The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0400, the battle against the dragon

The real Crimson Dragon Emperor's gaze did not even look at Nie Kong and the others, but completely turned to Orpheus Lori.Perhaps in this world, not many people can attract its attention.It is known as the strongest DXD, and no one has ever known its true power limit.

Orpheus was twice as powerful as Nie Kong, but he couldn't hurt it at all.Nie Kong knew that it would be his strongest opponent in his life, so he didn't dare to care about it. He directly called out the armor of the Chilong Emperor, and began to increase his strength in ten seconds.Ten seconds later, the power of the Demon King was mentioned thirty times, and the terrifying power caused the True Scarlet Dragon Emperor to look at him.It is incredible that there will be a strong man beyond Orpheus in the world.

"Huh... we are ready this time, and summon you with the determination to defeat you!" Seeing that his attack did not take effect, Orpheus placed hope on Nie Kong.

"It's boring...I don't have time to play with you here. If there is nothing to do, I will go back." The Emperor Zhen Chi Long yawned, and then he was about to leave the world.For True Red Dragon Emperor, the human world is too narrow compared to the dimensional gap, and he is not used to it.

It is estimated that after a long time of swimming, the world has already been visited.The dimensional gap is infinite, so it likes there and drove Orpheus out.

"Since it's here, then stay." With the third boost of the armor, the scarlet magic surrounding Nie Kong materialized.The soaring arrogance washed away the dark clouds in the sky, releasing a violent hurricane.

Nie Kong's own strength increased to eight times, 120 times the magic power of the demon shook out, and the whole Japan was shaking violently.For the first time seeing Nie Kong's full power burst out, everyone present was shocked.

"Master... Master's strength, has it risen to this level?" Griffia and the others used all their strength to stabilize their figure in the tide of Nie Kong's energy explosion.

Seraphim had an expression of horror for the first time, and she couldn't imagine that they had just confronted an opponent with such a powerful force.Perceiving Nie Kong's hidden murderous eyes, True Crimson Dragon Emperor was shocked and very upset.

"There is such an unusual existence among the demons, and the strength has been increased several times, but I am a little too close to killing me!" Seeing Nie Kong exploded with power several times beyond Orpheus, the Emperor True Scarlet Dragon roared Strength began to increase.

Thumping... A strong heartbeat resounded through Kyoto, and the dragon in mid-air finally presented its full power to Nie Kong and the others.The true red power spread, shattering the surrounding space.

The howling waves lifted hundreds of meters, almost drowning Japan.Due to the traction of force, the surrounding climate has undergone drastic changes.Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, typhoons...Countless disasters have struck Japan and even affected all parts of the world.

The destructive power spread out, and the women felt cold all over.The true red dragon emperor is really strong and outrageous, a stronger power than his own master...

"It turns out that he was just playing with me before. Was his power ten times stronger than me before..." Even Orpheus saw its power for the first time, but he didn't expect it to exceed her. Imagine.

With a solemn expression, Nie Kong was wary of the enemy looking at midair.Unexpectedly, after he raised his limit, his strength fell by half.160 times the power of the Demon King, it’s a blow...

"Roar..." The Emperor True Scarlet Dragon spewed a crimson breath towards Nie Kong, rushing with the power to smash the space barrier.Exhale becomes the power to smash the world, and swings its wings into a hurricane...every simple action, it will bring an unstoppable disaster to the human world.At this moment, Nie Kong seemed to transform into a dragon-slaying warrior in Western fantasy.

"You stay away, the battle between us is far beyond your ability to intervene!" After warning a few women, Nie Kong greeted the dragon's breath.The energy of the breath is very irritable, as if it hits absolutely Nie Kong will be injured.

When the girls heard Nie Kong's warning, they flashed dozens of kilometers away.The only one who can get close to them is Orpheus.She looked at Nie Kong worriedly, unable to maintain a calm mood.

"Resolve!" Nie Kong has a powerful soul as his backing. He has the confidence to kill the true red dragon god emperor, and then use its soul as a divine tool spirit he refined.

The breath as big as a meteor appeared a few meters in front of Nie Kong, and then disappeared strangely.Nie Kong appeared at the height of the True Red Dragon Emperor, and finally formally looked directly at the dragon in front of him.

"Weird and powerful ability, no wonder dare to challenge me. I'm already a little interested, let's have a world-class battle." Contemplating the ant-like demon in front of him, the Emperor True Scarlet Dragon made a mocking voice.When I was peeing, I looked down upon my younger brother.

No wonder it was like this, Nie Kong in front of him was too small compared to him.The howling sound passed by, the huge wings pressed against Nie Kong in front.The figure is huge, but the speed is as fast as the contrast.It is hard to imagine that such a huge dragon would have the agility that is close to Nie Kong.

"Even if it is big, I won't lose to you... Fa Tian Xiang Di!" Nie Kong deprived Monkey King of the powers he had obtained from God Killer, and Nie Kong used his body to display it for the first time.

With the sudden voice, Nie Kong's small body directly expanded a hundred times!!The size of Nie Kong now was a bit bigger than the True Scarlet Dragon God Emperor in front of him.The two appeared in the midair of Kyoto like monsters and bumps.

With their appearance, the Japanese residents of the second element who had suffered numerous casualties began to pay their respects to them.

The True Crimson Dragon Emperor fell into Nie Kong's hands with wings of terrifying power, and pressed Nie Kong's feet into the ground halfway.But Nie Kong hugged its wings, then lifted it forcefully to the ground.

After talking a hundred times, Nie Kong's power was raised to the level of the True Scarlet Dragon Emperor, and the two powers were evenly matched.

With a loud bang, a violent magnitude eight earthquake occurred in a small Japan.The battle between the two beyond the world level destroyed Japan in a mess.The True Scarlet Dragon Emperor did not expect that Nie Kong in front of him would actually expand, and when he was surprised he was already sunk in the soil.

"It's so powerful, has it improved again after expanding?" The Emperor True Scarlet Dragon roared, and the powerful dragon's tail slammed at Nie Kong.Nie Kong stretched out his hands to block it, but the force of the counter-shock made him back a kilometer.

And Vali who rushed over saw the scene in front of him, showing a shocked expression.Unexpectedly, his target, the True Scarlet Dragon Emperor, can now Nie Kong be able to compete?

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