The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0385, to Zhu Nai

As Zhu Nai said at that time, what she yearned most was to treat Nie Kong as her father.Seeing President Lias enjoying Nie Kong's pampering, Zhu Nai, who had lost her father's love since childhood, was so envious of Lias.

She wants to get the same treatment as Rias, and can call out Nie Kong's father like a baby.When sleeping at night while dreaming, even Zhu Nai would touch her slender black hair with her hands like Nie Kong in a dream, and the corners of her mouth would show a happy smile when she was asleep.

Of course, sometimes Zhu Nai would dream of seducing Nie Kong, and then the two of them would do all sorts of things, while his owner and president were watching but could not stop it!

Zhu Nai knows that the president has dedicated himself to the father she likes.After observing for a few days, Zhu Nai found that Rias' appearance had changed greatly.But the only thing that hasn't changed is the feelings between the two.Their father and daughter are as loving as ever, even more than before.

And seeing that Lias is very obsessed with her father, she probably has no chance to surpass Lias in the teacher's heart.And Lias has the possibility of being the teacher's room... Even the relationship between Mao Jiang and their sisters and the teacher has surpassed them, and their status cannot be shaken.

"I...I like Dad, but Zhu Nai knows that he can't have a father alone. It doesn't matter how many places Zhu Nai ranks." Zhu Nai put his arms around Nie Kong's neck, and then looked at the face a few centimeters apart.The two were so close that they could even breathe in the breath that the other party had just exhaled.

"The teacher likes Zhu Nai very much." Nie Kong's right hand behind his back stroked Zhu Nai's black slender hair, his eyes looked at Zhu Nai who was inferior.Zhu Nai showed an expression of surprise. She couldn't control the eruption of emotions, so she raised her pretty face and directly approached Nie Kong.

"Hmm..." In Nie Kong's surprised eyes, there is no barrier, and the two mouths are closely attached to each other.If Rias were to see this scene, she would be furious.

The devil belonging to his family actually took away his father, is there any reason?It just couldn't stop Zhu Nai, because Zhu Nai liked Nie Kong..

"Hehehe, I took away a privilege from Rias. I always feel like I'm doing something forbidden. But when I kissed my dad secretly, Zhu Nai was really happy and exciting." Zhu Nai was thinking about something. At that time, Nie Kong began to attack.

"Zunai... give it to Dad, will you regret it?" When preparing, Nie Kong leaned on Zhu Nai and lit her pretty face, and then asked.

"It's Nie Kong's father, Zhu Nai is willing! It is Zhu Naixiu's blessing to be favored by his father... Don't hesitate, Dad, Zhu Nai... Zhu Nai is already ready." Indeed, Zhu Nai is ready to go. Just know the cleanliness of her body part.

Nie Kong nodded his head heavily. Following Zhu Nai's cry, Nie Kong had everything about Zhu Nai.The Shuangxiu Divine Art was brought into operation, and after the pure energy recovered Zhu Nai, Nie Kong launched a fierce offensive again.

It rang for half an hour at the sacred shrine.Finally, with Zhu Nai's loud voice, the shrine gradually returned to calm.

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