The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0386, Cao Cao appears

"Little Lias, do you know where the master went? It's too early to leave school, but it's strange that you didn't come back with you!" According to the character of the master, she should accompany Lias in club activities, but now There is no sign of him in the living room of the villa.Seeing this, Griffia, the maid and Queen Niekong, asked strangely.

Rias raised her eyebrows, angrily.Because of the mysterious disappearance, not only Nie Kong, but also Zhu Nai, who often snatches his father's favor.She had an inexplicable hunch that her father was afraid that it would be too late for the festival.

His family members dared to snatch their favorite dad, so angry that the owner Lias was so angry.

"We are planning to go out to find Daddy Nie Kong, so we don't have any news from him..." The lovely cat sauce shook off her white cat's ears, and while sitting on the sofa, she answered Griffia's question.

"Forget it, if things are about to happen, how can I stop them. Is there anything important for Sister Griffia to find her father?" With Griffia's gentle and obedient temperament, she rarely asks her father to accompany her.It is usually the father who pity Griffia, and then ask her out for a tryst alone...

"There is indeed something important, according to the news from Valli... The summit meeting of the demons, angels, and fallen angels will be held in a few days. That's right, and the location is in Kyoto, Japan!" Interference, the time and place of the tripartite meeting have all changed.

Regarding the events surrounding Nie Kong, the confrontation between the devil, angel, and fallen angel had a great impact.So the leaders of each other decided to sit down and discuss the future. The key person is the combination of the infinite dragon god Orpheus and the dangerous Nie Kong!

It was the four great demon kings who initiated the demon world, and the other two forces came upon appointment.But it is really well-intentioned to hold it in a place where Kyoto is mixed with dragons and fish!Kyoto is the territory of the monsters. Choosing there can indeed eliminate the vigilance of the three major forces.


Everyone except Orpheus screamed, but Griffia herself was still expressionless, pinching the pretty face of the cat sauce, and said: "The three-party meeting is to discuss how to deal with the owner, and it will definitely cause some turmoil. "

"Brothers are really bastards, obviously Dad is very good. It must be because after the damn Lysa died, they had to retaliate against Dad to do this... It's okay, Lias will definitely protect Dad." She would be a little hesitant to ask her to fight her brother, but now Rias showed an extremely determined look.Rias cherishes and loves her dad very much. She hates her dad's intention to touch or hurt others.

"I had expected that things would happen sooner or later. After all, it would be difficult for the two factions to coexist peacefully. But I didn't expect my sister and they would twist the rest of the forces into one. If the three parties attacked the teacher together..." Cang Na frowned and his expression was full Worry.Since she became Nie Kong's family member, she secretly helped Nie Kong make plans.Of course, she hadn't forgotten her dream, she only hoped that Nie Kong would promise to establish world rules without levels after unifying the Devildom.

"There is no problem in the eyes, his power is enough to sweep almost any strong man in the world." Orpheus MM spit out a word, attracting the attention of several women.

Almost because of the True Red Dragon Emperor, she couldn't predict who was strong and who was weak between them.

"The master is indeed very powerful, but you have already said that it is almost. If the master has any accidents, how can we live..." Griffia said softly.

"Graffia should be punished, I'm fine, how do you say this."

Nie Kong's voice suddenly appeared, and everyone looked in the direction from which the voice came-only Nie Kong was standing at the door with a smile, and his right hand was holding Zhu Nai's five fingers.

Seeing Rias' gaze, Zhu Nai smiled sweetly at her.After two or three hours of recovery, they finally rushed back to the villa from the shrine of Shuno.After double repairs, Zhu Nai's skin was so tender that it could be broken.And the scent that she revealed between her frowns and smiles was nothing short of fascinating!The most important thing is the soaring strength, which has actually risen to the same level as Rias.

It is a pity that Zhu Nai almost broke through the level of the Demon King and grew five pairs of wings.But she was already very satisfied, and she didn't expect Nie Kong's father H to rise to this level.Thinking of this, her eyes faintly misted.

If you want to break through the devil in the future, it should be easy to find Dad H.Looking at Nie Kong in love, Zhu Nai dreamed of her future sexual life.

Sensing Zhu Nai's power, Rias' anger began to soar.Nie Kong didn't dare to be presumptuous in Li Yasi, but looked at Zhu Nai with fierce eyes, and Zhu Nai would look provocatively with her.

"Master... Griffia didn't mean that, but worried about the owner. Newly received news, I heard that the tripartite meeting with the owner was about to begin..." Griffia told Nie Kong the news that she had just received, with a pretty face. Somewhat worried.

There will be a meeting in Kyoto in a few days, which happens to be a holiday time.Coincidentally, Nie Kong is going to take the girls to Tokyo to play with them.If there is a chance, he will definitely eliminate the forces that resist him.

"I see. In this case, we will be ready to leave for Kyoto, Japan in a few days. If there is nothing to do, please remember to be prepared!" Nie Kong said aloud.

All the women nodded, with a little excitement in their eyes.

In front of the dimensional mezzanine in Northern Europe, several humans appeared in Orpheus's den.Headed by the young man with short black hair, his arrogant face was full of contentment.

"No trace of Orpheus was found. It is estimated that someone abducted her." A blond foreign man came out of the dimensional cracks, and he respectfully said to the black-haired man.

Orpheus didn't have much interest in anything, unless it was the True Red Dragon Emperor.And they are taking advantage of Orpheus's weakness and borrowing her power to do mischief.

"The group of misfortunes only has the old demons besides us. Could it be that they made the ghost?" the only blonde beauty thought.

"I wanted to use her power to play in Tokyo, Japan. It seems that there is no chance. The self-conscious dragon is really hateful. It seems necessary to take all of her power!" The black-haired man sneered.

"Cao Cao, do you plan to use Samael, but we don't have a trace of Orpheus?" the sturdy man asked, touching his head.

"Try to be prepared so that you don't get rushed when you encounter it! Let's go, let's go to the old demon school to ask questions, and then go to Japan..." The man named Cao Cao turned and walked east.

"Yes..." Several humans looked forward to their heads and respected Cao Cao, descendant of the hero...

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