The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0369, Aisha joins

The celestial beast ignored Hei Ge's complaint, and the substantive light power spilled on Fried, purifying the corpse left in the house.

After setting the barrier, Aisha appeared in the villa.After seeing the disappearance of Father Fried, Asia covered her small mouth in shock.Her emerald eyes looked flustered.

Father Fried is dead, and his own magical weapon can no longer save him.

"Master... the exorcist's companion has appeared, do you want the celestial beast to purify her?" The celestial beast exudes an astonishing sacred arrogance, destroying enemies who dare to offend the master!

Aisha's gaze suddenly came over, and her eyes widened in surprise: "Is it... the Angel came and killed Fried. But...but why would Mr. Nie Kong who helped Aisha the other day? Appear here?"

The girls around turned their eyes to Nie Kong, surprised that the nun in front of them would know him.

"Hehe... I said that I would meet again a few days ago, but I didn't expect to meet the way I am now. Fate is really elusive. Don't be surprised, Aisha, I am the owner of this villa."

After Nie Kong said clearly, Asia's eyes widened.That's great... It turns out that Lord Fallen Angel, Lord Angel, and Demons can live in peace, but killing is wrong.

However, the murderer is Lord Angel, but she kept her sacred breath and did not fall!Angels are God’s spokespersons, and Asia should not doubt God.

The appearance of the ten-winged angel celestial beast led the pious Aisha to Nie Kong.She gestured with her hands on her chest, and then assumed a prayer pose.However, if she loses the shelter of the fallen angel, where should Asia go.

"I'm very sorry, Aisha disturbed you. Aisha... Aisha didn't intend to kill anyone, I hope... I hope Mr. Nie Kong can forgive Aisha." Aisha apologized in a low voice.

"Although I'm a demon, Aisha don't worry. I didn't blame you, don't worry about anything." It seems that there is a system of reincarnating angels in the heavens, and such a holy Aisha MM should be an angel.

If you have the chance, the celestial beast should go to the heavens, and then learn the system ability of reincarnation.If you see a suitable MM in the future, you can form your own angel army.

"Thank you Mr. Nie Kong for his generous forgiveness, I feel much better. For example... If nothing happens, Aisha... Aisha is going to go to church." Looking at the ten-winged angel goddess piously, Aisha is about to leave .

But Nie Kong knew that once Aisha was allowed to go out, he would definitely lose her.The gaze of the fallen angels, the covetousness of the devil's so-called nun killer... How can the gentle Asia protect herself?

"Um... don't leave in a hurry, I have something to discuss with you." Nie Kong's voice stopped Aisha, and she stared at Nie Kong blankly."Is there...what's the matter?"

"I want to ask if Aisha is willing to return to the embrace of God, my angel will listen to Aisha's prayer... and then I want Aisha to be the kindest angel!" Nie Kong pushed the celestial beast to Aisha, but The celestial beast gave its owner a blank look.

The master overestimated his own power, how could he reincarnate human beings into angels.But before Aisha prayed devoutly, even the celestial beast could feel her mind.The delicate and kind-hearted Celestial Beast was moved, and she nodded lightly to Aisha.

Hearing Nie Kong's words, Aisha's body froze on the spot.She dreamed of looking at the god who stretched out her hand to embrace her, tears pouring from the corner of her eyes.

"But... Lovely Sha has the power to heal demons. Is Angel still willing to listen to Ai Sha's prayer?"

The power to heal demons is beyond common sense.Because the power of healing belongs to the power of light, it is ineffective against demons and fallen angels. This is something the world considers common sense.Even the demons and fallen angels who have not been blessed by the gods can heal. The power of Asia is regarded as the power of the witch and is feared by the church.

So the bishops of the church began to regard the girl as a heresy and began to reject Asia.Aisha, who was originally enshrined as a saint, was regarded as a witch just because she could heal demons. She was feared by the Catholic Church and then despised.

"You witch who can heal demons!" The Catholic Church drove Asia out of the church, and then Asia's outlying exorcist organization in the Far East took her in.As the organization is led by some fallen angels, Aisha, who often lives in the church, did not escape, and she was forced to be blessed by fallen angels.

Aisha never forgot to pray to God, never forgot to thank.Nevertheless, Aisha was abandoned and God did not save her.The biggest blow was that no one in the church was protecting her, and no one was on the girl's side.

"It turns out that all the tests the Lord gave me, because I am an unfavorable nun, he would want me to hone more. Now... Is God finally willing to listen to Asia's prayers." Asia smiled and wiped. Tears.

The celestial beast took Aisha into his arms, and the divine and warm light drove away Aisha's negative emotions.She... She never thought that one day the angel representing God would really accept herself.

"Sister Aisha, I will listen to your prayers on behalf of God...Finally, I will guide you to heaven and serve God for life!" But God is his own master, not the God you pray for.

Aisha nodded with tears in her eyes.It turned out that all the pain I had paid before disappeared, and the rest was full of happiness.Keep hiding his will in the depths of his heart, waiting for God's blessing.And now, Aisha finally got her wish.

Nie Kong finally smiled when he saw the scene before him.Maybe the celestial beast does not have the ability to transform angels, but Nie Kong plans to have a chance to kill Michael and let the celestial beast control the heavenly system power.

Of course, the angel Gabriel must be harvested. After all, it is rare to exterminate the ten-winged angel, possessing the beauty comparable to that of the celestial beast.

Seeing Aisha so pitiful, the girls around them sympathized with Aisha instead.What's more, it's the girl my father had known earlier, and the few girls have no opinion.But the women guessed that Nie Kong probably liked the sister Aisha in front of him.

Such a cute girl, no wonder Father Nie Kong is tempted.In this way, the president's idea of ​​managing the father's harem is slim.

Zhu Nai snickered, as if thinking of something bad.

Then the girls around each introduced themselves, and when it was Gaspar's turn, she was crying and scared and said: "It's terrible, it's the nun of the church, Gaspar is going to be bullied..."

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