The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0391, the seven abilities of the holy spear

Cao Cao's forbidden hand is a special ability called Qibao, which is equivalent to possessing 7 different divine weapon abilities, and those abilities are lodged in those spheres.Cao Cao beckoned in the air, and the seven spheres seemed to follow his call and came in front of him.

The luminous spheres are exactly the same, and it is impossible to tell which ability it is.

"One of the Seven Treasures, Lunbao!" At first, a certain sphere suddenly disappeared, and the sound of something severely damaged echoed in the hall.Looking in the direction of the sound, the sword in the stone in the hands of Arthur Pendragang burst out in front of his eyes!

"Ah... my holy sword!" Just before Pendra, who was fighting Siegfried, hadn't reacted, the sword in his hand had been destroyed!The magic sword in Siegfried's hand swung over, and he almost lost his life there.

It is the special ability of the Holy Spear that can begin to destroy the strongest weapon present.Moreover, the wheel treasure can also be transformed into the shape of a gun, coming and going without a trace.Fortunately, Nie Kong had spiritual consciousness, he could clearly see the attack from the round treasure.

Nie Kong easily escaped the Wuying Lunbao, and then attracted a dozen dark magic swords.The screaming sound was the long sword made by Nie Kong that cut through the air.

"Take advantage of the present opportunity, you hurry to absorb Orpheus's power." Facing the extremely fast Excalibur, Cao Cao did not panic.A black vortex was generated in front of the sphere and absorbed the divine sword. The vortex that had been absorbed suddenly disappeared, and a new vortex appeared in front of the kittens!

The ability of jewels will send attacks to other people.In the panic of Maojiang and the others, the Excalibur faded away.Fortunately, it was created by Nie Kong's mind. Otherwise, the little cats will be killed and injured.

"Master... let's help you!" Griffia, who is at the level of the demon king, began to rush, followed by Lias, Sona, and Zhu Nai, three masters who are infinitely close to the devil.After seeing the girl behind preparing for the war, Cao Cao's men also started to act.

The first is Leonardo's artifact. His creation of monsters has created more than a dozen huge monsters, bursting the luxurious villa.The monster roared for a while, and then rushed towards Rias and the others.The brawny Hercules launched the ban, and the malicious wave of the banned superman can cause protruding missiles to grow on his body and launch it.

However, what he faced was Griffia, and Hercules was killed first in the impact of the terrorist magic bullet.When they were about to destroy the Warcraft, Cao Cao's holy spear began to play again.

"Blast it!"

Responding to Cao Cao's words, the light from the sphere enveloped the three women of Griffia, Rias and Heige!The three of them were enveloped in the aperture and tried to attack, but nothing came out of their hands.The two who were surprised by their attack tried again to attack the ball of light-but still did not send out anything!

The special ability of the female treasure is to completely seal the abilities of the women in the field within a certain period of time, starting with the strongest person, and there is no room for evasion, up to three people.

Then the three strongest women were imprisoned, completely useless.Fuck laughed, that expression is totally enjoying the fun of fighting

Zhu Nai and Lu Fei began to concentrate their magic power in their hands, and the light of magic gathered and prepared to attack the monster!

Cao Cao's other spheres immediately rushed out, using Ma Bao's ability to move the remaining women away.In the blink of an eye, there were only four people left in the entire villa, Nie Kong, You Dou, Arthur Pendragon, and Orpheus.

Suddenly, Nie Kong understood Cao Cao's sphere ability!Especially attack transfer, it is simply transfer of own super power.

"Now there is no one stopping us to take Orpheus, let's fight a good fight next." Cao Cao with the holy spear rushed towards Nie Kong, and then Samael began to act.

When both sides attacked at the same time, Cao Cao saw what Nie Kong was going to do, and the two of them got closer in an instant!

"It's really a terrifying artifact. Whoever owns it might be able to rampage the world. But you are far behind me, Cao Cao." In the special ability of General Treasure, seven luminous spheres form the ghost cloth of the holy spear. It filled Nie Kong's surroundings.

But Nie Kong wanted to save Orpheus from being swallowed by the disgusting black object, so he used his proud superpower-Transfer, and transferred the five or six meters big Samael to his front.

When Cao Cao saw Samael who was blocking his attack suddenly appeared, his expression was obviously surprised.If his holy spear stabs Samael, it is estimated that it will die!

He wants to place Orpheus under his control, and then use her power.But for Orpheus to disappear, Cao Cao knew that it was too difficult for him to think.So he wants to use Samael to reduce Orpheus's power, and then he will give birth to the new Orpheus.

I just wanted to use the transfer ability to move Samael away, but the roaring blood red flame dragon hit Samael's fallen angel dragon's body.With a bang, Samael's resentful eyes flashed a bit of pain.

Before he could break free, the blood-red flame of the blood whip turned into a flame of nothingness.Nie Kong saw that the angry blood whip had no effect, and directly used the void flame of the soul.

The emptiness and high temperature of the flame was very high, evaporating the monsters that Leonardo had summoned and approached.Even Cao Cao stepped back ten steps in horror to avoid being caught in such a terrifying flame.

Samael, who was drowning in flames, was even more miserable. He roared and roared, his voice full of negative emotions such as resentment.But in the refining of the virtual fire, Samael evaporated clean.

But Nie Kong found out that Samael represented the rage in Christianity, making Nie Kong very speechless.After refining it, he actually only added some power to his angry blood whip.

Of course he had already absorbed the effects of restraining dragons.The current angry blood whip has the power to kill Orpheus's dragon snake in a flash.

"What... God's malicious Samael... actually died?" Cao Cao was shocked, and the plot in front of him was beyond his expectations.

"In this shouldn't have a chance to take Orpheus' power, now it's time for me to fight back. Bullying my woman's account, now let you calculate..." Nie Kong strolled towards Cao Cao, acting Very frivolous, but the speed is so fast that Cao Cao can't react.

"Household treasure!" Cao Cao was no longer calm, his expression full of panic for the first time.With a squeaky voice, Cao Cao divided into several people in front of Nie Kong.After counting, Nie Kong found that Cao Cao had already used six abilities.

And the most one is the ability to float, which is tasteless.

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