The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional text 0411The strange loli

And the most weird thing is that there are many weird "monsters" among pedestrians, orcs who can stand.After seeing them with his own eyes, Nie Kong was surprised that he had appeared in the magical alien world in the West.Science and technology are very advanced. Could it be that even animals can evolve into humans?A peculiar monster, a peculiar world, but Nie Kong was very strange to the world in front of him, and did not have the slightest impression.

The first of course is to understand the background of the world, and then plan the direction of future action.

With full of doubts, Nie Kong walked out of the bright streets.The sound of the solid white concrete road screams, and the vehicles on the road travel super fast.While driving on the road, there was a loud noise in front of me, and I didn’t know what happened.The store on the right was crowded with a large group of people. Nie Kong went down and glanced with some curiosity, only to see a big summer house in the street.

Beep beep...the sound of the siren sounded, and dozens of police officers armed with weapons appeared in front of them.It seems that the current world force value is very low. The police use such hot weapons.I now have more than 20 times the power of the Demon King, and a hundred times the increase in armor, it is estimated to be able to run wild in this world, right?

Passers-by stopped one after another and stopped to watch the excitement. Suddenly, noisy discussions came and went one after another.Nie Kong's spiritual knowledge spread out, and finally understood what was happening in front of him.

The bloody thing is that two robbers armed with pistols are robbing the bank.They took the hostages and wore black stockings.

After a while, the two robbers who broke into the bank finally ran out. Everyone carried a bag full of coins. In front of them, a dozen hostages were slowly walking ahead in fear.

"If you don't want them to die, just leave the way to me!" The leader of the bandit gang threatened the police in a cold voice. After speaking, he raised his machine gun and pointed it at the sky. The continuous shooting made the people around who were still watching the excitement panic, and the whole street was chaotic.

The policemen hiding behind the car as cover glanced at each other, apparently discussing how to act.However, the police were afraid of the hostages held by the criminals, and obediently gave them a way out.

Just as these robbers watched these wimpy policemen shrink up with pride, a small figure flashed out of the crowd and rushed towards the location of the robbers.

"Who is that?" a robber in front of him said in surprise, and there was a vague figure in his sight.

Before the robber could reflect, the figure flashed in front of him, waved his petite fist, and hit the robber's nose.One of the robbers cried out and was knocked to the ground.

One was defeated, and the last boss remained.But the two will come out to rob the bank, it seems they are desperadoes.

"Damn it, who on earth would dare to block our way of making money!" The bandit leader yelled and took action at the same time, shooting the figure with the pistol in his hand.

The gunshots continued, and the deadly tongue fired wildly.On the robber's face, there was embarrassment at the expense of life.The scene suddenly became chaotic. The onlookers couldn't help but flee for their lives, while the police had to take measures to maintain chaotic order.

The robber's actions may have had an effect. The shadow stayed on the spot, rolling around in embarrassment and avoiding the bullet.People around also saw the true appearance of the figure.She is a very cute eleven or twelve-year-old girl, a loli with two pony tails tied.

She is like an agile cat, avoiding the bullet of the pistol.Her skills are slightly stronger than ordinary people, but she is already remarkable at such a young age.She spread her hands on the ground, then turned over and appeared in front of the robber.A powerful kick hit his head.The about ten-year-old girl was victorious, and she knocked down two desperate gangsters by her own skill.

Some spectators around exclaimed, but some people seemed to be surprised, and they seemed to know the girl about ten years old in front of them.

"Who is she, she is so skilled at a young age?" a woman with a child asked the nearby crowd.

"You came here to travel from other cities, don't you even know the daughter of the most famous and most powerful fighting champion? She, but the best girl in our city." One of the girls explained aloud. She looked at the girl with gleaming eyes, as if she wanted to hold her in her arms.

"It turns out to be the daughter of the World Fighting Champion, no wonder it's so amazing!" After hearing the explanation, the strangers around finally showed a suddenly realized expression.Perhaps she had experience in handling, and the police did not ask her to return to the police station to file a case.

Nie Kong looked at the girl in front of him in surprise, didn't he expect to meet the world's most powerful master so soon?But with her strength, it was dozens of times worse than the girl in her ring.

Full of curiosity, he followed Lori, wanting to understand the background of the world.Her father is the strongest in the world, so Nie Kong should have analyzed the situation.

After passing the disgusting statues in the city, Nie Kong followed Lori and appeared in front of the wooden house building.People come and go before the building, it is as lively as a vegetable market.Among them are young guys, no girls.

And when they saw the loli-like girl appearing, they respectfully and flattered around her like a baby.She is like the princess of the stars holding the moon, ignoring the flattery of the boys around.

The building in front of me looks like a Japanese gymnasium, but the statue in front of me is very disgusting.Nie Kong just thought

From beginning to end, the surrounding people did not find Nie Kong.Although it is early night, there are many visitors to the gym.Hearing it from a distance, there was a loud blow from the building.

Was it training? No wonder there was such a voice.

Even though Nie Kong had been through this for a long time, it was the first time he came to the gym.Wouldn't it be too arrogant if I walked into the kicking hall by myself.Anyway, let's go in first, there are many people coming to sign up anyway.

After Nie Kong made such plans, he finally appeared from the dark.The young boys around were stunned when they saw Nie Kong's appearance, and watched as the monster Nie Kong stepped into the gym.

"Hey...Is he here to play in the gym, or to apprentice?" People watching the excitement swarm in, wanting to see the world champion.

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