The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0383, Xenovia and Irina's choice

Although Balpa finally died in Nie Kong's hands, he was not afraid, but left the world with a smile.Or after hearing the death of God, he finally has no regrets.

And Nie Kong got the trophy-the final ownership of the six holy swords, he was the biggest winner.When Nie Kong used the soul flame to combine the seven fragments into one, the holy sword burst out brighter than the sun.

That's right, the power of the holy sword has been improved after being calcined again.I am afraid that at this time the new Holy Sword King’s Sword, even a high-level demon, will be severely eroded by the power of light.

"Woo...Gasper is going to be killed, so... such a strong sacred power, Gasper is so painful..." Gaspar screamed, who was deeply affected by the holy sword.

The newly born King's Sword is more powerful than Durando, and even slightly better than Arthur's strongest sword in the stone.When Nie Kong handed it into the hands of the Celestial Beast, her flawless pretty face showed a surprised expression.

She threw away the javelin in her hand, and then hugged her first gift from the owner like a treasure.The expression of happiness and surprise was revealed, more beautiful than before.

After the attack, Xenovia did not leave Nie Kong's villa.When Gasper saw the two girls sitting in the living room the next day, he was directly startled.Wearing the uniforms of Juwang Academy, the two women stayed generously in Nie Kong's villa.

"Hey...why... why are you here!" The shrinking Gasper bumped into Nie Kong who came out, but Nie Kong held her down, otherwise she would hide in the cardboard box with her temperament.

Xenovia snorted and replied: "We told the headquarters that we already knew that God was dead, and they didn't say much. After we knew God was not there, we were already aliens to them. The church hates heretics, even though I The swordsman who holds Durand will also abandon me. Just like Aisha did at the time." She laughed at herself.The church has achieved this level of exclusion of heresy...too thorough.

"Woo...God is dead, we have nowhere to go. It's... it was Aisha who comforted us and said... that she would continue to believe in Lord Angel... We asked Lord Angel's consent, just like Aisha Stay here to serve Lord Angel. Then I also transferred to this school. From today on, we are the same grade students in the second year of high school, and I also join the occult research club. Please advise, Teacher Nie Kong?" Irina Weeping and smiling bitterly.

The more devout Christians are, the more painful they will be after knowing the truth.Maybe that truth will completely deny one's own way of living in the past.In this situation, God knows what human beings will become.

The most pious Aisha was ashamed of her heart, and she almost collapsed after knowing that God had died.Fortunately, in Nie Kong's care, Aisha finally returned to normal.After recovering, Aisha helped to persuade Irina and the two women, and finally brought them to Nie Kong's camp.

"Master, I will take care of them." The celestial beast said in Nie Kong's ear, and of course Nie Kong would agree to their request.After all, his goal is to win the heavenly system, and then reincarnate a few women into angels.She just wronged Lias and took away the knights of her original work.

"Teacher Nie Kong, you have to pay attention. Taking away all the holy swords is a very big blow to the church. They will not give up recycling the holy swords, so it is estimated that it will cause some trouble in the future." Na said softly.

"You really betray the church..." Lias whispered.

Xenovia squinted his eyes and said, "We have no way to turn our heads, but since God is dead, my life is also destroyed. Now that there are angels here who are willing to accept my prayers, of course I am willing to stay. Here." Xenovia said something in her mouth, and she looked very cute with her head in her arms.

"Soon, the representatives of the angels, the representatives of the devil, and the fallen angels seem to be preparing to hold talks. The location is estimated to be the buffering world of the three realms. At that time, Lord Angel will appear in the world, and then will inevitably come over to take back the holy sword... Maybe if you return the holy sword, it will save a lot of trouble." Irina said her opinion.

Speaking of the representatives of the three major forces gathering together, it should be a very serious thing, right?Although Nie Kong could not imagine what they would talk about on that occasion, it must have a great impact on the future of this world...

But for Nie Kong, it was an opportunity to be able to wipe out all the strong.After possessing the Chilong Emperor armor at this time, he no longer had the slightest fear.Fifty times the power of the demon king, it is simply to meet the gods and kill the gods, and the Buddhas to kill the Buddha!

"If the holy sword is controlled by a ten-winged angel, there should be no problem. Lord Michael, after seeing Lord Angel, should agree." Xenovia said.

"No problem, don't worry that I will deal with the trouble it brings. Please take care of me in the future. I am Nie Kong, the teacher of Juwang College...The owner of the territory." Nie Kong was very happy to be followed by the two women.

After taking control of the system in the future, he can turn Aisha and the three daughters into lovely angels of the holy sword.At that time, H's words...because of the double cultivation technique, it should be as holy as the celestial beast.

"There are three of us among the Christians who know that God is dead. Please take pictures of each other in the future. Heresy... From a respected holy swordsman to a heresy, I will never forget that their attitude towards me changed instantly." When Ya said so, her eyes seemed to flash lonely.

Originally a devout believer, he turned into a heresy hated by others.The huge contrast makes it no wonder that it will be listless.

"Then we retire, and we need to learn a lot to transfer to Komao Academy. Aisha, can you take us to the school another day?" Irina said softly.


Aisha answered with a sunny smile, and the kind-hearted Aisha can make good friends no matter who she is.Although a little elusive, the two women are now in the same camp as Aisha.

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