The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0421, the practice of the spiritual time house

Since Tianjin Fan and the others, as ordinary humans, can break through several million in combat power, then they are the true ancestors of vampires and should have potential to exceed them!Nie Kong believed that after the arduous practice of the Spiritual Time House, he would have improved hundreds or even tens of thousands of times.

With such a realization, Nie Kong followed behind the gods and walked along the corridor of the temple to the Spiritual Time House.And because there was a ten times the gravity zone inside, it was just right for Nie Kong's practice at this time.

Since Vidili could not bear ten times the gravity, Nie Kong had to put the stolen gravity room outside the temple for her to practice.Her stage training is a fight to control Qi, using her hair to cultivate a doll to be her opponent.After he got used to ten times the gravity, he moved the gravity room into the mental time room to practice.Thinking about starting a training of hundreds of times gravity in the mental time house, he is full of expectations.

"This is the Spiritual Time House. There is no boundary. You can only stay in it for two days. Anyway, I will call you after two days. The food and bathroom are all available, as long as you remember to come back here after two days, and also Remember not to destroy the door, otherwise you will be lost here forever." After walking for a long time, God finally took Nie Kong to the white door.

"Okay, I know its function very well, don't bother me if there is nothing wrong." Nie Kong pushed the door and walked towards the house, but he suddenly noticed that a mountain was pressing down on him.

After seeing Nie Kong enter, God didn't say anything.After leaving the room, he walked back to the temple along the corridor.

Ten times the gravity is really nothing to Nie Kong, who has a combat power of over 8,000, but Nie Kong is a little surprised because he is not used to it!His knees were slightly bent, but Nie Kong finally managed to stand up after slowly controlling the qi in his body.

His hands and feet are tied to lead cores, and it takes a lot of effort to move, let alone stand up.In such a strong gravity environment, Nie Kong's movements were very slow.

It would take him a few hours to get used to the gravity of the mental time house.After all, Wukong's five thousand combat power can move freely at ten times the gravity, of course he can.

Only when a person has a goal can he continue to energize and release his potential again.This is what Sun Wukong did, and Vegeta did the same in order to catch up with Wukong.

Breathing out gently, Nie Kong shook his head, let's go with the flow!The best practice is for someone to accompany him, so Nie Kong released Orpheus MM of Dingtianjie.

Orpheus appeared short, and she looked at the surrounding environment in surprise.When she saw the familiar Nie Kong, surprise flashed across her plain eyes.With the girls as a regulator, Nie Kong was able to persist in the boring practice.

"The gravity here is ten times that of normal, Orpheus accompany me to practice."

"Hmm..." Orpheus said few things, but Nie Kong knew it was her character.She was a mouthless loli, and she still didn't say more than a few words in front of the Nie Kong she liked.Even in H, I always bite my lower lip to endure the bone-eroding happiness.

The two are like babies learning to walk, slowly starting to fight in the huge space.After such repeated cultivation, Nie Kong and the others successfully got used to the gravity zone inside it after half a day.

The movement was smooth, but they did not return to the normal high speed between gravity.If you overcome ten times the gravity, it should be the response when ten times the gravity is like one time.

They are just accustomed to ten times the gravity, it will take some time to overcome it.

Nie Kong began his endless training in the Spiritual Time House, but his exhausted mind was relieved to enjoy the time because of the comfort of the girl.After practicing that day, he threw the mouthless Orpheus down.

When Nie Kong put her hands into Orpheus's gothic dress, she blushed and let Nie Kong mess with her.She likes the happiness Nie Kong brings to her and the feeling of being with Nie Kong.

With Nie Kong in her heart, she seemed to have found the joy of living in the world.The training time is fifteen hours, and the remaining few hours are happy time for Nie Kong to accompany the girl.When there is suffering and happiness, people's lives will become fulfilled.

Every day, he will take his turn to release the girls and enjoy the joy of cultivation and the spiritual comfort brought to him by double cultivation.Ten times the gravity, Nie Kong quickly overcome it, and he no longer felt the pressure of gravity in the spiritual time house.

In a blink of an eye, Nie Kong has been in the Spiritual Time House for three months.In 10 times the gravity, his combat effectiveness really improved.He used to have a combat power of 8,000. After training in the gravity room, he has broken through to 3W.Sure enough, every day is equivalent to twenty-four hours of cultivation, Nie Kong's progress is not trivial.

Of course the girls as he improved, the appearance of the Celestial Beast, Lias, Lilith Beast, Orpheus...their combat effectiveness has been significantly improved, all breaking through to three thousand.

After Nie Kong practiced again for a month, he found that his combat power had increased by more than a thousand, very slowly. He knew that at this moment, it was finally his turn to appear in the gravity room he had stolen.

Nie Kong opened the door of the Spiritual Time House, and then returned to the outside of the temple along the corridor.I saw that I had entered the Spiritual Time House at noon, but now the sun has not completely sunk to the west.

He knew that only a few hours had passed since the time outside, but he felt like a world away.As if his hands and feet were weightless, he felt that he would rush out several hundred meters with a little effort.

The power surged out, and he felt very excited.After several months of cultivation, he has improved even more than the planes he has experienced.

God and Bobo both showed surprised expressions when they saw Nie Kong as if they had changed themselves.

The silver hair has returned to black, and he has become an ordinary earthling.At this moment, Nie Kong's physique can finally barely accommodate Nie Kong's powerful soul cultivation.

"Where is Vidili, where is she now?" Nie Kong asked casually.

"She is practising in your gravity room now, and it is estimated that she will be ready to come out. With the help of Xiandou, she is really crazy in her practice..." Recalling Bidili's incident, Bobo replied.

It turned out that Vidili was completely defeated by the replica that was skilled in controlling Qi, but she stood up immediately after she fell.If the injury is serious, take fairy beans immediately. If it is not serious, she will endure against the replica.

Bidili is practicing under the condition of twice the gravity, and has a comparable opponent, of course she will improve quickly.

"In this case, let me move the gravity room directly into the mental time room." Nie Kong put the gravity room and Vidili into the Dingtian Ring, and then took away the equipment that made the replica.

Vidili's practice needed it, so Nie Kong had to take it from Bobo.

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