The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 0419, fairy beans

Vidili, who was already several hundred meters high, gripped the bulge of Kalinta with both hands, and crawled upwards quickly.When she looked down, she felt the soles of her feet soft.The height of several hundred meters is already terrifying for her.

Secretly suppressing his panic, Vidili concentrated on climbing quickly.Although crawling is not strenuous, but after five or six hours of rapid crawling, she only felt that her body became extremely heavy.Every crawling step feels extremely difficult.Bidelli looked up, but he hadn't seen the top of the tower...

"Huh!" Take a deep breath and pause for a moment. The muscles of the feet recovered. She continued to climb up again, but the more painful she got behind her, her hands and legs were so sore that she almost lost her strength. clean.She even felt tingling in her legs.It doesn't seem to belong to me.

Just looking at the height of tens of thousands of meters below her body, her eyes were firm.If she fell from that height, she would definitely die with her current strength.There is no retreat, I can only stick to it.

In the threat of death, Bidili only felt as if his body had regained strength, trying to squeeze out every bit of strength hidden in his body.In the cycle of accelerating crawling again, her physique went through the exercises that exceeded the limit again and again.

After a arduous twenty-four hours of crawling, she finally lost all her strength.She couldn't grasp the tower with her fingers, and she fell with the wind.Still haven't seen the top of the tower, are you dying?

The whistling wind rang, and she knew that she was falling at high speed.She climbed hundreds of kilometers in twenty-four hours, but unfortunately she could not land on the top of the tower with her present.

Just as Vidili was waiting to die in despair, she suddenly felt the wind stop.She sank into a warm embrace, and the familiar masculine breath came from her nose.She opened her eyes in disbelief, and after seeing the person holding her, Bidili's eyes burst into tears.

It turned out that Nie Kong was always observing himself, he was worried about himself.It's good to be alive, she buried her pretty face in Nie Kong's arms like a coquettish, enjoying the sense of security Nie Kong brought to her.

"Well, after all, Kalinta is too reluctant for you. You can climb here, it's already great. I will hold you for the rest of the road." Nie Kong hugged the petite Vidili. , And then control the qi in the body to spray out on the soles of the feet.

Like a rocket, Nie Kong led Vidili to the top of the tower at high speed.Compared to the speed of Bi Di Li, it was hundreds of times faster.

After dozens of seconds, Nie Kong finally landed on the top of Kalinta.After spotting Nie Kong and the others, Immortal Kalin showed a surprised expression.He never thought that there would be such a strong person on Earth except for a few warrior worlds.

The first floor of Kalinta was empty and no one existed, except for the three junk-looking earthen jars beside it.Nie Kong gently put Vidili down and stepped on the stairs to the second top level.

When Nie Kong left the top of the tower, Vidili walked to the front of the three earthen jars and looked at the only item in the tower.

"Is it the super holy water contained in it?" Vidili opened the middle pot and looked inside.

The water curtain in the earthen jar was rippling, and suddenly a familiar sight appeared in front of her.I saw my father scolding his students in the dojo, and there were two or three apprentices who were very strange to Vidili.

Bidelli was a little curious and stretched her hand in, but when her hand touched the water curtain, the scene inside disappeared immediately, and even the water inside disappeared strangely.Bidili was stunned for a moment, and then with even greater curiosity he uncovered the earthen jar on the left.

Another picture appeared in her eyes, but this picture was more familiar than just now.Because that scene is playing the scene that I just practiced a few years ago.

"Is it a picture of my own past and present? There really is a fairy." Vidili muttered to herself, and then walked to the earthen jar on the far right. After a little hesitation, she opened it.

But when he opened it, nothing appeared in the jar.There are only two gloomy green lights.In an instant, a huge centipede appeared in front of her.

As soon as the centipede appeared, it directly rushed towards Vidili who had not had time to react.Seeing that the centipede's fangs got closer and closer, they couldn't do anything. Vidili called Nie Kong in fear, but couldn't make a sound.

Only when the centipede's big mouth approached, the centipede's body suddenly turned into a blurred scene.Countless strange characters passed by in front of her, and finally stopped at the last scene.

The familiar Nie Kong was holding the strange and familiar girl Vidili, and the two hugged naked.The master Nie Kong pressed the girl and played with the girl's skin with both hands.

Especially for the girl's secret breasts, his hands stayed for a long time.

And what made Bidi Li's face flushed even more, it was his master who pushed into the strange girl's body, they...what are they doing?

After seeing the restricted level scene, the petite Bidili suddenly felt that she had grown up, she knew a lot...

When she came back to her senses, she was already lying soft on the ground, her blushing pretty face looked very cute.The sight before her had disappeared, but it was clearly in her mind.

"Bah...what the hell is this, why did I see...I saw Teacher Nie Kong doing that kind of thing." How did she feel that the girl with short hair was familiar, who was it?

The top floor was simpler than the one below, and there was nothing except a kettle on a strangely shaped stone pillar in the middle.And the cat fairy holding a cane is standing in the middle, squinting for his arrival.

"Young strong man, what is your purpose of landing in Kalinta?"

Nie Kong's goal is the god of heaven, here is the transition to the heaven, and by the way, use some fairy beans.

"You should have a lot of fairy beans in stock now. Bring them all to me."

How could the cat immortal agree to Nie Kong's excessive request? It only threw two of them to Nie Kong, saying it was his last fairy bean.

How could Nie Kong believe the cat fairy's nonsense, his eyes looked at it slightly, and it only felt that the spirit was beginning to trance.When it reacted, it found that the hidden fairy beans had been raided clean.

"Xiandou, you have already gotten it, you should leave now." It looked at Nie Kong in horror, not expecting that he would be manipulated one day.

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