The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0420, the temple

"There is really nothing to attract me." Nie Kong took the big bag of celestial beans into Dingtian Ring, and his frank and direct words hit the cat immortal not lightly.

"Videli, have you rested well, we are going to leave."

"Come...come!" Vidili's face turned red when she appeared in front of Nie Kong. Could it be that she didn't have a good rest.After Nie Kong felt her breathing a little messy, he threw a fairy bean directly to her.

"It's called Xiandou. No matter how many injuries it is, it can instantly recover to its best state. If you haven't rested well, eat it."

Although part of the reason is due to fatigue, most of it is the abnormality that arises after she sees the restricted level scene.Bidili couldn't explain, besides, she was very curious about the fairy beans introduced by Nie Kong.

She took the fairy bean and threw it in her mouth, chewing and swallowing it.In an instant, power rushed to her body, and Vidili felt full of air flowing in her body.After Kalinta's life and death training, her combat effectiveness increased from 30 to 45.It seems that Kalinta is very effective for people within 100 combat power, and it has actually improved that much.

"What a miraculous bean, it's amazing." Bidili looked at Nie Kong in surprise, as if to know how many secrets he hadn't told himself.

"It's good to get back to health, and there will be more difficult special training waiting for you next. Come on, we are leaving." Nie Kong waved to Bidili, motioning to hold her and leave again.

As if scrupulously, Vidili hesitated in front of Nie Kong for a long time.In the end, due to Nie Kong's urging, Vidili had no choice but to return to Nie Kong's arms obediently.

The feeling of staying in Nie Kong's arms has changed a lot from before, the most obvious is that the heart's pulse frequency has been several times higher.The two clung to each other tightly across their clothes, and Vidili felt flustered.

After holding the petite Vidili tightly, Nie Kong floated in the air and did not return to the ground as the cat fairy expected, but rushed to the opposite high altitude.The place there is the heaven, where the gods live!

The cat fairy was startled in a cold sweat, but it couldn't stop Nie Kong from moving forward, it could only pass the news to the gods early.That's right, Nie Kong's choice of cultivation site is the heaven, a temple floating high above Kalinta, where the gods who guard the earth live!

Nie Kong's body was like a meteor, breaking through the obstacles of heavy air currents.The white air on the surface of his body permeated his whole body, and it rubbed strongly with the air during the high-speed flight, making the sound of turbulent friction.

Having flown for dozens of kilometers, when finally looking up, Nie Kong saw the floating temple on the circular base.There is a rope ladder at the bottom for people to climb.

Seeing the mysterious land like a sky garden, Vidili's eyes flashed with surprise again.During the journey with Nie Kong, Bidili felt that she had encountered more bizarre things than she had encountered in more than ten years.But Vidili was very excited and had a fresh sense of adventure.

The experience gained during the journey was something she couldn't learn in the dojo, and she was thankful that she made the right decision.

Nie's air flowed and slowly dissipated. He moved lightly, like falling leaves falling on the temple, stepping on the white stone slab.

The area of ​​the temple is very large, a few kilometers long and wide, and in the middle is a magnificent palace.The white marble floor covers the floor of the temple, holy and solemn.Small trees are planted around the temple, the leaves are green, the flowers next to the trees are in full bloom, and the fragrance is scent.

After arriving at the temple, Vidili felt difficulty with a breath.After dozens of breaths, I finally got used to it.She looked at the surrounding scenes curiously, thinking in her mind who would live on such a high island.

Finally reached the final goal, Nie Kong's spiritual consciousness covered the entire temple.Perhaps it was because the temple did not find the Dragon Ball Warrior, he was a little relieved.

About to walk to the front room, suddenly two people greeted the palace.The one in the front is a man with pitch-black skin all over, dressed like an Arab.In the back is an elderly man with green skin and crutches.The wrinkled skin clearly explained his age and the vicissitudes of life he experienced, while the godly characters printed on his clothes explained his identity.

When both of them saw Nie Kong, they were a little surprised.Without any qi spreading out, it looked like an ordinary young man.But when the god looked closely, he found that the dimension between them was so far apart... the strange feeling was stronger than when he faced the realm king god!

"Hello..." Seeing that Nie Kong didn't speak, Vidili greeted them for Nie Kong.

Bobo wiped his sweat lightly, his dark face squeezed out a little smile, he asked, "Guests from afar, what do you want to do when you come to the temple?" Bobo asked Nie Kong about the temple. Of course, I hope they will come with a friendly attitude.

"From now on, it will take us five months to practice in the temple, don't you have any comments." Nie Kong planned to control the gods in front of him so that he would not attract Wukong and the others.If he faces the Dragon Ball Warrior now, he can only be abused.

" problem, just come to us if you have any difficulties." The contrasting attitude of the gods made Nie Kong embarrassed to start.Popo wanted to say something, but the gods stopped him.

Now that they knew each other, Nie Kong nodded and prepared to implement his plan to become stronger.

His physique limit has been stuck for a long time, and the strength of double cultivation is too slow. He has to use the practice of the gravity room to break through his limit.And because of the existence of the spiritual time house in the heavens, a year there is equivalent to a day in reality.Only two people can enter at a time, and the gravity inside is ten times that of the outside...

Although it is said that a person can only enter the normal time for two days in his life, the overtime exit will disappear and never come back.But Nie Kong is very confident, after all, he has the ability to teleport.As long as he uses his mental power to break through the barriers of space, he should be able to come back.

Five months is equivalent to 150 years, and Nie Kong happens to have the blood of a vampire, this time is almost nothing.And Vidili could only go in for two days, otherwise she would have become an old woman.

"Well, I'm going to the Spiritual Time House to practice in a few days. Please help arrange it."

When Nie Kong spoke of the Spiritual Time House, they showed expressions of surprise.He was really mysterious, and he would know the situation in the heavens.

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