The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0412Lesson Satan

Such an outstanding figure will appear in front of the gymnasium opened by the world champion. His reputation is really great.Nie Kong with extraordinary temperament appeared, driving the crowd around him away.

Although the gym in front of you is not very luxurious, it is very spacious.The floor of the gymnasium is made of good planks, and the beams inside are hung with many heavyweight sandbags.

More than a dozen shirtless men were practicing fighting skills in the dojo, and the shouts were made by them.The girl Nie Kong was following stood at the right of the middle-aged man who was curled up like instant noodles, with his hands in his waist and laughing wildly.

Standing in the middle of the dojo, a few young men were testing something, and the arrogant middle-aged man who was known as the world fighting champion pointed to them.They didn't wear the training clothes of the dojo, it seemed that they just wanted to sign up for the training of the dojo.

When it was the last little man's turn, he hit the middle of the sandbag with his flushed face, but the sandbag just shook slightly.Compared with the previous five people, his power is too small.

The world champion shook his head and refused directly: "You have no qualifications for fighting. Satan has no time to teach people like you. Please find someone else."

"Mr. Satan, please give me another chance." The thin boy knelt in front of Satan, but the black instant noodle-haired Satan didn't have mercy on him, and called the next one behind him.

Originally from the university, he signed up for his dojo to pass a test, such as punching the sandbag in front of him.If the sandbag shakes severely, then it means passing.

At this time, Nie Kong just walked into the dojo, and everyone looked at him.

Nie Kong Lingshen scanned the past and finally found the so-called world fighting champion.His arrogant appearance is familiar, but Nie Kong's impression is vague.And his combat effectiveness is so scumbag that Nie Kong can pinch him to death with a single finger.

The so-called world's most powerful is the instant noodle man in front of him, the force value of this world is too low.

"You are here to sign up for my dojo practice, come here and test whether you are qualified to be my disciple..." Satan waved to Nie Kong, his expression a little impatient.

When the loli girl saw the white-faced Nie Kong coming out, her pretty face flashed with a little disdain.

"You are wrong. The purpose of my trip here is to see the so-called world fighting champion." Nie Kong said truthfully, but the meaning expressed made the surrounding people misunderstand.

The weak little white face actually wants to challenge his father, it is really overwhelming.The loli girl idolized her father since she was a child, so she had long believed that Nie Kong was seeking her own death.

"Haha...we heard that right, is he actually going to challenge the master." After ten seconds of freezing, the apprentice in the dojo made a mocking sound at the same time.They compared the figures of the two and found that the master Satan was full of muscles, while the opposite Nie Kong was too delicate.

"Young people have the courage to show that they are a good thing. In that case, let me play with you." Satan shook off his cloak and walked in front of Nie Kong.He wanted to use the "weak" Nie Konglu to improve his prestige in front of new students.

There was a lot of discussion from below, and they looked forward to seeing Satan preparing to take a shot!Because everyone here has never seen the performance of his master himself!

But they knew that their master was very strong, and they almost broke the sandbag with the power of their right fist.Lolita, who was about ten years old, was a little abnormal. She did not leave, but turned her head to stare at the two who were about to fight with big eyes full of aura.

Satan came to Nie Kong's front and pointed directly at him provocatively, "Are you here to challenge this uncle? I'll let you do two tricks." He pointed at his face arrogantly, as if inviting Nie Kong to hit him.

As for how much strength the mere little white face can have, Satan should take his breath away.After I defeated him, I was blackmailing him for a large amount of spiritual practice.Satan, who planned this way, didn't put Nie Kong in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly curved.

Nie Kong was stunned. He didn't intend to kick the gym strongly.After all, after the crisis some time ago, he awakened his sense of danger.

Hearing what Satan said, everyone couldn't help but laugh, no matter who was the first to attack, the master's strength was obviously bullying the opposite person.

Who knew the situation would develop to where it is now, Nie Kong had no choice but to take action.The fist condensed one-twentieth of the power, and Nie Kong, who appeared in front of Satan, hit his face severely.

With a bang, Satan flew out more than ten meters away, and then fell into the wall of the house.Two blood stains came out of his nose, and the marks of Nie Kong's fist appeared on his face.

No extra actions, simple and straightforward.The World Fighting Champion was a joke in front of him, it was weak.


"Master..." After the deathly silence, the people around yelled in surprise.Mr. Satan they admired, is it going to be defeated by the unknown little white face? They can't accept it.

Satan only felt a sharp pain in his face, and he was swept up with a strong force and fell directly to the ground sideways.

"It's amazing..." Satan felt a little shocked as he felt his scattered body.He didn't expect Nie Kong in front of him to be so powerful, and he almost severely injured him with a single punch.

But his apprentice was watching him around, how could he give up so easily.He stood up pretending to be relaxed, with a relieved expression on his puffy face.

"Yes, after my personal test, you have a talent for fighting! Your fist is very powerful, but unfortunately it's a bit too close to deal with this uncle." Satan wrapped his arms around his chest, as if a master was testing his own disciple.

"Well, how could the master lose to him? It turns out that the master deliberately tested his strength. Such a powerful fist did not hurt the master, the master is really powerful." The surrounding apprentices whispered, and then revealed a sudden realization. expression.Not to mention, Mr. Satan has a talent for acting.

"I missed it. I didn't expect him to be so powerful, but he is still far from defeating my father." The girl thought.

Nie Kong was also very surprised. The middle-aged man in front of him had eaten a fist of one-twentieth of his strength as if nothing had happened, and his vitality was comparable to Xiaoqiang.To know that little strength is enough to crush the entire building.

If Nie Kong knew that Trunks, who had undergone Saiyan transformation, was not dead, then Nie Kong would be relieved.

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