The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0384, Zhu Nai Ying

Since the two women lived in Nie Kong's villa, they have brought a lot of laughter to Nie Kong.After all, they are clergy, and they will always make a lot of jokes with demons.For example, Christian food is very light, while Nie Kong's food is mainly greasy.Poor Baba looked at Nie Kong and the others deliciously, but because of the precepts, they could only stare at Nie Kong and them hungry.

Another example is that the two women are Christians, and every time Gasper touches them, they will always scream and say something annoying.The scared Gaspar hides far away, and sometimes the naughty Irina wants to tease her.But unfortunately, Gaspar has a temporary ability and will always stop time.

During their time together, they made a lot of sincere friends, and the two women experienced an unprecedented warm feeling.

And a few days later, when Nie Kong was going to a certain place, Zhu Nai invited him over.

And she said that Lias and the others will go there, don't know what's going on?The first thing Nie Kong thought of was a tryst, but since Xiao Lias came back later, it should be a club activity.

Nie Kong walked towards the outskirts, and then the stone steps gradually came into his vision.At the end of the stone steps extending upward, there is a red wooden building-yes, it is a shrine exclusively for the second dimension.He has accepted a few girls of the witch attribute, and of course he will understand the representative buildings in front of him.

It turned out that Juno invited them to visit the shrine that had been empty for a long time. After all, the shrine was vacant after Juno moved to his villa.At this moment, there was a handsome figure in front of the stone steps, and when he fixed his eyes, he saw a familiar face.

"Welcome, Teacher Nie Kong." Standing there was Zhu Nai wearing a witch costume.Without the uniform of Juwang Academy, Zhu Nai was dressed in a group of white witches and presented her plump and abnormal body to Nie Kong's realization.

"Sorry... I suddenly found the teacher." After bringing Nie Kong into the shrine, Zhu Nai happily served Nie Kong with tea.This is the first time I have been alone with the teacher since I met the teacher.

Without Liasi's interruption, without the cat sauce spitting out, she can act like a baby to the teacher as much as possible.Secretly meeting with Lias and their teachers, Zhu Nai felt very exciting.

If Lias didn't find the teacher, what would she look like if she found herself and the teacher disappeared?Zhu Nai has the urge to look at Lias' expression, of course, the most important thing is that she can finally get along with the teacher alone.

Nie Kong looked at Zhu Nai's reaction and laughed softly.It turns out that Zhu Nai has learned to deceive, so why did Rias and the others come over?

Observed the environment of the shrine and found that it was empty without anyone.Was Zhu Nai the only one who lived in the huge house before, really lonely...

"This is Zhu Nai's home, right, but are you alone in the spacious shrine? For example, Zhu Nai's mother, why didn't the teacher see it?" Nie Kong knew that the fallen angel Baiqiu was Zhu Nai's father, but his mother The impression is very vague.To be able to give birth to such a beautiful Zhu Na, she should be very beautiful.

Hearing Nie Kong's question, Zhu Nai's expression was slightly overshadowed.

"My mother died when she was very young, but it was all caused by the bastard. Kokboer was right the other day. I was originally a descendant of the fallen angel's Baiqiu and human beings. Mother was originally She is the daughter of the shrine. One day, she rescued Baiqiu, a fallen angel cadre who was injured and fell to the ground. I heard that she was pregnant with me because of fate at the time."

Nie Kong showed a daze, no wonder Zhu Nai will be the master of the shrine.But I seem to have asked the question of destroying the atmosphere, is it because I cultivated feelings with Zhu Nai.I asked the question myself and got the answer but I don't know how to react.

When Nie Kong was about to change the subject, Zhu Nai spread the wings on his back.Four weird wings, the left side is the wings of the devil, and the right side is the black wings of the fallen angel.

It is similar to Lilithmon, but Lilithmon is the evolution of Digimon. As Nie Kong turned around, his wings did not change.No wonder this is the case, Lilith beast originally used dark power.The fallen angels in DXD use the light power to destroy demons.

"Foul wings...the wings of the devil and the wings of the fallen angel. I have both." Zhu Nai took up the black feathers of the fallen angel with hateful eyes, and seemed to hate the father who gave her blood: "Because I hate falling. With the feathers of an angel, I will find Rias to become a demon. But what was born was a disgusting creature with two wings, a fallen angel and a demon. Hehe...for those who carry filthy blood to me , Maybe it's suitable."

"What do you think of the teacher after knowing the matter? Do you hate fallen angels, do you hate Zhu Nai's bloodline?"

"I now feel that I have asked questions that shouldn't be asked, and I feel sorry...I'm really sorry." Nie Kong looked at Zhu Nai who was mocking herself, and wanted to hold her tightly in his arms and pity her.

"But... but I have the blood of fallen angels, can the teacher accept it? Even though I reincarnated as a demon, I have the blood of fallen angels in my body is still the same fact. I made those actions to approach the teacher, but I don’t want you to hate it. Me, I'm really a bad girl." Is Zhu Nai very inferior, but Nie Kong really likes Zhu Nai.

Nie Kong got up and walked over, then put Zhu Nai into his arms with both hands.He did not answer Zhu Nai's question, but directly expressed it with actions.Junai's chest is very soft, although he can feel its unique touch through several layers of clothes.

"Teacher Nie Kong..." Zhu Nai's soft body leaned against Nie Kong's arms, and he didn't mean to resist.Her tearful eyes finally burst into a smile, and she already understood what the teacher was thinking.

"Now, teacher! Can Zhu Nai call your father?" Sister Zhu Nai hugged Nie Kong tighter, and said softly.With her aegyo-like voice, Himeshima Juno, who had the S attribute, disappeared. There is only one ordinary high school girl here.She is so cute in her arms, Nie Kong really wants to kiss her!

"Then just one time. Please."

Now that he begged himself with tears, Nie Kong nodded.


"I'm so happy, Dad..." Zhu Nai hugged Nie Kong tighter, but an ordinary girl acted like a baby to Dad.She raised her head and looked at Nie Kong with gleaming eyes: "Teacher, can Zhu Nai call the teacher's father when we are alone in the future?"

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