appeared in his right hand, and then aimed at the master Nie Kong.

"Try the exorcist's special exorcism bomb." There was no sound of the gun, but the muzzle shot a small speed of light.It emits light, so there is no explosion of gunpowder.

The celestial beast frowned and waved in Fried's stunned eyes to make the beam disappear into the air.Fried aimed at Nie Kong again, but the light gun shot by the celestial beast penetrated Fried's heart.

"Meow... It was originally said by Hei Ge." Hei Ge kicked Fried's corpse, with regret in his tone.

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