The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0401, Tu Long

After pushing back Nie Kong, the dragon opened its mouth like a roar.The dangerous energy contained in it directly shattered the surrounding stable space.It lives in the crevice of the dimension, and of course it can easily defeat the space.

The irritable dragon's breath blasted toward Nie Kong who was close to him, and the space in front of him passed by revealing cracks in the broken glass.Compared with its magic bullet, Suzex's magic bullet is simply weak.

Nie Kong showed a huge black divine sword in his hands, and then patted the flaming energy ball.Like a resilient tennis ball, Breath hits the steel that restrains the dragon snake and shoots to the right.

"Boom!" The irritable breath finally exploded, triggering a terrifying mushroom cloud in Kyoto, Japan.The wind whistled, and the aftermath of energy spread out and wiped out one third of Japan.

Nie Kong broke out a few drops of cold sweat, a really powerful attack.I'm so cautious, it's absolutely uncomfortable to be hit.Nie Kong introduced the curse of the Dragon Eater Samael into the Excalibur and made a Dragon Slaying Excalibur.

The huge divine sword sent out terrifying waves, and the Emperor True Red Dragon was surprised for the first time.It can feel the danger of Nie Kong's sword, which is inherent to it, like a frog seeing a snake.

"Don't be hit by it..." Such a thought was born in its heart, and it finally officially regarded Nie Kong as its true opponent at this time, and it didn't mean to underestimate it.

Nie Kong wiped the cold blade with his palm, and then rushed towards the giant dragon a kilometer away.Because of the huge counter-shock force, a thousand-meter deep pit appeared on the ground under Nie Kong's feet.

With a squeak, Nie Kong's resistance to break through the air instantly appeared in front of the True Crimson Dragon God Emperor.After it reacted, its huge fleshy wings fluttered at Nie Kong in the form of an eagle hitting the sky.

Two huge dragon claws grabbed Nie Kong's head, trying to kill Nie Kong in one blow.The mighty posture pounced with absolute power, giving people a great sense of oppression.Nie Kong put the divine sword in front of him and blocked the dragon's attack.

With the fierce battle between the two, Japan in the human world was destroyed by most.Although Nie Kong was holding a sword, the Emperor True Scarlet Dragon was as agile as a monkey, and the two were evenly matched in hand-to-hand combat.

When the Emperor Zhen Chilong pounced on Nie Kong again, he squinted his eyes and stretched out his left hand to it.There was a sharp tinkling sound, and dozens of dark long swords appeared in front of Nie Kong.Each sword is one hundred meters long and ten meters wide, covering the sky.

When the dragon pounced, it faced it at a very fast speed.Really Red Dragon Emperor didn't expect Nie Kong to have such a weird move. He wanted to avoid it but was powerless.As it accelerated and rushed towards Nie Kong's control of the Excalibur, the Excalibur pierced its red wings.

The Divine Sword is very sharp and carries a weird Qi that tears its flesh, and suddenly its body is covered with more than a dozen wounds.Especially the two wings used for flying were seriously injured by Nie Kong.

The True Red Dragon Emperor immediately lost his balance and fell from the sky to a hundred meters in front of Nie Kong.The distance between the two arms, where would Nie Kong give up a good counterattack opportunity.He leaped gently to the back of the true red dragon emperor, and then stepped on its two wings with his feet.

Right now, Nie Kong trampled the strongest dragon on his feet, then held the hilt with both hands, and pointed the sharp tip of the sword at the dragon's throat!!The great moment of slaying the dragon finally came, and the distant women watched the most sacred scene.

"My own choice, Nie Kong, really helped me realize my wish from ancient times?" Orpheus looked at Nie Kong's heroic movements, and was fascinated for a while.

"Roar..." The True Red Dragon Emperor knew that he was facing the greatest danger, and he roared to break free from Nie Kong.But it was too late now, Nie Kong stepped on its wings forcefully, and the sharp divine sword pierced the dragon's neck forcefully.

"Zizi..." Without hindrance, Nie Kong's Dragon Slaying Sword poke a hole in the neck of the True Scarlet Dragon God Emperor.It stiffened, then violently flicked its tail and then slowly stopped.

With the gurgling sound, the bright red dragon blood stained a few kilometers nearby.And its eyes, there is no longer the slightest expression.DXD's strongest True Scarlet Dragon God Emperor, died in the hands of Nie Kong at this moment.

However, Nie Kong did not intend to let it go. The terrifying soul power spread out from his pale golden pupils, and he saw the soul of the True Scarlet Dragon God Emperor floating out of his body.

Nie Kong had already made plans to use its soul to replace the Chilong Emperor and condense his armor again.The Scarlet Dragon Emperor was far weaker than the True Scarlet Dragon God Emperor, even reaching one-eighth of Orpheus's.

After being refined by Nie Kong, the artifact it hosts can already increase Nie Kong's power eight times.If you replace it with the true red dragon emperor, then what stage will his armor help him improve to?You must know that the power of the true red dragon god emperor is fifty times that of the red dragon emperor, and the difference between the two is the distance between the sky and the earth.

Nie Kong used his powerful soul power to detain its soul, and then sealed it in his armor.Its soul is far stronger than what Nie Kong had seen, but how the imaginary soul is Nie Kong's already substantial opponent.

Nie Kong didn't bother to take it in, and the Emperor True Scarlet Dragon roared in panic.It never thought that its soul would suffer such a difficult situation, and for a while, it was angry, frightened... and flooded its soul.

Nie Kong ignored it, so let's talk about refining when there is time, now we will clean up the mess.

After the battle between the two, the little Japan was completely ruined, without half alive.The girl in the DXD world showed a sad expression after seeing the tragic scene.

As for Graffia and Jiaer, they have seen it several times, so they are already very calm.

Nie Kong returned to his original shape and appeared in front of the women.

"Devil...You are the devil, you killed my mother and destroyed the world..." Little fox Loli Jiuzhong cried and scolded Nie Kong, but her pure eyes looked at Nie Kong with fear.

What will he do with me, will he be eaten, or will he be killed?

"I'll eat you again..." Nie Kong glared at Little Lolly, making her cutely reach out her hand and cover her mouth.Nie Kong looked at the nine-tailed fox Yasaka, indeed there was no life.

But with the existence of the reincarnation system, it is very simple to save her.Nie Kong threw the soldier's chess piece on her huge nine-tailed fox body, and then let the chess piece stain her blood.

The chess piece emitted a dazzling red light, and then the nine-tailed fox, who had been dead for a long time, opened his eyes quietly.After seeing Nie Kong, he knelt in front of him and licked his feet obediently.

"the host……"

Reborn as a demon soldier of Nie Kong's family, she has become Nie Kong's servant.

"Mother..." Kunou opened Rias's arms, then hugged the Kyuubi fox in front of him.Yasaka fox paw touched her head lovingly, his feelings for her daughter did not change at all.

After seeing her mother's resurrection, Yasaka threw into her arms and wept bitterly.She is already very satisfied to be able to save her mother.

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