The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0390, against Cao Cao

Samael's toxicity is more than twice as strong as that of the steel heroes in the godslayer, and it can completely defeat all dragons.And no matter how strong the strength, as long as it is a snake dragon, he can swallow it.

Cao Cao turned the holy spear and pointed the spear at Nie Kong and the others.

"Let’s start, the curse it holds is specifically designed to destroy dragons, and the dragons it’s staring at will definitely be killed." The fallen angel dragon on the cross spit out a few black objects and quickly moved towards Orpheus. Nie Kong and the others can rush away quickly.

The black object has a hand connection. Looking along the tentacles, it is the fallen angel dragon that was nailed to the cross, with tentacles stretched out of his mouth—connected to his tongue!With Samael, the battle finally officially started.

Cao Cao and Samael, a total of seven people.The rest of the people, Zequan, are artifacts with immense power, and they can be described as gathering the strongest humans in the human world.

For example, Siegfried, he is a former Christian exorcist elite-possessing a subspecies artifact dragon hand.In the group of misfortunes, he is as famous as Arthur of the Sacred King Sword, and is known as Sigurd of the Demon Emperor Sword.The most beautiful blonde girl inherited the soul of Joan of Arc, and the artifact she possessed was the creation of the holy sword.

Georg's magical tool is Juewu, who just transferred Cao Cao over, and is a powerful magician.Leonardo, the youngest, had never spoken, but his artifact was the most dangerous existence.The artifact he holds is the creation of Warcraft, able to create the strongest Warcraft Legion with his own consciousness.The biggest brawny man is the naive Hercules, a sturdy man who inherits the soul of Hercules in Greek mythology; possesses the pranks of the giants of artifacts, which can explode the target while attacking.

And Cao Cao's holy spear is the strongest magic weapon, and it was developed by Cao Cao to be forbidden.It can be said that Cao Cao of the hero faction has formed a powerful force that rivals the three major forces.

"Then I will let you know! I will awaken! The principle of usurping hegemony..." Knowing the power of the enemy on the opposite side, Vali sang the spell of Tyrannical Dragon while avoiding the black object.

Cao Cao who noticed it immediately yelled out Siegfried: "Don't let Valli succeed, destroy the simulation space of Tyrannosaurus!"

"Understood...Samael!" Siegfried stretched out his hand to unfold the Rubik's Cube. After receiving this reaction, the restraint of Samal's right hand was released!

"Woo..." With a creepy cry, Samael stretched out his right hand to Vali!Very quickly, Valli had no time to dodge and had to send out a magic bullet to smash his black arm.But the black tentacles were absorbed, and his attack had no effect on Samael.And Orpheus, who was too lazy to avoid it, would be hit by Samael, but the magic sword created by Nie Kong blocked his attack.Nie Kong's magic sword contained steel power, which was the same type of ability as Samael.When the two collided, Nie Kong's magic sword cut off the black object.

As the sound that shook the air sounded, Vali in the air was directly encapsulated by something black!

"Kiba, cut it away!"

Upon hearing the instructions given by Arthur Pendra, Kiba immediately created the magic sword and slashed towards the black block.The black block swallowed the holy demon sword, and the part of the blade that touched the black block disappeared!

Only a small part of the magic sword remained in Kiba's hands!

"The magic sword has disappeared, can the black block erase all attacks"

Kiba created another magic sword, this time slashing at the tongue of Samael, the tentacle connected to the black block!But the result just now was the same, the slashing part of the blade disappeared, and the blade split from top to bottom!

Gurgling sound

The monster named Samael the Dragon Eater is too dangerous. Arthur Pendra has just grasped the sword of the Holy Sword King and swung it towards Samael!

The great holy sword fluctuation, the light is harmful to Samael.But when he rushed with the sword of King Arthur, he was swept aside by something...It was the magic sword held by the four silver dragons of Siegfried!

"Your opening blow was really good, Holy Sword Envoy Arthur Pendragang, but I am here!" The two began to confront each other, and Arthur Pendragang couldn't save Valli.

"Ohhhhh..." Summel yelled suddenly, and the black mass that had wrapped Vali burst open.Vali was liberated, but the armor on his body was shattered all over the floor and his body was covered with a lot of blood!

For the sake of restraint, Vali took off the light wings of the divine artifact White Dragon Emperor in time.But Samael's devouring still seriously injured him.

"Damn it!" Valli fell on the floor of the villa, unable to move.Vali, who had surpassed the demon lord, was seriously injured by a blow.After eating Vali, Samael looked at Orpheus with hatred.

Cao Cao's gaze followed, and he was still very surprised when he saw that Nie Kong was able to cut Samael's tentacles.Sure enough, it was a demon who could subdue Vali, and possessing the Sakryu Emperor's artifact could even contend with Samael.

"The opponent is Samael, and there are six users of the top God Exterminator. It is enough as an opponent, prepare to fight." The magic power of Lias and the girls began to soar, and they are obviously about to start fighting.

Seeing us as we were preparing for battle, Cao Cao showed an ecstatic and enjoyable smile!

"Your power is very dangerous to me. I will never allow anyone to interfere with my plan. Joan, please take care of Samael, and I will deal with them with the rest."

Joan nodded and promised to control Samael so that he wouldn't lose control.Cao Cao's gun flashed, but the light was much softer than before.

"Hand-free!" As the power of speech exploded, Cao Cao's body began to change!A round wheel radiating sacred light emerged behind him, and seven bowling ball-sized spheres floating in the air surrounding Cao Cao!

It's so peaceful and hand-free, even the gun itself is still a basic posture.On the left is Samael the Dragon Eater, and on the right is Cao Cao, the strongest God Slayer...

"Master, be careful, Cao Cao's banned hand has seven abilities." The black song familiar with Cao Cao warned the enemies in front of him and reminded him, obviously that he regarded Nie Kong more importantly than himself.

Cao Cao took a step forward, and the sphere surrounding him also moved in the air.

"This is the Forbidden Hand of the Holy Spear of Twilight, the Spear of the Holy King of the Sky Wheel of the Night-although not yet completed. Come on, I want to see how far I can reach!"

Cao Cao planned to deal with Nie Kong, and then ordered Samael to devour Orpheus and fulfill his great dream.

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